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Softball  | Softball Tournament  | 10/4/2023

2023 PG Softball Iowa City Scouting Showcase Series #2

Dave Durbala      Ashley Mears     

IOWA CITY, IA – 2023 Perfect Game Iowa City Scouting Showcase #2, September 30 – October 1, 2023.  Forty-Three teams, across three age divisions, concluded the fall showcase season in Iowa with five, 90-minute games to allow their players the opportunity to showcase their skills in front of attending college coaches.  Some of the weekend's top performers are recapped below.

14U Division

Campbell Brown (2028 Metamora, IL) tied for the tournament lead with 10 hits on the weekend. The RHH Brown, setting up tall in the box, with a parallel stance, showed good pre-pitch movement to get weight to the back side and then worked her hands well to get the barrel to the ball. Of her 10 hits, Brown had two doubles, a triple and two homeruns. She showed good pull side power but also kept her front side in and worked the ball gap to gap. Hitting at a .769 clip, Brown was able to knock in 10 and score five runs for her Peoria Sluggers 13U Williamson team. With an athletic build, and time to mature and gain strength over the next few years, this young lady will be a good follow.

Hazel Leinen (2027 Urbandale, IA), a RHH, C/3B for Iowa Gold Fastpitch 14U, is very deliberate in the box. Setting up parallel, in a slight crouch, Leinen uses a slow push back with her lead foot to get weight onto her back leg, and then a stride to get momentum moving back towards the pitcher and for timing. Leinen collected nine hits that included a double, a triple, and a homerun while amassing and outstanding 11 rbi’s and scoring six times. Finishing with a .692 average, Leinen consistently put the ball in play and utilized the whole field, showing good swing mechanics working the ball opposite field and did not record a strikeout on the weekend.

Alyanna Nelson (2027 Davenport, IA) is a very athletic RHH/MIF for Southeast IA Allstars 14U Purple. Nelson, who is very still in the box, with a slightly open stance, gets weight moved to the back side with her stride, then she goes to work. Utilizing a solid lower half, and working her hands inside the ball, Nelson displayed a line drive attack angle that resulted in her working the ball gap to gap, and in so doing collected nine hits, with an outstanding seven doubles. Nelson scored 9 runs and collected 9 rbi’s while hitting at a .643 clip.

Jaya Theilen (2028 Ames, IA), hitting lead-off for Iowa Gold Fastpitch 14U, knows her job is to get on base, and she does her job pretty good. The LHH Theilen, showing good pre-pitch movement in the box, and utilizing good barrel awareness in her slapping game, collected nine hits on the weekend, setting the table for her teammates that followed her in the line-up. Utilizing an aggressive power slap and her speed, Theilen was able to pick up four doubles and two triples while also swiping three bases. Finishing the weekend hitting .643, she scored 9 runs, knocked in five and did not record a strikeout.

Marissa Boynton (2027 Davenport, IA) is a R/R Utility player for Southeast IA Allstars 14U Purple who showed great ability at the plate, with solid work from the ground up. Boynton gets into position to hit with good use of her lower half, and sets an aggressive attack angle with body tilt. She generates torque with great use of her hips and torso, and gets the barrel through the zone with hands working inside the ball, with good extension and high finish. Boynton collected eight hits, that included six doubles. She scored nine runs, knocked in seven, earned four free passes and did not strikeout on the weekend, while hitting at a .727 clip and finishing with a .800 OBP. With the ability to play multiple positions and the skill set currently shown at the plate, this young lady, with continued growth and maturity, will have opportunities to play at the next level.

Grace Hoopes (2029 Muscatine, IA) is RHP for Monsters 14U, who after having success in the 12u division, has continued that trend in the 14u division. Utilizing a 5-pitch mix of fastball, off-speed, drop, curve and rise, Hoopes worked 14.2 innings in the circle and collected six strikeouts. Topping out at 57 mph, Hoopes is a pitch to contact pitcher at this time, with the move up an age division, but as she matures and gains strength, velocity and spin rates will improve and strikeouts could become more frequent. Hoopes showed the ability to work the ball around the plate and keep batters off balance She only give up two free passes, and did not allow many hitters to square the ball up, only giving up one earned run on the weekend, finishing with a .50 ERA and a 0.95 WHIP.

Addison Ellis (2028 Charles City, IA) is a LHP for Iowa Aries Ce. Ellis brought a 4-pitch bag into the circle with her that included a fastball, change-up, rise and screw. With a top velocity of 60 mph, Ellis worked 7.2 innings and sat down 13 batters via strikeout. In this age division, Ellis is able to blow her fastball by some hitters, but also relies on keeping hitters off balance with a nice change-up that she can throw for strikes, and having batters chase her rise out of the zone. Ellis gave up four hits, two free passes and one earned run to finish the weekend with a .90 ERA and a 0.78 WHIP.

