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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Austin Boom 14u Cox
Jimmy Bramble 61 11 Texas Splitters 14u Black 11/18/2023
Logan Conroy 40 5 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 11/18/2023
Zane Everette 7 1 Texas Splitters 14u Black 11/18/2023
Caleb Might 51 7 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 11/18/2023
Canes Southwest - Futures
0 Thomas Burgess 19 0 Ds Tigers 14u 11/18/2023
4 Carter Ellis 2 1 Lbc Central White 14u 11/19/2023
17 Dominic Guzman 81 15 Lt Outlaws 14u - Davis 11/18/2023
2 Cullen Leenher 2 0 Ds Tigers 14u 11/18/2023
12 Gavin Marks 80 11 Lbc Central White 14u 11/19/2023
16 Oziel Rostro 58 7 Ds Tigers 14u 11/18/2023
Canes Southwest - Premier Black
7 Blake DeShazo 39 6 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/18/2023
28 Maven Leman 37 9 Cpyl Tribe McGoldrick 11/18/2023
22 Liam McKenzie 8 3 Cpyl Tribe McGoldrick 11/18/2023
27 Reed Parker 46 6 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/18/2023
Canes Southwest - Steele
Brooks Falconer 59 9 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 11/18/2023
2 James Graham Ii 31 2 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/18/2023
82 Cooper Marshall 46 3 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/18/2023
11 Garrett Newman 12 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 11/18/2023
2 1 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/18/2023
Total 14 4
20 Braden Yockey 39 6 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/18/2023
Canes SW - Doyle
84 Celso Becerra-Briseno 40 4 Lt Outlaws 13u - Hale 11/18/2023
15 Richard Saldana 36 1 Lt Outlaws 13u - Hale 11/18/2023
9 Ryan Schneider 49 9 LBC North - Corkill 11/18/2023
33 Billy Torres 37 6 LBC North - Corkill 11/18/2023
8 Kody Wright 48 2 Lt Outlaws 13u - Hale 11/18/2023
Cpyl Tribe McGoldrick
Dylan Dunahoo 8 0 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/18/2023
8 Robert Everett 40 3 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/18/2023
28 Jett Frei 46 3 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/18/2023
50 Wyatt Hsu 17 3 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/18/2023
Colton Keenan 28 4 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/18/2023
34 Nicholas Mendoza 24 3 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/18/2023
2 Luke Reichold 38 2 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/18/2023
Ds Tigers 14u
22 William Austin 48 6 Sa Titans 14u Orange 11/18/2023
4 Callan Findeisen 27 3 Sa Titans 14u Orange 11/18/2023
8 Casper Kaner 40 7 Canes Southwest - Futures 11/18/2023
6 Miles Kenton 70 12 LBC Central Red 14U 11/19/2023
13 Grady Wiese 51 2 Canes Southwest - Futures 11/18/2023
Gps Legends 14u Mazoch
28 Brennan Hennessey 29 2 Texas Senators 14U Simpson 11/18/2023
27 Will Jensen 61 9 LBC Central Red 14U 11/18/2023
40 Eli Lardner 14 1 Texas Senators 14U Simpson 11/18/2023
13 Evan Linck 24 6 Texas Senators 14U Simpson 11/18/2023
22 Elias Razo 14 3 Texas Senators 14U Simpson 11/18/2023
7 Cannon Seaton 45 6 LBC Central Red 14U 11/18/2023
LBC Central Red 14U
9 Kashden Krehbiel 36 9 Gps Legends 14u Mazoch 11/18/2023
10 Daniel Masters 27 4 Texas Senators 14U Simpson 11/18/2023
21 Colton Taylor 57 8 Texas Senators 14U Simpson 11/18/2023
12 Nathan Whyte 24 6 Gps Legends 14u Mazoch 11/18/2023
Lbc Central White 14u
4 Cade Briseno 21 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 11/18/2023
25 3 Tejas 14u Navy 11/19/2023
Total 46 6
13 James Cobb III 3 2 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/18/2023
27 Asher Dahlberg 47 9 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 11/18/2023
22 Jacob Larson 58 10 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/18/2023
3 Carlos Tamez 58 7 Tejas 14u Navy 11/19/2023
21 Austin Taylor 24 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 11/18/2023
LBC North - Corkill
Landon Hall 22 1 Canes SW - Doyle 11/18/2023
Jack Jenkins 18 5 Lt Outlaws 13u - Hale 11/18/2023
37 9 Texas Splitters 14u Black 11/19/2023
Total 55 14
Colby Johnson 42 5 Canes SW - Doyle 11/18/2023
52 9 Texas Splitters 14u Black 11/19/2023
Total 94 14
Michael Lewis 23 1 Lt Outlaws 13u - Hale 11/18/2023
Jacob Mahan 35 9 Lt Outlaws 13u - Hale 11/18/2023
Landon Patterson 65 9 Canes SW - Doyle 11/18/2023
Lt Outlaws 13u - Hale
27 Cooper Carroll 37 6 LBC North - Corkill 11/18/2023
12 Austin Doane 10 0 LBC North - Corkill 11/18/2023
14 Hank Kinto 25 3 Canes SW - Doyle 11/18/2023
