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2023 High School All State Select Championship (2026-2027 Grads) (10/14/2023 - 10/15/2023)

2023 High School All State Select Championship 14/15u Batting Practice Highlights
10/14/2023 7:35:05 PM

Aaron Pennington (2026, Morehead, KY) torques it well and fires the hips. Stayed up the middle with bat speed and some loud shots that way. Athletic look. 


Logan Drake (2027 Newburgh, IN) good handle for barrel with loose wrists. Lefty swing with rhythm and feel stood out. 


Jack Cowan (2026, Bowling Green, KY) impact strength from lefty swing. Short cut to it as well. Sprayed some to pull and looks to work out front. 


Carter Hullett (2027, Brentwood, TN) physical lefty bat with some big carry and strength.. Stung one to deep center and worked mostly to pull to some deep parts of the yard. 


Marcus Cantu (2026, Friendswood, Texas) left the yard three times in a display. Fast hands and innate feel for barrel. Really times and fires the hands with rhythm and all you want. 


Braxton Beaty (2026, Angleton, Texas) big showing from left side and left the yard with ease. High level two-way. Quick turns to pull and really turns it over with some big intent to path.


Easton Autrey (2026, Corsicana, Texas) two loud big flies and full of strength in frame. Fires hands and the bat speed is awfully real. Power projects. 


Spencer Browning (2026 Texarkana, Texas) really clean swing with traits to like. Gets extended awfully well and the hands simply work. 


Benjamin Reed (2026, Grapevine, Texas) real good feel to launch gets into it with real ease. Stayed to both gaps from a very low tension path. 


Hudson Cuevas (2027, Cedar Park, Texas) left the yard in a big round. Has strength to the opposite field but can really turn and burn to pull when needed, good strength. 


Wyatt Duke (2027, Corpus Christi, Texas) good handle for the barrel.Stayed up the middle and got on plane real well. Quick hands with impact behind it. 


Carson Sharp (2026, Liberty Hill, Texas) good frame and the strength at present shown. Good turns to the pull side with some tail and carry. Can lift with authority, more in store long term. 


Michael Chin (2026, Houston, Texas) finished round on a loud note. Really loud barrels to the pull side gap and left the yard once. Quick, short path with some big strength behind it. 


Miguel Leon (2026, Bel Air, MD) sprayed loud barrels with impact strength that plays. Uphill path with lift and heavy hands, lots to like long term here. 


Anderson Lambert( 2027, Laurel, MD) twitchy fast hands sprayed to all fields. Great feel and the athlete stands out. Loose wrists and solid impact with more in store. 


Connor Comeau (2026, Pflugerville, Texas) left the yard with ease. Lefty stick with loads of wiry strength. Gets into launch and clears. Big bat speed and strength, some whip through the zone. 


Patrick Diaz (2026, Bronx, New York) good bat speed and strength combo here. Separates well and stays intact to both halves. Short to it and the impact off the barrel shows. 


Patrick Hassan (2027, Statham, Georgia) good adjustability in the hands. Solid intent to path and the strength stood out for age. Really good round. 


Mason Diamond (2027, Springfield, Georgia) solid bat speed and gets into both halves. Loud pull side contact when the backside is cleared. 


Tanner Drda (2026, Houston, Texas) some of the loudest BP of the age group. Three straight towing blasts and one over the scoreboard. Fires hips with plenty of lift and strength. Big torque and it was loud. 


Chase Pearrow (2026, Waxahachie, Texas) impressive round with two loud shots over the left field fence. Quick hands with some lift in the finish. Big strength out front and got into the pop with ease. 


Jax Robinson (2026, Waxahacie, Texas) big left-handed bat and is a solid pull-side hitter. Clears and leverages the backside with good carry to path. Heavy barrel that plays to pull.