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Tournaments  | Story  | 7/7/2013

More than just a talent on the field

Sam Brazenas     
Photo: Perfect Game

MARIETTA, Ga. -- Usually when a kid is phenomenal at a sport, he will tell you it is his life; eat, sleep, drink baseball. For Bryce Carter, he is more than just a talent on the field.

Carter is from Tulsa, Okla. and attends Cascia Hall Preparatory where he plays baseball, basketball and football.

“I’ve played (baseball, basketball and football) since I was a little kid.” explained Carter. “Since I could start walking (I was) picking up a bat, throwing a football, anything. I’m a really big sports fan. I’m glad that my favorite one I’m going to be able to play in college.”

Carter was offered a scholarship from Stanford University, one of the strongest academic institutions in the nation, and has verbally commited to play ball there after he graduates in 2014.

“Ever since I was little I always wanted to play college baseball, and as we progressed and as that dream started to become a possibility my parents really stressed on how the education was No. 1 because baseball only goes on for so long,” said Carter about his decision to commit to Stanford. “I talked to many schools and tried to get with the academics ones.

“I called up Stanford when I was a sophomore and they said ‘oh yeah we’re watching you as well so keep up the good work.’ Things progressed (and) our relationship got better, and this past year they offered me a scholarship.”

The 6-foot-1 195-pound catcher has been impressing since he was a freshman. Carter hit 11 home runs his first year at Cascia Hall Preparatory.

“I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to play as a freshman,” added Carter. “I had a few good pitches here and there and I had some good guys hitting around me, which helped out a lot because I got a few more fastballs to hit.”

Carter has been participating in Perfect Game events since 2011. He most recently took part in the 2013 National Showcase which took place in early June where he was the only player to hit a home run during game action.

“That was actually one of the coolest experiences I’ve had, playing in the Metrodome,” said Carter about his experience at the National Showcase. “You don’t get to do that every day. Also going there and seeing every big talent, every big name possible was interesting to play against them. I was fortunate enough to play really well that week which made the experience even better.”

He also competed in the Rawlings Home Run Challenge.

“That was an experience, that was awesome,” added Carter. “I really enjoyed staying after. It was a little relaxed from all the serious time with the scouts. It was just a time where you could go out, the scouts put their books down, and it was just all the guys that made it and we just had fun out there.”

Carter is now playing with the Dallas Tigers Hernandez in the WWBA 17u National Championship. He’s been playing with this team for a few years and is the only kid on the team from Okla., whereas everyone else is from Texas.

“At first it was a little intimidating because I was 15 when I first started with this team,” said Carter about being the only kid not from Texas on his team. “But the guys on this team are great. Our team camaraderie and togetherness is good. They brought me into the family like I was one of them and since it’s been great.”

“He’s a team leader,” added Head Coach Tommy Hernandez, “(He’s) a really good ball player, (and) catcher/first baseman. (He’s) a very solid individual, a great student, a great kid, (and has) a great family. Everybody has a role on this team and he fits his role perfectly, he’s a middle of the line-up guy and a fabulous catcher.”

Although Carter is committed to play baseball at Stanford, he dreams of the big leagues just like every other baseball player.

“Obviously, that’s the ultimate goal,” said Carter about going to the Majors. “I have not talked to any pro scouts yet. I’ve kind of focused on college first because that is the first step in going on in the future. I hope to one day be talking to those guys (whether) it’s at the end of this year or the end of three more years”

Carter is just as great off the field as he is on the field according to Hernandez.

“Off the field he’s a great teammate, and the kids love him. (He has) a great personality, (and he’s) really mature for his age,” said Hernandez, “He’s going to be a great asset to any college, pro team or office he may be working for. He’ll probably end up working for himself, he’s that kind of kid.”

Carter has goals that go beyond just baseball.

“I want to get my degree, and I want to attempt to be an engineer. I know it’s very difficult to do with baseball, but I’m a math and science guy; it’s how I’m wired. I just hope I can continue on and be an engineer, get my degree, and if baseball doesn’t pan out, I’ll be a successful businessperson and go on from there.”