SkillShow is Perfect Game's trusted event video partner since 2001!
All athletes at PG Softball combines will get filmed by SkillShow's video crews during their defensive skills, running, hitting and pitching drills.
SkillShow will post individual raw video clips of your drills to your PG locker within 2 weeks after the event.
"Clips" are raw videos shown as a coach would see them if they were there at the event...not edited. (SkillShow also offers a Premium Upgrade for a personalized recruiting video which is an option to purchase from each event too. The Premium SkillShow video offers more camera angles, a personal introduction by the player, edited to show your best reps, slow motion edits & music. This video will be posted to your PG locker profile also and sent to you directly for your own self-marketing or sharing options!)
Contact SkillShow at or call 833-NEED-VID with questions or order at registration with PG or on anytime before or after event.