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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
4seam Academy - Black
23 Jonny De Luna 77 18 M2 Baseball 10u 4/16/2023
12 Jovani Guerra 42 9 Moonshots 10u White 4/14/2023
27 Daniel Leos 50 10 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/16/2023
27 6 Houston Warriors-Blue 4/16/2023
Total 77 16
Adam Lopez 14 3 Moonshots 10u White 4/14/2023
25 3 Renegades Blue 4/14/2023
Total 39 6
3 Jonathan Morales 24 2 Renegades Blue 4/14/2023
22 Emanuel Onofre 9 1 Renegades Blue 4/14/2023
99 Nathan Ortiz 45 12 Renegades Blue 4/14/2023
27 2 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/16/2023
Total 72 14
Ap Express 10u - Wiederhold
35 Henslee Fader 27 4 M2 Baseball 10u 4/15/2023
35 3 Td Edge 10u - Sharp 4/16/2023
Total 62 7
Easton Hajovsky 45 3 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/15/2023
16 5 Houston Mustangs 4/16/2023
Total 61 8
3 Austin Pollard 49 5 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/15/2023
Luca Roggenkaemper 32 1 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/15/2023
Ryan Sager 21 0 M2 Baseball 10u 4/15/2023
7 Eli Williamson 31 2 M2 Baseball 10u 4/15/2023
52 6 Td Edge 10u - Sharp 4/16/2023
Total 83 8
49 4 Houston Mustangs 4/16/2023
Total 132 12
Ap Express Fabre
3 Jacob Huss 35 3 Batter'S Box White 4/16/2023
9 Keenan Johnson 76 12 Batter'S Box White 4/16/2023
6 Weston Johnson 28 7 Humble Titans - Orange 4/14/2023
10 David Knipp 57 5 Humble Titans - Orange 4/14/2023
52 Carson Leoni 20 3 Houston Warriors-Blue 4/14/2023
12 Easton Shreve 43 9 Houston Warriors-Blue 4/14/2023
Batter'S Box White
Eli Blasig 34 7 M2 Baseball 10u 4/15/2023
Heath Kaspar 38 5 M2 Baseball 10u 4/15/2023
1 Kaleb Stroech 62 9 EPA 10u 4/15/2023
Cypress Elite Gray
17 Benjamin Garcia 25 4 Katy Colts 4/15/2023
30 Weston Hamilton 20 3 Lp Havok 4/15/2023
23 Elijah Inocencio 31 1 Lp Havok 4/15/2023
9 Patrick Luhn 41 2 Lp Havok 4/15/2023
5 Amir Mella 36 7 Katy Colts 4/15/2023
56 Austin Schilling 21 4 Katy Colts 4/15/2023
EPA 10u
Collier Anselmi 67 6 Batter'S Box White 4/15/2023
Jackson Bush 54 1 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/15/2023
Camryn Gastmyer 12 2 Batter'S Box White 4/15/2023
Matthew Jonczak 44 2 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/15/2023
Ethan Raymond 39 1 Batter'S Box White 4/15/2023
Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney
0 Romeo Alonso 5 3 Katy Mudcats 4/15/2023
0 Deacon Carpenter 24 6 Houston Mustangs 4/15/2023
0 Henry Hunt 39 9 Katy Mudcats 4/15/2023
0 Liam Logan 19 3 Houston Mustangs 4/15/2023
Houston Mustangs
13 Brandon Matthew Castillo 17 3 Katy Mudcats 4/15/2023
6 2 Moonshots 10u White 4/16/2023
Total 23 5
2 Isaac Lopez 27 1 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/15/2023
Eduardo Martinez Cruz 78 9 Katy Mudcats 4/15/2023
4 David Ramirez 82 8 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/15/2023
14 Nathan Rivera 78 10 Moonshots 10u White 4/16/2023
Houston Warriors-Blue
2 Paulie Dickerson 48 9 Renegades Blue 4/14/2023
9 James Hildebrandt 75 2 Ap Express Fabre 4/14/2023
Wyatt Jansky 12 2 Ap Express Fabre 4/14/2023
Humble Titans - Orange
9 Ethan Blanco 58 12 Moonshots 10u White 4/14/2023
11 Daniel Cruz 37 9 Ap Express Fabre 4/14/2023
7 William Derrick 32 3 Ap Express Fabre 4/14/2023
Katy Colts
7 Hudson Barfuss 32 6 Cypress Elite Gray 4/15/2023
26 6 Opa Jays 4/16/2023
Total 58 12
13 Preston Rosenbaum 30 3 Cypress Elite Gray 4/15/2023
35 Xander Solorzano 32 6 Cypress Elite Gray 4/15/2023
12 Benjamin Strachan 17 0 Texas Hot Shots 4/15/2023
99 Matthew Winters 58 6 Texas Hot Shots 4/15/2023
Katy Mudcats
11 Kellen Aston 27 2 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/15/2023
1 Thomas Coleman 17 3 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/15/2023
42 Lance Durham 28 6 Houston Mustangs 4/15/2023
15 Logan Estes 27 3 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/15/2023
22 Maxwell Garrett 33 6 Houston Mustangs 4/15/2023
2 Oliver Gipson 36 4 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/15/2023
