2024 Mid-South High School All-State Games (Invite Only)
Jordan Gant is a 2025 C/RHP with a 5-10 169 lb. frame from Jasper, AL who attends . Gant ran a 8.20 Sixty Yard Dash. Primary Catcher Gant showed a medium athletic frame with some room for additional strength. Starting from an even foot base with slightly higher set hips. He created some extension towards second base on his throw downs with a long through the back side over the top arm action with accuracy on his throws. Right handed hitter that starts with a narrow upright base with a slightly inward toe tap trigger. The swing was linear through the zone as he showed some strength at impact at a backside approach. On the mound Jordan worked with a tight drop step into a belt high leg lift. The hands start slow and create rhythm throughout the delivery. He repeats his movements well coming from a high 3/4s with some Arm side run on his fastball that peaked at 75mph. Gant flashed a breaking ball with 12-6 shape with late depth to it. Jordan is an excellent student in the classroom.