Morgan Frailey (2028 Bloomington, IL) is a RHP for Peoria Sluggers 13U Williamson, who works with a 4-pitch mix of fastball, change-up, drop and rise.  Frailey showed the ability to throw all her pitches for strikes, to both sides of the plate, only walking 2 batters in her 11.2 innings of work. With a top velocity of 54 mph, Frailey relied on pitching to spots, changing speed, and utilizing a nice drop that had hitters swinging over the top of, to record 13 strikeouts and keep batters off balance.  With a smooth repeatable motion and arm swing, this young lady, with continued maturity and work on her craft, would appear to have a big upside.

Karter Price (2027 Altoona, IA) continues to get outs for Iowa Aries Ce when in the circle. Working with a fastball, change-up, rise and drop, Price was in the circle for 9.2 innings, showing a consistent motion and arm swing, that had her pick up 11 strikeouts. Price is able to work both sides of the plate and the zone from top to bottom, with the ability to throw all of her pitches for strikes. Although Price, who was pitching against some high-level talent this weekend, was not as dominant as the last time I seen her pitch, she was able to keep her composure in the circle, kept her head down, and continued to work.

Ellie Tague (2028 North Liberty, IA), pitching for Thunder Softball Club 14U Black, has a full array of pitches that includes fastball, change-up, rise, drop and a drop-change. The RHP Tague, who had a top velocity of 58 mph, keeps batters off balanced with her ability to change speeds and work pitches to both sides of the plate, while not tipping off batters that an off-speed pitch is coming, keeping her delivery and arm speed consistent. Utilizing her off-speed pitches, dropping nearly 20 mph, and her rise to keep hitters honest, Tague was able to pick up 15 strikeouts in her 11 innings of work. As this young lady continues to mature and gain strength, and if she continues to work on her skill set to utilize her lower half to its fullest, she will have a very high ceiling.

16U Division

Chloe Ledford (2026 East Moline, IL) put on a hitting display, opening up the showcase going 8 for 8, with two bombs. The RHH MIF sets up parallel in the box, with a slightly narrow stance. She utilizes a stride to get separation and weight shift and works her hands inside the ball, showing the ability to hit to all fields, with power. Ledford finished the weekend with 15 knocks that included three doubles, a triple and the before mentioned 2 tanks. She scored 9 runs, stole 3 bases and collected 11 rbi’s while hitting at a .789 clip. Although still having a couple of seasons to mature and improve, Ledford currently possesses a swing that can play at the next level, and she will be getting a lot of attention.

Avyana Lindsey (2025 Iowa City, IA) is a R/R MIF for Southeast IA Allstars, 16u Red. Lindsey, starting from a slightly open stance, gets a nice weight shift and utilizes a stride to get back to parallel. Working from inside out, Lindsey is able to work the ball gap to gap with some pop and collected nine hits, six going for extra bases with three doubles, a triple, and two homeruns. She was able to score six times and finished with nine runs knocked in, while hitting .692 for the weekend. With her ability to hit the ball for average and power, Lindsey will have the opportunity to play after her high school days are done, if she so chooses.

Abby Mecklenburg (2026 Marion, IA) is a hard-hitting Utility player for Southeast IA Allstars, 16u Red. Although primarily a C/3B, the right-handed hitting Mecklenburg sometimes finds herself in the outfield. At the plate, starting from a solid set-up, she makes pre-launch move to get weight transferred and in swing phase, at contact, she extends the barrel through the zone keeping the front side closed allowing her to hit to all fields. On the weekend, Mecklenburg collected 8 hits with two doubles and a homerun, while knocking in seven and hitting at a .667 clip. More impressively was Mecklenburg’s ability to get on base, with the addition of three free passes, to score 13 runs in her five games, finishing with a .733 OBP.

Kenna Sandoval (2026 Donnellson, IA) continues to show the ability to hit the ball out of any yard she is playing in. The athletic Sandoval, hitting from the right side, utilizes her lower half to it’s fullest and sets an aggressive attack angle with tilt and torso lean. She gets the barrel to the ball, extends and finishes her swing going up through the zone. Sandoval picked up seven hits that included three bombs, with one being a grand slam, for a total of 12 runs knocked in. As Sandoval matures and continues to work on her skill set, and if she can develop patience at the plate, she will have the opportunity to consistently put up big numbers.

