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General  | Press Release  | 6/24/2020

Updated PG COVID-19 Message

Jerry Ford     
To help expedite responses, please send team tournament questions to tournaments@perfectgame.org, individual player showcase questions to showcases@perfectgame.org, and general inquiries to specific event director or staff@perfectgame.org

Updated Monday, June 24, 2020, 5:15 p.m. ET

This is the final update until something changes. Please check the schedule and go to the event page for any updates.

We are now playing in most locations and soon we hope we’ll be playing everywhere in the country. So far, things are going fairly smoothly.

We have received many questions regarding safety regulations at various places. The regulations and guidelines are different from one location to the next. We follow all recommended local guidelines. If you are interested in the guidelines for any location we have an event, we suggest you search the web for the latest information from that area. Also, check our guidelines and recommendations.

If we are allowed to play, we are going to play. If for some reason we are not allowed to play, we will not play.

The decision to attend or not attend a PG event is completely up to you. If you don’t feel comfortable about playing, don’t play. If you don’t want to travel, don’t travel. The choice is up to the player and his family. We don’t want to force people into playing baseball during this troublesome time. Just know that our staff will be there.

As States and Counties open up their restrictions involving baseball, we will be there playing baseball for the thousands that have a desire to play. For those that don’t feel safe playing or traveling and would feel better by staying close to home, we totally understand and respect their decision.

Updated Monday, May 25, 2020, 1:15 p.m. ET

Showcases and Tournaments will be starting up very soon. We expect June to be an extremely busy time.  Showcase Players and Tournament Teams are notified, via email, regarding any changes we have made or will be making in the schedule.  Please check the schedule for updated information. Operational procedures will be posted whenever there are any changes.  

All players will need to have their parents sign the appropriate release form, which can be done online.  Just being listed on a roster is not enough, you will need the release signed in order to play. As we all know, baseball does involve injuries at times.  There is always a certain amount of inherent risk involved in most every sporting event.  Though we will be taking every possible precaution when it comes to Covid-19, we cannot eliminate all risks.

You will see some noticeable changes from previous PG events.  Please understand that those changes are made to keep everyone safe as possible from catching or transferring the virus.  Also realize that certain venues/locations may have additional guidelines based on state or local regulations.

Please stay safe and healthy

Updated Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 6:35 p.m. ET

With no news coming out of Alabama this week, we have officially postponed the May 21-25 events in Hoover.  PG will not have any events this Memorial Day weekend.  We are hopeful to have good news early next week for events next weekend and beyond. 

Updated Monday, May 18, 2020, 6:15 p.m. ET

Finally, a bit of good news.

We will be playing very soon in some states.  Most events this week are postponed, but still waiting to hear back from Alabama government officials for this weekend (May 22-25). May be a few opportunities in other states next weekend (May 29-31) as well.  It looks like all events everywhere in the country scheduled from June 1st on could be held as scheduled, once again depending on governmental decisions.  A few events may change venues/locations, be sure to check. We will be notifying all that are signed up, but please be proactive and check the schedule. Things could, and probably will, change quickly from now to the end of the month.

Now as we learn more, we can start rescheduling the events that were postponed earlier. Teams and individuals will be able to choose between many events for their makeup.  Just make sure we know what you are transferring to.  In some cases, we will be adding events to make up for earlier events that were postponed. Only events you might not be able to transfer to would be invitational only tournaments or showcases.

We have all the safety procedures in place and that will be released soon.  Just keep checking this page as well as event pages on www.perfectgame.org for more information.  We could have several updates this week as more information comes in.

Note: Many of our tournaments and showcases will be streamed this year. Plus, there are some new great technologies that will benefit players, scouts, and college recruiters. You will soon be reading much more on that subject right here on this website.

Please stay safe.


The PG indoor facility will reopen on Wednesday May 20th.  For more information about that please contact BJ Fish at bjfish@perfectgame.org

Updated Monday, May 11, 2020, 1:15 p.m. ET

No change from last week’s update

We are continuing to postpone events for the next week.  We continue the process of rescheduling and will announce the new PG schedule as soon as we possibly can.