Lp Havok
10 Caden Bob 23 3 Cypress Elite Gray 4/15/2023
12 Asael Castro 73 12 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/16/2023
23 Nicholas Flores 9 6 Cypress Elite Gray 4/15/2023
27 Grayson Gann 28 1 Td Edge 10u - Sharp 4/15/2023
31 0 Cypress Elite Gray 4/15/2023
Total 59 1
44 Collin Hamilton 25 5 Td Edge 10u - Sharp 4/15/2023
3 Jackson Pellerin 50 7 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/16/2023
5 Christopher Reilly JR 20 2 Houston Blast – 10u – Fortney 4/16/2023
87 Texan Rosenbaum 35 6 Td Edge 10u - Sharp 4/15/2023
M2 Baseball 10u
7 Jaxon Higgins 16 3 Ap Express 10u - Wiederhold 4/15/2023
22 Grayson Sablatura 31 6 Batter'S Box White 4/15/2023
40 6 Cypress Elite Gray 4/16/2023
Total 71 12
1 Krosby Smith 38 6 Ap Express 10u - Wiederhold 4/15/2023
44 Hayden Wallace 28 6 Batter'S Box White 4/15/2023
Moonshots 10u White
88 Mack Darsey 11 2 4seam Academy - Black 4/14/2023
23 Ryan Dawson 57 8 Humble Titans - Orange 4/14/2023
34 Dylan Harvey 38 1 4seam Academy - Black 4/14/2023
0 Raul Ruelas 31 6 4seam Academy - Black 4/14/2023
3 Tyson Taveras 47 4 Humble Titans - Orange 4/14/2023
Opa Jays
12 Camden Canale 34 3 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/15/2023
25 Howie Kelchner 34 3 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/15/2023
1 Caleb Pulido 26 6 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/15/2023
41 Brayden Walters 49 3 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/15/2023
2 Maddox Woodyard 34 0 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/15/2023
10 Major Zedan 10 3 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/15/2023
Renegades Blue
43 Jason Antunez 21 1 Houston Warriors-Blue 4/14/2023
11 0 EPA 10u 4/16/2023
Total 32 1
44 Weston Babcock 33 3 Houston Warriors-Blue 4/14/2023
33 1 EPA 10u 4/16/2023
Total 66 4
15 Tyler Everett 33 4 4seam Academy - Black 4/14/2023
5 2 EPA 10u 4/16/2023
Total 38 6
20 Carlos Gonzalez 25 2 EPA 10u 4/16/2023
9 Owen Leibelsperger 12 2 4seam Academy - Black 4/14/2023
10 0 Houston Warriors-Blue 4/14/2023
Total 22 2
79 11 Katy Colts 4/16/2023
Total 101 13
5 Luke Warren 22 1 Houston Warriors-Blue 4/14/2023
99 William Whitten 0 13 4seam Academy - Black 4/14/2023
15 1 EPA 10u 4/16/2023
Total 15 14
27 4 Katy Colts 4/16/2023
Total 42 18
Sta-Mo Storm 10u
0 Houston Barrera 54 7 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/15/2023
34 Delwin Lampley 27 4 Opa Jays 4/15/2023
32 6 Katy Mudcats 4/16/2023
Total 59 10
31 5 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/16/2023
Total 90 15
88 Mason Lampley 20 2 Texas Bluechips 10u 4/15/2023
2 1 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/16/2023
Total 22 3
9 Corey Pilart 28 9 Katy Mudcats 4/16/2023
70 6 Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station) 4/16/2023
Total 98 15
4 Jackson Wilson 23 2 Opa Jays 4/15/2023
Td Edge 10u - Sharp
4 Beau Butler 55 9 Lp Havok 4/15/2023
9 Lincoln Martinez 49 3 Texas Hot Shots 4/15/2023
27 Sagar Sebastian 68 9 Texas Hot Shots 4/15/2023
22 3 Lp Havok 4/15/2023
Total 90 12
Texas Bluechips 10u
Mason Garza 26 3 Opa Jays 4/15/2023
9 2 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/15/2023
Total 35 5
Corban Henry 21 1 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/15/2023
Dylan Niemeyar 54 6 Opa Jays 4/15/2023
Christian Robinson 53 6 Sta-Mo Storm 10u 4/15/2023
Texas Hot Shots
0 Macklin Abbott 32 3 Katy Colts 4/15/2023
68 12 Lp Havok 4/16/2023
Total 100 15
24 Easton Janes 69 9 Humble Titans - Orange 4/16/2023
17 Finn Kansala 29 6 Td Edge 10u - Sharp 4/15/2023
9 Landon Kiger 37 3 Katy Colts 4/15/2023
44 Easton Perales 69 12 Ap Express Fabre 4/16/2023
7 Josiah Reddick 34 6 Td Edge 10u - Sharp 4/15/2023
15 3 Humble Titans - Orange 4/16/2023
Total 49 9
16 Brennan Sullivan 21 3 Katy Colts 4/15/2023
Texas Twelve 10u Black (College Station)
19 Kai Curs 41 6 EPA 10u 4/15/2023
1 Luke Durkin 9 1 Ap Express 10u - Wiederhold 4/15/2023
15 Kaz Kerbel 32 8 Ap Express 10u - Wiederhold 4/15/2023