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College  | Rankings  | 1/20/2015

2015 Preseason College Top 25

Photo: Vanderbilt Athletics

Promise realized, Vandy's No. 1Preseason All-American Team | 2015 College Baseball Preview Index

Perfect Game has assembled a team to cover the 2015 college baseball season, with Frankie Piliere, Jheremy Brown, Patrick Ebert and Mike Rooney being appointed to tackle the sport at the Division I level. While Perfect Game's Preseason All-American Team was the first feature that hit the site to kick of the 2015 coverage, followed by the class-by-class prospect rankings, it was unanimously recognized that the preseason rankings of the top 25 teams was the single most important stand-alone feature, and as a result the most time was spent as a group going through the top teams with a fine-toothed comb.

Each member of the team supplied their own top 25, and from that a collaborative top 25 was created from which we then started making individual cases for the schools we felt weren't ranked properly.

Not surprisingly, Vanderbilt was at the top of all four rankings, and we would be surprised to learn if anyone close to the sport would put any other program at the top. That isn't to say it's signed, sealed and delivered that the Commodores will finish the 2015 season on top, but at this point in time it's impossible to choose any other team, as each and every member of the pitching staff poses a formidable challenge.

Virginia wasn't a unanimous choice at No. 2, but was listed in the top 5 of each of the four top 25 submissions. It was agreed that Virginia and Texas Christian were the two programs that could match Vanderbilt's pitching wealth, even if the overall teams weren't quite as strong. Pitching overall was a consistent, recurring theme through the top teams as ranked below, with very few programs standing out for their potential offensive output as the primary reason for their inclusion.

In total, 32 teams were listed between the four submissions, indicating that all four members of Perfect Game's college baseball coverage were in relative agreement to who the top teams in the sport were.

Similar to recent years, every Monday during the regular season Perfect Game will update its rankings of the top 25 teams which will follow with a chat to discuss these changes. This week the first chat of the 2015 season will occur on Friday. In between now and then we will provide detailed capsules of the top 25 teams and breakdowns of the 15 teams that just missed the cut.

In the meantime be sure to read Jeff Dahn's feature on Vanderbilt opening the 2015 season as Perfect Game's No. 1 college baseball team.

And be sure to Like Perfect Game's College Baseball page on Facebook and follow the team on Twitter:

@PGCollegeBall | @PGPatrickEbert | FPilierePG | JBrownPG | Mike_Rooney

Rk. Team Conf. 2014 Rec. 2014 Rk.
1 Vanderbilt SEC 51-21 1
2 Virginia ACC 51-21 2
3 Texas Christian Big 12 48-18 5
4 Florida SEC 40-23 22
5 UCLA Pac-12 25-30-1 NR 
6 Texas Big 12 46-21 3
7 Louisiana State SEC 46-16-1 21
8 Houston American 48-18 12
9 Louisville ACC 50-17 7
10 Miami ACC 44-19 24
11 Florida State ACC 43-17 23
12 Texas Tech Big 12 45-21 9
13 Oklahoma State Big 12 48-18 11
14 South Carolina SEC 44-18 25
15 Oregon Pac-12 44-20 NR 
16 Arkansas SEC 40-25 NR 
17 North Carolina ACC 35-27 NR 
18 UC Santa Barbara Big West 34-17-1 NR 
19 Cal State Fullerton Big West 34-24 NR 
20 Arizona State Pac-12 33-24 NR 
21 Rice C-USA 42-20 NR 
22 Stanford Pac-12 35-26 15
23 Mississippi State SEC 39-24 NR 
24 Kennesaw State Atlantic Sun 40-24 18
25 Texas A&M SEC 44-19 NR 

Others receiving consideration: Oregon State, Tennessee, Alabama, Loyola Marymount, Cal Poly, Clemson, College of Charleston