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7U (AAA) (CP) 7U (AA) (CP) 8U (AA) (CP) 8U (AAA) (CP) 8U (Major) (KP) 9U (AA) 9U (AAA) 9U (MAJOR) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 10U (MAJOR) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 11U (Major) 12U (Major) 12U (AAA) 12U (AA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 13U (Major) (60/90) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA) 14U (Major)
Effective January 1, 2025, ALL PAYMENTS must be made through your shopping cart! PAYMENT DEADLINE IS MARCH 26, 2025!! Payment is the only way to secure your spot! Non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...

ALL GATES: $12/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 3 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee) - Once those THREE coaches check-in, the rest of the coaches are required to pay
- Kids 12 and under Free
- Military/First Responder $7 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $7

Perfect Game will provide game balls

Game Times:
7U-8U Coach Pitch: No new inning after 1:10
9U-10U: No new inning after 1:30
11U-13U: No new inning after 1:40
14U: No new inning after 1:45
Request Team Invite Event Info   Book Your Hotels 33 Teams/27
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
CPYL Dirt Dawgs - Navy (0-3-0 in 2025) 12AAA Cedar Park, TX Billy Owens
GPS Legends 12U Dobbins (4-8-2 in 2025) 12AAA Round Rock, TX Merrell Ligons
Redline A’s - Haney (0-0-0 in 2025) 12AAA Frisco, TX Josh Haney
Texas Angels 12u Weston (6-10-0 in 2025) 12AAA San Antonio, TX Kevin Keeton
Texas Angels Stx 12u Ramon (9-12-1 in 2025) 12AAA Eagle Pass, TX Kevin Keeton
Texas Hardball (8-3-1 in 2025) 12AAA Round Rock, TX Travis Schlichting
Wimberley Elite Baseball 12U (9-10-0 in 2025) 12AA Wimberley, TX Matt Meeks

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend
4seam Academy- Black 12AAA Houston, TX
Action 12U White 12AAA Leander, TX
Ad Baseball Gold 12AAA Houston, TX
ATX Pistols South 12AAA Buda, TX
BPT Hurricanes Green 12AAA Houston, TX
Brazos Valley Bucks - Parr 12AAA College Station, TX
Canes SW Senators 12u Wilkinson 12AAA Dripping Springs, TX
CTX Wildcatters Grey-12U-Salomon 12AA New Braunfels, TX
CTX Wildcatters White-12U-Salomon 12AAA New Braunfels, TX
Freight Train 12u 12AAA Boerne, TX
Heat Baseball 12AA Temple, TX
LBC Central Bradshaw 12AAA Austin, TX
LBC Central Cathey 12AAA Austin, TX
LBC Central Hendricks 12AAA Austin, TX
LBC Central McClune 12AAA Austin, TX
LBC Central Villalta 12AAA Austin, TX
Lobos Baseball 12AAA San Antonio, TX
Marucci Elite Texas - Almaguer 12AAA San Antonio, TX
Pirates 12U 12AAA Poth, TX
Pressure Elite 12AA San Antonio, TX
Shiner Stars 12AAA Shiner, TX
Texas Mustangs Blue 12AAA Austin, TX
Texas Velocity 12U Black 12AAA San Antonio, TX
THZ Baseball - Futures 12AAA Round Rock, TX
USA Prime San Antonio 12u McCann 12AAA Canyon Lake, TX