2004 WWBA World Championship




RHP Dellin Betances (’06)                                Brooklyn Youth Service

RHP Mike Bowden                                           Indiana Yankees

RHP Michael Broadway                                    PG Midwest

RHP Dexter Carter                                           Tidewater White Sox

RHP Bradley Clark                                          Reds Scout Team

RHP Kyle Drabek (’06)                                     Houston Heat

RHP Brandon Erbe                                          All Star Baseball

RHP Gabriel Fargas                                         Puerto Rico Baseball Academy

RHP Kyle Hancock                                          Baseball America

RHP Jeremy Hellickson                                    Team Florida USA

RHP Tyler Herron                                             Palm Beach Hammertime

RHP Shooter Hunt                                           New Jersey Twins

RHP Brett Jacobson                                         Wisconsin Blazers

RHP Ryan Jenkins (’06)                                    Houston Heat

RHP Jeff Lyman                                               Nor Cal

RHP Thomas Mendoza                                     X-Team

RHP Matt Olson                                               All Star Baseball

RHP David Phelps                                            Midwest Prospects

RHP Buster Posey                                            East Cobb Astros

RHP Zach Putnam                                            Baseball America

RHP Iain Sebastian                                           East Cobb Astros

RHP Scott Taylor                                             All Star Baseball

RHP Josh Thrailkill  (’06)                                   Reds Scout Team

RHP Chris Volsted                                           Baseball America

RHP Josh Wall                                                 Louisiana All Stars



LHP Gavin Brooks (’06)                                   Wisconsin Blazers

LHP David Duncan                                          Reds Scout Team

LHP Clayton Kershaw (’06)                              Dallas Tigers

LHP Kasey Kiker (’06)                                    Ohio Warhawks

LHP Wade Miley                                             Bill Hood

LHP Aaron Miller (’06)                                     Houston Heat

LHP Josh Smoker (’07)                                    East Cobb Astros

LHP Travis Wood                                            Midwest Scout Team



C Robbie Alcombrack  (’06)                                Nor Cal

C Bryan Anderson                                            Ohio Warhawks

C Ryan Duffy                                                    Southwest Florida

C Jonathan Egan                                               East Cobb Astros

C Billy Marcoe                                                  Baseball Northwest

C Preston Paramore                                          Dallas Tigers



IF David Adams                                               X-Team

IF Ryan Adams (’06)                                        Bill Hood

IF Josh Bell                                                     East Cobb Astros

IF Ben Booker                                                 Dallas Panthers

IF Andrew Clark (’06)                                        Indiana Mustangs

IF Ivan DeJesus                                                Indiana Yankees

IF Chris Dominguez                                          Team Florida USA

IF Chris Hall                                                     Baseball America

IF Taylor Hammock (’06)                                   Columbia Angels

IF Ryan Jackson (’06)                                       Baseball America

IF Brandon Monk                                              East Cobb Braves

IF Justin Sellers                                                Ohio Warhawks

IF Justin Smoak                                                Diamond Devils

IF Brandon Snyder                                            Reds Scout Team

IF John Tolisano (’07)                                        Southwest Florida

IF Justin Upton                                                 All Star Baseball



OF John Bivens (’06)                                        Tidewater White Sox

OF Jared Bogany                                             Houston Kyle Chapman

OF Jay Bruce                                                   Houston Heat  

OF John Drennen                                             Baseball America

OF Austin Jackson

OF Marcus Jones                                             All Star Baseball

OF Cameron Maybin                                         Reds Scout Team

OF Andrew McCutchen                                     Team Florida USA      

OF Tim Murphy                                                 Wisconsin Blazers

OF Jason Place (’06)                                         PG Columbia

OF Colby Rasmus                                            Ohio Warhawks


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