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Due to unplayable field conditions, we are rained out at all ballparks SATURDAY ONLY. We are altering the schedule to play a SUNDAY-ONLY BRACKET. Teams will randomly get placed into the single-elimination bracket. Updated schedules will be posted on Perfect Game tomorrow (Saturday) by 12:00pm.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber
0 Everett Gerber 88 11 Dallas Tigers Nester 3/24/2024
0 Ysa Sauceda 67 8 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 3/24/2024
China Spring Cougars
18 Boston Barlow 41 9 Dulins Dodgers-Oakes 3/24/2024
30 6 Kraken Baseball 3/24/2024
Total 71 15
2 Kellen Brooks 4 2 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
25 Chase Daniel 61 12 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
11 Grady Lackey 18 1 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
10 Landry Minnix 56 9 Kraken Baseball 3/24/2024
8 Brody Vaughn 39 6 Dulins Dodgers-Oakes 3/24/2024
Coppell - Jaramillo 2028
52 Richard Ginther 54 6 Dulins Dodgers-Oakes 3/24/2024
7 Bennett Head 21 6 Dulins Dodgers-Oakes 3/24/2024
17 Jack Wilmington 26 2 Dulins Dodgers-Oakes 3/24/2024
Dallas Tigers Nester
0 Keelan Cordova 70 9 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
12 Bradley Macdonald 53 3 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 3/24/2024
3 Chad Savage 36 6 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 3/24/2024
Dulins Dodgers-Oakes
8 Zachary Allinson 9 2 Coppell - Jaramillo 2028 3/24/2024
25 David Ceykovsky 74 13 Coppell - Jaramillo 2028 3/24/2024
Kraken Baseball
7 James Cookston 12 3 China Spring Cougars 3/24/2024
10 Taylon Giordano 49 9 China Spring Cougars 3/24/2024
North Texas Longhorns - Zamora
7 Brody Airington 13 0 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
4 Henry (Max) Bond 48 6 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
14 Christopher Evans 15 0 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
3 Mateo Hernandez 8 2 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 3/24/2024
Ntx Tribe - Dulaney
99 Jonathan Cheatham 11 0 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
12 Santiago Pirela 16 6 Tcr Bobcats 3/24/2024
4 1 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
Total 20 7
3 Waylon Reynolds 53 8 Tcr Bobcats 3/24/2024
2 Liam Ridgway 55 11 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire
1 Cash Bennett 74 12 Tbt Ballers - 14u Calderon/Vazquez 3/24/2024
4 William Brown 2 1 Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028 3/24/2024
6 Shepard Stein 46 8 Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028 3/24/2024
13 Benson Wright 31 0 Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028 3/24/2024
Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028
9 Gavin Budzon 47 9 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 3/24/2024
22 Tate Schlegel 72 15 Riders - Hagan 3/24/2024
26 Chase Swerdfeger 28 3 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
27 Cade Vertovec 64 5 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
Red Raiders Ruiz Red
4 Abraham Avila 24 0 Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028 3/24/2024
21 Michael Chavez 72 11 Ntx Tribe - Dulaney 3/24/2024
0 Ace Turner 56 7 Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028 3/24/2024
22 Charles Wolford 56 11 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 3/24/2024
Red River 2028 | Baldwin
22 Jackson Kegerreis 51 8 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
99 Drew Lingmann 20 2 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
14 Mason Webb 16 1 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 3/24/2024
Riders - Hagan
9 Grant Henderson 52 5 Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028 3/24/2024
4 Grant Staley 37 6 Pueblo Raptors 14U 2028 3/24/2024
Tbt Ballers - 14u Calderon/Vazquez
17 Eric Stevenson 84 9 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 3/24/2024
Tcr Bobcats
7 Kolt Davis 15 0 Ntx Tribe - Dulaney 3/24/2024
8 Micah Galindo 12 1 Ntx Tribe - Dulaney 3/24/2024
2 Mayson Hudgins 66 11 Ntx Tribe - Dulaney 3/24/2024
Texas Cannons
64 Maddox Cope 21 6 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Tatum 3/24/2024
77 Brody Delhommee 29 3 Warstic Dallas 14u Borja 3/24/2024
34 Nolan Driesse 60 8 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Tatum 3/24/2024
25 Adam Goodpasture 30 4 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024
4 Walker Morrison 26 1 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024
17 6 Warstic Dallas 14u Borja 3/24/2024
Total 43 7
15 Grant Payne 37 6 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024
1 3 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Tatum 3/24/2024
Total 38 9
6 Graham Silverthorn 34 6 Warstic Dallas 14u Borja 3/24/2024
Texas Desperados
82 Andrew Dupuis 55 7 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 3/24/2024
6 Eli Durham 9 3 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 3/24/2024
68 18 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Lewis 3/24/2024
Total 77 21
15 Jake Smith 61 12 Texas Cannons 3/24/2024
1 Blake Walter 24 4 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 3/24/2024
Tyler Spartans 2028 - Lewis
7 Carson Allen 61 15 Usa Prime 14u Cole 3/24/2024
44 Hudson Clover 57 9 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024
2 Aidan Fucaloro 13 3 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024
Tyler Spartans 2028 - Tatum
1 Gunner Barrons 0 0 Texas Cannons 3/24/2024
25 Hutch Campbell 10 0 Texas Cannons 3/24/2024
27 logan davis 60 11 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 3/24/2024
8 Kaden Dudley 0 0 Texas Cannons 3/24/2024
18 Logan Scholl 57 12 Texas Cannons 3/24/2024
48 Brady Aungst 55 9 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Tatum 3/24/2024
7 Luke Hart 26 1 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Tatum 3/24/2024
Usa Prime 14u Cole
19 Isaac De La Rosa 38 6 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Lewis 3/24/2024
24 Nicolas Del Muro 21 4 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Lewis 3/24/2024
1 Luke Furr 21 3 Tyler Spartans 2028 - Lewis 3/24/2024
Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom
34 Luke Oringderff 12 3 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024
9 Dean Railing 18 5 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024
36 Rudy Sandoval 35 6 Texas Desperados 3/24/2024