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FB Velocities
Kc Ambush 05 Jaelynn Tunley R59
Kc Young Legends 18A Maddie Sechrest R58
Afa 16u Dickerson Georgia Boekhout R56
Intensity Kc 16u Katie Crawford R55
Afa 18 Thompson-Scruggs Amanda Engel R55
Afa 18 Thompson-Scruggs Abby Strella R55
Kc Young Legends 18A Brookelynn Becker R54
Kc Young Legends 18A Aubrie Dale R54
Kc Ambush 05 Larkyn Koroch R54
Afa 16u Dickerson Bella Sanchez R54
Intensity Kc 16u Julia Chartier R53
Afa 18 Thompson-Scruggs Whitney Ruffcorn L49
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