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Gold Bracket

#8 Houston Wildcatters White - 9u - Bacak 11  #1 Texas Lonestar Baseball 9U Chapman 7      
GM: 17 | 10/13 | 8:00 AM
Field 1 @ The Farm League
  GM: 20 | 10/13 | 3:00 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#9 Edge Baseball 10  #8 Houston Wildcatters White - 9u - Bacak 6  #1 Texas Lonestar Baseball 9U Chapman 5   
     GM: 24 | 10/13 | 4:45 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  #4 Seven Baseball Academy 9  #4 Seven Baseball Academy 6   
  GM: 21 | 10/13 | 9:45 AM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  #5 TeXas Most Wanted 6     #3 Dreamkrusher 6
        GM: 26 | 10/13 | 8:15 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#7 Premier 8u Red 9  #2 Katy Bombers 9u 5      #4 Seven Baseball Academy 15
GM: 18 | 10/13 | 8:00 AM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  GM: 22 | 10/13 | 1:15 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#10 The Lions Den Performance Institute 1  #7 Premier 8u Red 8  #3 Dreamkrusher 10   
     GM: 25 | 10/13 | 6:30 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#6 Apex Vipers 9u 10  #3 Dreamkrusher 5  #7 Premier 8u Red 9   
GM: 19 | 10/13 | 9:45 AM
Field 1 @ The Farm League
  GM: 23 | 10/13 | 11:30 AM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#11 Drillbit Roughnecks 9u - Costello 13  #11 Drillbit Roughnecks 9u - Costello 4      
Silver Bracket

#4 Bay Area Express 11  #1 Eagles Baseball Academy 16   
GM: 27 | 10/13 | 8:00 AM
Field 2 @ Unleashed Atheltics
  GM: 28 | 10/13 | 9:45 AM
Field 2 @ Unleashed Atheltics
#5 Legacy Baseball Club - Ives 14  #5 Legacy Baseball Club - Ives 1   #1 Eagles Baseball Academy 6
     GM: 30 | 10/13 | 1:15 PM
Field 2 @ Unleashed Atheltics
  #2 Top Dogs - Aguilar 9u-Aa 7  #3 Aabo - Visser 5
  GM: 29 | 10/13 | 11:30 AM
Field 2 @ Unleashed Atheltics
  #3 Aabo - Visser 14