Note: It does appear that we will be playing before much longer.  All scheduled events, after this week, will take place as they appear with the PG WS, WWBA, BCS, Super25, and Youth Tournaments and Showcases. Please keep checking the PG website for further information regarding both makeups and regularly scheduled events.

We will soon be releasing our operational plan. We will be following all the necessary recommended guidelines. We not only plan to run the best events; we want to run the safest events for everyone involved.

Stay safe!

Updated Monday, May 4, 2020, 2:30 p.m. ET

With some states starting to reopen under Phase 1, we remain shut down for the next week. We continue discussions with all facilities and health experts to ensure we are ready to go as soon as it is safe to start playing again.

At this time, we are continuing to postpone events for the next week.  We continue the process of rescheduling and will announce the new PG schedule as soon as we possibly can.

Note: It does appear that we will be playing before much longer.  All scheduled events will take place as they now appear with the PG WS, WWBA, BCS, Super25, and Youth Tournaments and Showcases. Please keep checking the PG website for further information regarding both makeups and regularly scheduled events.

We will soon be releasing our operational plan. We will be following all the necessary recommended guidelines. We not only plan to run the best events, we want to run the safest events for everyone involved.

Stay safe!


Updated Monday, April 27, 2020, 11:30 a.m. ET

With some states starting to talk through the reopening possibilities, we are talking with all facilities and health experts to ensure we are ready to go as soon as it is safe to start playing again. 

At this time, we are continuing to postpone events for the week.  We are hoping to see some changes in the near future that will allow us to plan our reopening dates soon. 

Stay safe!

Updated Monday, April 20, 2020, 11:30 a.m. ET

We are continuing to reschedule all postponed events until later in May and into the summer. We are closely monitoring the Opening Up America Again updates from all of the areas we have events scheduled.  We are working closely with the experts to ensure when we are safe to host events and what guidelines should be followed. 

Until then, we will stay on our two-week schedule of postponing all events. However, at this point in time it seems unlikely that anything will happen before early May.

Please follow your state regulations. It is very important that everyone is healthy once we start play.

Stay safe!

Updated Monday, April 13, 2020, 11:30 a.m. ET

At this time we are in the process of rescheduling all postponed events. Once we know when it is safe to hold events again, we will play under guidelines that will help make it safe for everyone.

Until then, we will stay on our two-week schedule of postponing all events. However, at this point in time it seems unlikely that anything will happen before May.

Please follow your state regulations. It is very important that everyone is healthy once we start play.

Stay safe!

Updated Monday, April 6, 2020, 9:00 a.m. ET

No new updates for this week. Thank you for your patience and support.

Updated Monday, March 30, 2020, 9:15 a.m. ET

All events scheduled for the next two weeks are postponed as we wait for some positive news. PG's headquarters in Cedar Rapids remains closed for the time being. Our next update will be next Monday, if not sooner. Please be patient and stay safe.

Updated Monday, March 23, 2020, 4:15 p.m. ET

There are new updates to share. All events are postponed until the end of the month as we wait for some positive news.

In the interest of health and safety, we have followed the Iowa governor’s orders and have closed PG's main building/headquarters located in Cedar Rapids for the time being.  We will update again no later than next Monday, if not sooner. Please be patient, and above all else, stay safe.

Updated Thursday, March 19, 2020, 4:15 p.m. ET

Coronavirus Update

The health and safety of the players, the parents, and everyone associated with our events has to be our major concern and above all else. While we are just as eager as everyone else to get back to normal life – holding events, watching and following players – it is incumbent that we do the right thing.

As a result, we have decided to postpone events through March 31, 2020. We then will determine what comes next. We will make an announcement every Monday unless something changes either for the better or worse, in which case you’ll hear from us sooner. Please know that Perfect Game is following all state and governmental suggestions when it pertains to the crisis that we are all dealing with and we  promise to keep everyone informed.

Most important, please stay safe and follow the recommended guidelines, then we can all get back to a normal life.

Thank you,

Jerry Ford
Perfect Game
CDC site on Coronavirus Disease