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Game times:
11u-12u - 1 hr 40 mins, 6 innings, No New
13u-14u - 1 hr 45 mins, 7 innings, No New

Mike Flores - (909)-374-7439
Isaiah Atwater - (562)-447-7139
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Combat Baseball Salamanca
5 Koen Cabral 68 9 Mariners Select 12u 10/12/2024
10 Fabian Castro 46 9 Tridents 10/12/2024
46 11 Tridents 10/13/2024
Total 92 20
15 Hugo Garcia 49 6 Tridents 10/12/2024
19 3 Tridents 10/13/2024
Total 68 9
28 6 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/13/2024
Total 96 15
11 Anthony Krekos 32 4 Tridents 10/13/2024
57 8 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/13/2024
Total 89 12
3 Jesse Macedo 26 3 Mariners Select 12u 10/12/2024
16 4 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/13/2024
Total 42 7
7 Andrew Varela 37 3 Mariners Select 12u 10/12/2024
Lmb Outlaws
55 Dylan Beltran 19 0 Sd Cowboys Select 10/12/2024
16 Josiah Lopez 27 5 Sd Cowboys Select 10/12/2024
22 Nicolas Medina 47 5 Sd Cowboys Select 10/12/2024
5 Michael Moran 16 1 Sd Cowboys Select 10/12/2024
24 Matthew Ponce 63 10 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/13/2024
25 Matthew Reyes 46 8 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/12/2024
13 1 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/13/2024
Total 59 9
9 Sammy Toloza 39 6 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/12/2024
43 4 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/13/2024
Total 82 10
Long Beach 6th Tool Blue
99 Oliver Bray 35 9 Lmb Outlaws 10/12/2024
10 3 Lmb Outlaws 10/13/2024
Total 45 12
2 Daniel Evans 15 6 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/13/2024
0 0 Lmb Outlaws 10/13/2024
Total 15 6
14 Jesse Gonzalez 72 12 Lmb Outlaws 10/13/2024
7 Liam Hernandez 66 13 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/13/2024
22 Adrian Marquez 45 6 Lmb Outlaws 10/12/2024
13 Archie Sappington 13 1 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/12/2024
55 Anthony Valdez 62 12 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/12/2024
Mariners Select 12u
Carter Cox 43 9 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/12/2024
Collin Dan 60 7 Sd Cowboys Select 10/13/2024
Brent Dobron 64 10 Vigilantes 10/13/2024
Lukas Gerlach 17 3 Tridents 10/12/2024
Nolan Keefer 13 2 Sd Cowboys Select 10/13/2024
24 Caden Lee 13 3 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/12/2024
14 1 Vigilantes 10/13/2024
Total 27 4
Rob Martin 46 9 Tridents 10/12/2024
Mason Nichols 18 2 Sd Cowboys Select 10/13/2024
Ryan Trinh 33 3 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/12/2024
Sd Cowboys Select
Aiden Burke 41 6 Lmb Outlaws 10/12/2024
47 6 Mariners Select 12u 10/13/2024
Total 88 12
Xander Fryling 65 9 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/12/2024
Ryder Karlson 45 12 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/13/2024
Owen Kester 27 5 Mariners Select 12u 10/13/2024
Benny Lenander 24 3 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/12/2024
Oliver "Ollie" Webb 7 3 Lmb Outlaws 10/12/2024
12 3 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/13/2024
Total 19 6
TC Futures 12u Lloyd
31 Gavin Brown 86 12 Sd Cowboys Select 10/13/2024
9 Zander Castilleja 70 9 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/12/2024
17 Finn Cook 45 12 Top Level Elite 12u 10/13/2024
4 Bryce Cornell 14 2 Sd Cowboys Select 10/13/2024
10 Julian Martinez 70 7 Sd Cowboys Select 10/12/2024
11 Gael Oliva 34 2 Sd Cowboys Select 10/12/2024
10 Christian Trujillo 49 6 Long Beach 6th Tool Blue 10/12/2024
Top Level Elite 12u
0 Dylan Bilgrei 48 6 Vigilantes 10/12/2024
22 Ozzie Butler 20 3 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/13/2024
3 Dylan Geary 27 6 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
9 Finley Toomey 44 6 Vigilantes 10/12/2024
80 Andrew Trejo 36 6 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
99 Kelan Tsay 33 5 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
38 6 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/13/2024
Total 71 11
25 Elias Wax 25 3 TC Futures 12u Lloyd 10/13/2024
24 Carter Chan 65 9 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/12/2024
47 Chase Chiaverini 43 5 Mariners Select 12u 10/12/2024
11 Max Goldstein 16 3 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/12/2024
27 6 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/13/2024
Total 43 9
99 Jackson Harbour 14 0 Mariners Select 12u 10/12/2024
50 Michael King 0 0 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/12/2024
13 Austin McKinney 24 3 Mariners Select 12u 10/12/2024
7 Colin Murray 12 3 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/12/2024
9 Slater Nelson 53 9 Combat Baseball Salamanca 10/13/2024
Brody Bargiel 68 8 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
4 Cash Beall 63 11 Top Level Elite 12u 10/12/2024
9 Declan Bothwell 0 0 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
47 3 Mariners Select 12u 10/13/2024
Total 47 3
34 5 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/13/2024
Total 81 8
3 Bradley Cary 0 0 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
65 11 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/13/2024
Total 65 11
16 Matteo Cipulli 25 5 Mariners Select 12u 10/13/2024
10 Adam Shank 19 0 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
33 Mateo Valencia 0 0 Top Level Elite 12u 10/12/2024
13 Maverick Wight 25 4 West Coast Shockers Gold 10/12/2024
26 1 Mariners Select 12u 10/13/2024
Total 51 5
West Coast Shockers Gold
7 Koji Cahill 24 6 Top Level Elite 12u 10/12/2024
99 Ryder Drake 16 2 Top Level Elite 12u 10/12/2024
16 Parker Foss 18 1 Vigilantes 10/12/2024
20 Kyle Huang 2 2 Vigilantes 10/12/2024
45 8 Vigilantes 10/13/2024
Total 47 10
14 Conner Johnson 25 5 Vigilantes 10/12/2024
20 1 Vigilantes 10/13/2024
Total 45 6
17 Nolan Kim 22 3 Top Level Elite 12u 10/12/2024
18 Garner Morales 38 5 Top Level Elite 12u 10/12/2024
43 6 Vigilantes 10/13/2024
Total 81 11
24 Andrew Shen 21 1 Vigilantes 10/12/2024