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2022 10U PG Spring Spectacular 6GG (Winners get $300 Tournament Credit) (C)
Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.
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PG Softball Tournament Rules

PG Softball will follow the National High School Federation Softball rulebook with the following exceptions. If there is a contradiction with language found in any printed copy of this addendum and the version most recently updated online, the online version shall supersede. 

The NFHS Softball rulebook can be purchased on Amazon. Click below to view/download
NFHS Softball rulebook on Amazon

*Perfect Game reserves the right to amend these rules at any time for specific tournament play.


  •  Non-Approved bat list will follow the National Federation State High School Softball Rules.
  • A damaged bat is defined as a bat that was once legal, but is broken, cracked, dented, rattles or has sharp edges that might deface the ball (Rules 1-5-1, 7-4-2, 2-4-3).
  • A damaged bat is considered an illegal bat, with the penalty being, the bat is simply removed from the game without penalty. 


DEFINITION OF AN ALTERED BAT “A bat which has been subjected to change in its physical makeup outside the original manufacturers product.” 

At any point, a Perfect Game Director or UIC may request to inspect a bat that is at a Perfect Game sanctioned event. If the owner/user refuses to allow the requesting body to inspect the bat the owner/user accepts an automatic three-year suspension from Perfect Game sanctioned events. Alternatively, the owner/user can allow the bat to be inspected so a conclusion can be formed as to whether the bat was altered.

The owner/user of the bat have the responsibility of having knowledge whether a bat is altered.


  • Bats that are damaged in any way, including but not limited to cracked, warped, missing a knob/cap, having a rattle, etc. are not legal for Perfect Game sanctioned events.
  • Bats may not have any certifying markings or graphics worn off the bat. Bats that have certifying or identifying markings worn off the bat shall be removed from play.
  • No substance shall be added to the bat barrel. The barrel of the bat and all identifying marks or graphics shall be free of any foreign obstruction. If a foreign substance is discovered as being used or identifying marks on the bat are not visible the bat shall be removed from play.


  • The legal 12” ball must have a red stitch, optic yellow covering, must not exceed .47 max COR, not have a greater compression than 375 lbs max, have a weight between 6 ¼ to 7 ounces, and be between 11 7/8” to 12 1/4 “in circumference. 12U Divisions and older shall use a 12” ball.
  • The legal 11” ball must have a red stitch, optic yellow covering, must not exceed .47 COR, not have a greater compression than 375 lbs max, and have a cork core. 10U Divisions and younger shall use an 11” ball.
  • A blue stitched ball is permissible for the 2021 Spring/Summer season. Red stitch will be required for the 2021 Fall season. 


  • Players in the 12U and younger divisions will be prohibited from wearing metal cleats.
  • Any player catching must wear all necessary protective gear including a catcher’s helmet with facemask, throat guard (separately attached or built in), and chin/leg guards. Players in 12U and younger divisions must wear a catcher’s helmet that fully covers both ears. 


  • A team’s lineup card must include first name, last name, jersey number, position, and batting order of each starting player and substitute.
  • Name shall supersede number regarding lineup errors. Incorrect lineup numbers are correctable without penalty.
  • Roster Batting Option: Teams may utilize additional EP’S (Extra Players) to bat their entire roster. Roster batting must be declared at the pre-game conference. Eligible substitutes may be added to the lineup as they arrive.
  • Traditional Batting Option: A traditional line up can be batting a lineup of up to two EP’s (Extra Players) with or without the incorporation of a DP/FLEX.
    • EX: Batting straight 9, 10, or 11
    • EX: Using a DP/FLEX with up to two EP’s (up to 11 batters)
  • Any eligible players not present at the start of the game can be:
    • Roster batting: added to the bottom of the order
    • Traditional batting: added as a legal substitute 
  • Roster Batting Option: If any player becomes sick or injured throughout the contest, they may be removed from the line up and the lineup condensed. No penalty will be recorded until falling below 9 batters. If any player is ejected an out will be recorded each time the ejected player would be due to bat.
  • Traditional Batting Option: A team may play with only one batting position unfilled. If a team falls to more than one batting position unfilled for any reason and no eligible substitute is available a forfeit shall be declared. If any player is ejected an eligible substitute may be inserted into their position in the lineup and an out for future at bats will not be recorded. However, if there are no eligible substitutes the team will take an out each time the ejected player would be due to bat.
  • In both batting options playing short handed if the injured/sick player is a batter-runner or runner the player may be replaced by the LCAB (Last Completed At Bat) to fulfill baserunning responsibility however, this does not apply to any future at bat. The injured/sick player may not return to the lineup unless they left due to blood.
  • A team may not start a game with less than 8 players. Also, a team that falls below 8 players during a contest will forfeit the game.


