Jackson Potter (2027 C, Tucson, AZ) showed a balanced swing with some bat speed through the zone and the ability to lift and drive the baseball. Well connected swing with feel for the barrel that projects going forward.
Sam Lakey (2026 OF, Pleasanton, CA) put together a polished round of BP today showing a blend of strength and bat speed in the swing. Consistently put well connected swings on the baseball and drove the baseball with carry to both gaps.
Makana Moorefield (2026 OF, Honolulu, HI) showed athletic swing movements with projectable traits in his round of BP. Gets on plane and shows some bat speed through the zone. Present ability to lift and impact the baseball well to the pull side.
Boston Stanley (2025 3B, Allyn, WA) made high quality contact throughout his round of BP. Physical hitter with strength to impact the baseball. Swings with intent and showed some ability to backspin the baseball today.
Brady Baird (2025 1B, Bakersfield, CA) put on plane swings with consistent quality contact in BP today. Controls the barrel, used the whole field and has the strength to impact the baseball to all fields.
Gavin Garcia (2026 OF, San Bernardino, CA) got to a consistent fundamental hitting position and put well connected swings on the baseball in BP. Some barrel speed through the zone with the ability to control the barrel drive the baseball.
Joshua Angulo (2027 1B, Corona, CA) physical hitter that showed big strength to impact the baseball in BP. Baseball jumps off the barrel and can drive the baseball to all fields.
Spencer Horner (2026 RHP, Temecula, CA) showed some strength and ability to impact the baseball in BP today. Stays connected and can really drive the baseball when the arms get extended.
Noah Friis (2025 OF, Carlsbad, CA) showed some athletic swing traits, creating separation and putting well connected swings on the baseball. Creates some torque and barrel whip while driving the baseball to both gaps.
Giovanni Foster (2025 3B, Castaic, CA) balanced hitter with a well connected swing and feel for the barrel in the box. Covers the whole zone well, has athletic traits and made consistent quality contact.
Cody Horner (2026 C, Temecula, CA) physical hitter with strength in the swing. Creates big hand separation and got everything in sync to lift and consistently drive the baseball.
Branden Keeling (2025 3B, San Diego, CA) one of the more impressive rounds of BP showing a blend of hit and power. Consistently in a balanced hitting position, has strength and bat speed. Hit multiple baseballs over the wall in the round.
Charles Rogers (2025 OF, Lake Elsinore, CA) showed athletic swing patterns, a repeatable swing and the ability to use the whole field in BP. High level blend of hit and power.
Ryan Fee (2025 3B, Simi Valley, CA) impressive round of BP today with a quick compact swing and some bat speed. Drove the baseball to both gaps, made consistent quality contact and showed projectable traits.
Guillermo MacFarland (2027 SS, Chula Vista, CA) player with athletic swing traits and can lift and drive the baseball. Consistent well connected swings.
Josh Haro (2025 SS, Fowler, CA) physical hitter with a blend of strength and bat speed. Can impact the baseball to all fields, got to a consistent launch position and put quality swings on the baseball throughout.