2023 Midwest Indoor Showcase
Xander Weidner is a 2025 C/RHP, 1B, 3B with a 5-10 185 lb. frame from Iowa City, IA who attends City High. Medium frame with strong build; ran 60 yard dash in 7.98 seconds. Hits from closed-off start, takes a big hack and swings it hard, limited stability in lower half through swing, back foot stays anchored, middle approach, strength over bat speed at this time, showed intriguing power projection. Primary catcher, side-saddle set, sits very high in set and strides out prior to receiving, gates open hips, delayed transfer pattern, clocked up to 70 mph on throws. Also threw 76 mph across the infield. Pitched as well, high leg kick with high 3/4 slot, fastball worked 74-76 mph with slight run, showed lengthy break to curveball. Good student