  • Roster Batting:
    • The courtesy runner for the pitcher and catcher will be the LCAB (Last Completed At Bat). The same Courtesy Runner cannot be utilized for both the pitcher & catcher in the same half inning.
  • Traditional:
    1. Any eligible substitute. The same Courtesy Runner cannot be utilized for both the pitcher & catcher in the same half inning.
    2. If no eligible substitutes then the LCAB may be utilized. The same Courtesy Runner cannot be utilized for both the Pitcher & Catcher in the same half inning.
  • Regulation called game will consist of a minimum of 3 innings.
  • Pre-game meeting shall take place 5 minutes prior to game time and the head coach must be identified however not required to attend.
  • Game time will begin at the conclusion of the pre-game meeting.
  • Run spreads will be: 10 runs after the 3rd, 8 runs after the 4th, 6 runs after the 5th inning.
  • Tie Breaker shall be utilized in bracket games in games tied after regulation time limit or after 7 innings. The player who had the last completed at bat shall be placed at 2nd base. A substitute may be inserted for any player or a courtesy runner for the pitcher/catcher. This will be repeated until a winner is declared.


  • The rulebook is prohibited on the playing field.
  • Any ejection of a coach, (Exception: For an illegal bat) shall result in a suspension from their next played contest.
  • Addition of the Post-Game Ejection. A Post-Game Ejection is determined by game officials to be in effect after a member of one of the playing teams exhibits conduct that would normally result in an ejection if the game had not ended. A Post-Game Ejection results in the offender being ejected until their next played game is completed.
  • Coach ejections resulting in the final game of a tournament will carry a suspension into the succeeding first game of their next PG Softball tournament.
  • The UIC (Umpire In Charge) and GM (General Manager) of the site have the ability to levy game suspensions for coaches/fans as the result of poor conduct.
  • Appeals can be made to ask officials to together on a call, the UIC may be called to the field to rule on rule discrepancies.
  • Protests are to be allowed for player eligibility only. The team protesting must make a cash payment of $100 to the GM at the time of the protest. If the protest is ruled in the protesting team’s favor the $100 will be refunded. Protests must be filed and ruled on before the next pitch if during a game, or before umpires leave the field if after a game.
  • If ejected personnel refuse to leave the vicinity of the playing field or ballpark in a reasonable amount of time after being ejected the contest may be forfeited. Ejected personnel should leave expediently to the parking lot (out of sight and sound).
  • The site GM has the final say regarding the fitness of the playing field to play.


  • The batter has no requirement to avoid being hit by pitch. The batter must not move in an attempt to intentionally get hit by a pitch. If the batter moves intentionally to get hit by a pitch a “Dead Ball” shall be declared and the pitch is a strike or ball depending on location.


  • The NFHS definition with the inclusion of the following: If a runner elects to slide headfirst her torso and/or arms must be on the ground prior to contacting a defender.


  • The definition of “Lying on the Ground” shall be: A player whose physical position is no longer upright, and their front/back plane of the body is in contact flat with the ground. (Front Plane: Chest, Stomach, or Legs. Back Plane: Shoulder blades, back, glute, or legs.).


  • Perfect Game shall utilize officials who are registered with Perfect Game and administer the contest in accordance with Perfect Game rules and expectations.