0 Zachary Looper 10 3 LBC North - Corkill 11/18/2023
7 Hunter Patterson 34 6 LBC North - Corkill 11/18/2023
9 Lucas Ritts 26 3 Canes SW - Doyle 11/18/2023
Lt Outlaws 14u - Davis
22 Nolan Atkins 82 10 Canes Southwest - Futures 11/18/2023
18 Chase Carlson 71 11 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/19/2023
9 Caden Hoover 44 6 Sa Titans 14u Orange 11/18/2023
12 Jacob Martin 6 2 Canes Southwest - Futures 11/18/2023
79 12 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/19/2023
Total 85 14
13 Caleb Norton 31 3 Canes Southwest - Futures 11/18/2023
28 Cooper Offield 39 9 Sa Titans 14u Orange 11/18/2023
2 1 Texas Glitch 14u Diaz 11/19/2023
Total 41 10
Sa Titans 14u Orange
Daniel Guerra 34 6 Lt Outlaws 14u - Davis 11/18/2023
Layton Latka 14 0 Ds Tigers 14u 11/18/2023
Ian Macias 70 12 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/19/2023
Landen Mutz 52 9 Ds Tigers 14u 11/18/2023
Matthew Rodriguez 35 9 Lt Outlaws 14u - Davis 11/18/2023
Tejas 14u Navy
15 Landon Hughes 78 11 Texas Aces 11/18/2023
54 Trent Johnston 56 6 Titans 14u Black 11/18/2023
99 Izaac Rodriguez 19 4 Texas Aces 11/18/2023
12 Grayson Stoecklein 53 6 Titans 14u Black 11/18/2023
Texas Aces
6 Jaxon Armstrong 77 18 Titans 14u Black 11/18/2023
11 Xander Jasso 80 12 Tejas 14u Navy 11/18/2023
7 Angelo Lopez 19 3 Tejas 14u Navy 11/18/2023
67 7 Canes SW - Doyle 11/19/2023
Total 86 10
9 Isaac Vidales 39 5 Canes SW - Doyle 11/19/2023
Texas Glitch 14u Diaz
19 Ryan Aguilar 37 3 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/18/2023
14 Tyler Clarkson 9 3 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/18/2023
36 6 Cpyl Tribe McGoldrick 11/18/2023
Total 45 9
6 Michael Holguin 39 3 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/18/2023
3 Alejandro Quijano 14 3 Cpyl Tribe McGoldrick 11/18/2023
Texas Senators 14U Simpson
22 Parker Babineaux 53 8 LBC Central Red 14U 11/18/2023
25 6 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/19/2023
Total 78 14
35 Jack Gheen 43 3 Gps Legends 14u Mazoch 11/18/2023
Keenan Hardy 71 9 Gps Legends 14u Mazoch 11/18/2023
5 Colten Simmons 50 10 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 11/19/2023
19 Robert Smith 44 3 LBC Central Red 14U 11/18/2023
17 5 Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon 11/19/2023
Total 61 8
23 Ben Wilson 11 4 LBC Central Red 14U 11/18/2023
66 9 Canes Southwest - Premier Black 11/19/2023
Total 77 13
Texas Splitters 14u Black
7 Jax Bunger 7 2 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 11/18/2023
23 David Chapa 34 3 Austin Boom 14u Cox 11/18/2023
12 Connor Firestone 45 6 Austin Boom 14u Cox 11/18/2023
3 Max Menger 11 1 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 11/18/2023
15 Kern Miller 34 4 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 11/18/2023
27 Bryce O'Sullivan 53 5 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 11/18/2023
Texas Twelve San Antonio Black
24 Roman Boyd 47 9 Austin Boom 14u Cox 11/18/2023
36 6 Gps Legends 14u Mazoch 11/19/2023
Total 83 15
54 Jackson May 41 6 Austin Boom 14u Cox 11/18/2023
Cooper Overocker 69 9 Gps Legends 14u Mazoch 11/19/2023
27 Braden Ramirez 60 9 Texas Splitters 14u Black 11/18/2023
29 Ryan Rogers 25 3 Texas Splitters 14u Black 11/18/2023
Texas Twelve San Antonio Maroon
4 Nico Aguilar 2 1 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/18/2023
12 Angel Alvarado 50 9 Lbc Central White 14u 11/18/2023
6 Brayden Barron 41 3 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/18/2023
25 Jose Canales 28 3 Lbc Central White 14u 11/18/2023
15 Easton Hernandez 40 2 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/18/2023
0 Priece Lund 52 6 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/18/2023
5 Drew Williams 17 6 Lbc Central White 14u 11/18/2023
THZ Baseball - Blue
19 Baron Bauer 6 1 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/18/2023
7 Nathan Ferro 27 2 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/18/2023
13 Hector Garza 78 14 Lbc Central White 14u 11/18/2023
9 Sean Merwick 33 9 Canes Southwest - Steele 11/18/2023
8 Salvador Morales 2 1 Lbc Central White 14u 11/18/2023
Titans 14u Black
92 Alex Graham 19 4 Tejas 14u Navy 11/18/2023
4 Ryan Lieder 55 8 Tejas 14u Navy 11/18/2023
33 7 LBC North - Corkill 11/19/2023
Total 88 15
5 Anderson Liscum 31 6 Texas Aces 11/18/2023
59 6 LBC North - Corkill 11/19/2023
Total 90 12
33 Kristopher Lopez 69 12 Cpyl Tribe McGoldrick 11/19/2023
6 Benjamin Sowers 59 12 Texas Aces 11/18/2023