2005 National Showcase
Correy Figueroa is a 2006 middle infielder from Tallahassee, FL with a medium and mature build at 5-10, 177 lbs. Figueroa ran the 60 in 6.85 and threw 82 mph during infield drills. He put on a show defensively during drills and the games, showing plus actions and range and very sure hands. He liked the big league infield in Atlanta and played with confidence. At the plate, Figueroa has a quick short line drive swing and is looking to pull the ball hard. He has good leverage at the point of contact and the ball jumps off his bat well. Figueroa showed us very good base running instincts, particularly with his jumps. Correy and his brother Cole have subltly different tools sets if you see them play enough, but both are big time players with bright baseball futures.