  • Home team will be the official scorekeeper in all tournament games.
  • Pre-game conference between managers and umpires will take place 5 minutes prior to the start of the game.
  • No organized infield practice before the games. Teams may warm up beyond the baselines or in foul territory while infield is being prepared. No live batting practice is allowed on the field or in the complex at any time. Batting nets are allowed. 
  • Time limit for all games is 75 minutes. Time begins after the pre-game conference. Time limit could change in case of tournament interruptions. All teams should be prepared to start their game up to 10 minutes early in case we are ahead of schedule. However, if both coaches do not agree to start early  we will wait until scheduled game time. (This will help the tournament keep on time.) 
    • Once time has expired, the game will end if the losing team is trailing by the number of allowed runs per half inning +1.
  • Regulation games will be defined by the type of game that it is. There will be three types of games played in the different formats that will be used:
    • Pool playGames will be 7 innings or time limit. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, it will be declared a tie.
    • Bracket Play: Games will be 7 inning or time limit. Games that are tied at the end of regulation will use the ITB rule until a winner is declared.
    • Run rules: 10 runs after 3 innings; 8 runs after 4 innings; 6 runs after 5 innings. 8. Team manager may consult with the umpires; players, sponsors and other coaches are to keep out of discussions.
  • Roster Batting will be REQUIRED during the entire tournament. Due to PG Midwest requiring roster batting, there are some additional rules that need to be clarified:
  • Injury:
    • Batter: If a batter cannot fulfill her time at bat due to injury or illness, that player will be eliminated from that entire game. Her spot will be skipped in the batting order. Teams will not be required to take an automatic out UNTIL they drop below 9 players. 
    • Runner: If a runner cannot continue her time on the bases, that player will be substituted with the last batter not on base. She will not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the game. The line-up will compress when her spot comes to bat. 
    • Ejections: A player ejection while roster batting will result in the team losing that player for the entire game. Her spot in the batting order WILL be an automatic out.
  • Courtesy runner will be allowed for pitcher and catcher at any time. The courtesy runner will be  designated as the last batter not on base. 
  • Teams can score a maximum of 5 runs per half inning for all ages. 
  • Games will end at time limit if a team is down by more than 5 runs or what they are allotted left to  score in that half inning. 
  • Teams may begin a game with 8 players.
  • Teams may add any and all players to the end of the line up. These players must be listed on the line-up card submitted prior to the game. If the players are not present for their time at bat, their spot will be skipped until they arrive with no automatic out being  charged (unless below 9 players).

  • On defense, 4 outfielders may be employed. 
  • There will be an expanded strike zone in place for 10U. 
  • For 10U, players may only advance one base per pitch on a ball not put in play by contact.
    • If a runner advances past the 1 base allotment they are liable to be put out prior to reaching base safely. If the  runner advances past the allotment safely the officials shall call time and place the runner back to the  correct base. 
    • Batters may not advance on a dropped 3rd strike. 
  • No Infield Fly Rule. 
  • THERE IS NO STEALING HOME. There are only 3 ways to score:
  1. Bases loaded walk
  2. Bases loaded HBP
  3. Batted ball in play

All games will play under the NFHS Softball rulebook, PG Softball Addendum and the following 8U specific rules:

  • Time limit shall be 75 minutes finish the inning. Time begins at the conclusion of the pregame conference.
  •  Once time has expired if a team is losing by the 1+ runs greater than the number of runs allowed in a half inning the game shall end.
  • Games shall be 6 innings or time limit.
  • Run spreads are: 10 runs after the 3rd inning, 8 runs after the 4th inning, & 6 runs after the 5th inning.
  • Roster batting will be required for the entire tournament.
    • If any player becomes sick or injured throughout the contest, they may be removed from the lineup and the lineup condensed. No penalty will be recorded until falling below 9 batters.
    • If a player is ejected an out will be recorded each time the ejected player would be due to bat.
  • Teams may score a maximum of 5 runs per half inning.
  • Playing Field: Bases at 60 ft., Pitching plate at 35ft., Pitching circle 8 ft. radius around the pitchers plate. The ball is dead when the pitcher has control of the ball within the pitching circle.
  • Hitting:
    • An at bat will consist of 5 pitches or 3 swinging strikes. If the final pitch is fouled off the at bat will continue.
    • There will be no walks.
    • No bunting is allowed.
  • Baserunning:
    • Runners are not allowed to steal or lead off. Runners may leave the base when the pitch is released.
    • On batted balls once the ball is in control inside the pitching circle baserunners must stop at the base they have obtained or the base they are running to provided the defense is not making a play on the runner.
    • Courtesy Runners are not allowed.
  • Defense:
    •  Defensive players may not be positioned in front of the coach pitching. Also, players may not move in front of the pitching coach until the ball has been put into play.
    • All outfielders must remain in the outfield grass until the ball is put into play.
    • Two defensive coaches may be allowed on the field of play. Coaches must remain in foul territory.
    • Teams will be allowed to utilize 4 outfielders.
    •  There is no infield fly rule or dropped 3rd strike.
  • Conferences
    • Teams will be allowed 1 offensive and 1 defensive conference per inning.

Copyright 1994-2024 by Perfect Game. All rights reserved. No portion of this information may be reprinted or reproduced without the written consent of Perfect Game.