Lola Hawkins (2027 Cedar Rapids, IA) is a RHH MIF for Cr Reds 16u, that can flat out hit the ball. With little movement in the box and starting from a slight crouched set-up, Hawkins rocks to get weight to the back side and goes to swing phase with a heel raise, no stride. She works inside the ball and hits the ball gap to gap. On the weekend, Hawkins picked up 12 hits that included two doubles and a homerun. She scored five runs, stole two bases and collected 6 rbi’s. Hawkins finished the weekend with a showcase leading .800 BA and .813OBP.  Keep an eye on this young lady, she is a definite follow over the next few seasons.

Taylor Nuss (2026 Waukee, IA), a RHP for CIK 515, continues to turn heads this fall. Nuss, showing a very easily repeatable motion and arm swing, went to work with a 5-bag mix of fastball, change-up, curve, rise and drop to sit down 20 hitters via strikeout.  Nuss utilizes her lower half to its fullest, with a great push towards the plate in the drive segment of her delivery, thus aiding her velocity, topped out at 60 mph, which in turn increases spin rate on her pitches. Seldom throwing a pitch without movement, Nuss throws all her pitches to both sides of the plate and showed a late moving curve that was swing and miss stuff. Also on display, causing hitters problems, was Nuss’s rise, that besides coming in with late jump at 60 mph, also showed glove side run. Not one dimensional, Nuss also helped her team at the plate, picking up 8 hits that included four doubles, finishing with a .615 BA.  Keep this young lady on your radar, there is more in the tank.

Addison Gralund (2025 Marion, IA), pitching for Southeast IA Allstars 16U Black, continues to consistently go out and put in workman like performances in the circle. The RHP Gralund, brings a full arsenal of pitches with her into the circle, with her go to pitches appearing to be a late breaking curve, her rise that moves in under the hitter’s hands, and a change-up that locks up hitters, or leaves them swinging over the top of it. In her 8.2 innings of work, Gralund struck out 13, and walked two, while topping out at 59 mph. Keeping hitters off balance, being able to throw all her pitches for strikes, and not giving up big innings, have been key to this young lady’s success and is what has come to be expected.

Grace George (2026 Bettendorf, IA) is another fine RHP for Southeast IA Allstars 16U Black. George, with a very repeatable and deliberate delivery, brings a fastball, change-up, drop, rise, curve and screw into the circle. Working both sides of the plate and the zone from top to bottom, George collected 14 strikeouts in her 8 innings of work, topping out at 56 mph. Working the screw low in the zone for strikes, keeping the rise above hitter’s hands, and changing speed were keys to George’s success. Not giving up big innings, George only gave up two earned runs pitching against some quality hitters over the weekend.

Jersey Metz (2026 Williamsburg, IA) is a RHP for Southeast IA Allstars, 16u Red. Metz, working with a 5-pitch mix, has the ability to throw all of her pitches for strikes, to both sides of the plate. Consistently being around the plate, Metz only allowed one free pass in her 6.2 innings of work. With a top velocity of 56 mph, Mets relies on location, change of speed, and movement to keep hitter’s guessing and to disrupt their timing. Showing batter’s a plus curve, a very nice change-up and a rise that they couldn’t square up, resulted in Metz picking up seven strikeouts, but more impressively, not allowing an earned run. With a showcase ERA of 0.00 and WHIP of 0.75, Metz is showing folks she deserves a chance at the next level.

Taylor Dieterich (2025 Taylor Ridge, IL), a RHP/UTIL for Quad City Lady Hitmen ’07 is definitely a two-way player. Earning a spot on the top performers list in the circle, Dieterich showed hitters a mix of fastball, change-up, curve, drop, screw and two-seam. With a consistent delivery and nice arm swing, with great use of her lower half in the drive phase, Dieterich worked11 innings, striking out nine and only walking one while topping out at 58 mph. Dieterich was able to get several hitters to swing over the top of her drop and change-up, as she is able to deliver the pitches without changing her regular motion and arm speed. At the plate, Dieterich finished in the top 10 of the performers list after picking up nine hits, with a couple doubles and a bomb, while knocking in six and scoring six runs. This young lady, with the ability to pitch and play multiple positions, with the added bonus of having a quality bat, will draw attention over the next couple of seasons.

Anya Anderson (2025 Bloomington, MN) is a L/R MIF for MN Bombers-Makela 16U who rolled an ankle in her teams second game, after her first at bat. Anderson, hitting from the left side, stays tall in the box, with an open stance with weight already in the back hip. She works here hands inside the ball and gets the barrel on plane through the zone, with a high finish. Anderson did damage in her four at bats, with three hits that included an absolute nuke that easily left the yard, finishing with seven runs knocked in. It would have been nice to have watched this young lady compete with her team all weekend.  Speedy recovery.


18U Division


Mylie Hatfield (2026 Ankeny, IA) of NE Gold 515 is an impressive force at the plate, showcasing her incredible power during this weekend’s tournament where she hit four homeruns, a couple that were easily traveled 250ft plus. Her ability to generate power in her swings is truly remarkable, she is able to get her hands through the zone quick and extension through the hitting zone that sets her apart from the competition. Mylie’s combination of strength and technique make her a formidable hitter, totaling a weekend high of 11 hits, which included four homeruns, a triple, two doubles and 10 RBIs. Hatfield has the skills and ability to play at the next level if she chooses to do so. I am excited to continue to watch this player grow.

Katelyn Weathers (2027 Ankeny, IA) of NE Gold 515 is a force to be reckoned with at the plate. With three homeruns and a tournament high 11 RBIs, Weathers success at the plate can be attributed to her confident plate approach. Weathers quick hands and ability to get extension through the zone are other factors in her success. This 2027 catcher is one to watch in the coming years as she continues to grow and mature in the game.

Shanna Buford (2024 Donnellson, IA) of SE Iowa All Stars White and a recent Indian Hills Community College commit had a phenomenal weekend at the plate. Bufords quick hands and compact swing at the plate make her a big offensive threat. On the defensive side, she shines as a smooth infielder, displaying good foot work and a quick transition from glove to throw. Buford tied for a tournament high of 11 RBIs stemming from seven hits which included, two doubles and three homeruns.

Emily Koranda (2025 Marion, IA) of Nebraska Gold 319 Berning, found herself at the top of the hitting and pitching top performers from this weekend’s tournament. At the plate she had 10 hits, tallying several extra base hits including two homeruns and knocked in five RBIs. Koranda has a very relaxed but confident plate approach, demonstrates quick hands and gets extension through the zone. On the mound, she has a wide variety of pitches including fastball, drop, rise, curve and change up. She mixes in her pitches well, stunning batters with a nasty flip change. Koranda finished the weekend with 13 innings pitched, 25 strikeouts, only allowing one walk and four earned runs.

Dilynn Vanmeter (2024 Olin, IA) of Eastern Iowa Barracudas-Borman was another stand out hitter from the weekend. Vanmeter starts in a slightly open, athletic stance, uses her legs to generate a ton of power which helped her be so successful at the plate. Along with her power, she also demonstrated a lot of patience at the plate walking four times this weekend. In game one of the weekend, Vanmeter had a three hit, six RBI game that included two homeruns in the contest. Vanmeter is a power hitter who can excel at the next level.

Braylen Conlon (2025 Toddville, IA) of Se Iowa All Stars Blue was the weekends top pitching performer. Conlon is a left handed pitcher that uses the river well and gets the calls. Only allowing 1 walk and zero earned runs in 10 innings pitched and struck out 20 batters. Mixing in her curveball that comes in at the batter, her rise ball and setting them up to freeze as she nails the outside corner with her 63mph fastball. Watching this pitcher the past two years she has gained several miles per hour and I do not believe she has topped out yet. Keep your eye on Conlon!

Lauren Hagedorn (2026 Adel, IA) of Alliance Select Blackford was successful both on the mound at the plate. Hagedorn is consistently hitting 61-63mph with her fastball, she also has a wicked change up with good speed differential. Her other pitches include a rise, curve and screw. At the plate, Hagedorn has a very confident plate approach. She utilizes her lower half well, gets her hands through the zone quick resulting in several extra base hits. Hagedorn had nine hits on the weekend, including four doubles and a homerun.

Caedence Risius (2024 Des Moines, IA) of Iowa Prospects Gold was another top hitting performer on the weekend. Risius’ tall, athletic frame and ability to square up pitches are a few things that work to her advantage. Her fast hands and use of her lower half put her extreme power on display. This right handed power hitter finished the weekend batting .500, which included seven hits, three doubles and three homeruns.

Hannah Hoefer (2025 Peosta, IA) of Western Dubuque Bobcats was very impressive this weekend. What was most impressive about Hoefer was the use of her change up and her rise ball.  Hoefer’s fastball averaged 59-61mph and shows the ability to add a few more mph. She finished the weekend with 18 strikeouts through 11 innings pitched.  This pitcher has an extreme upside to her game as she continues to grow and work on her craft.