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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.


Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
A9 Legends
99 Luke Busse 27 5 Wolfpack 14u 5/11/2024
21 3 Sedalia Bombers 5/12/2024
Total 48 8
2 Deuce Enright 84 12 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/12/2024
Rafa Fernandez 46 6 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/11/2024
5 Gabriel Harryman 59 9 Us Nationals 14u Red 5/12/2024
27 Logan Latier 31 9 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/11/2024
42 6 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/12/2024
Total 73 15
13 Luke Lefever 16 6 Us Nationals 14u Red 5/12/2024
23 3 Sedalia Bombers 5/12/2024
Total 39 9
7 Dyllan O'Berry 90 16 Wolfpack 14u 5/11/2024
21 Isaac Thompson 11 3 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/12/2024
73 12 Sedalia Bombers 5/12/2024
Total 84 15
Ac Kings
14 Eli Bodenhausen 22 7 Tigers 5/11/2024
36 3 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/11/2024
Total 58 10
18 Isaiah Majied 30 3 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/12/2024
6 Kole Malhiwsky 33 6 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/11/2024
7 Levi McAfee 46 4 Tigers 5/11/2024
49 Mehki Moore 25 1 Tigers 5/11/2024
51 9 Wolfpack 14u 5/12/2024
Total 76 10
10 Dalton Schultz 0 0 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/12/2024
13 Caden Spaeth 83 8 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/12/2024
11 Mason Voss 14 3 Tigers 5/11/2024
46 9 Wolfpack 14u 5/12/2024
Total 60 12
27 Jude Zahnd 41 5 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/11/2024
Canes KC - Mendez
42 Rhys Caudle 52 8 Sedalia Bombers 5/11/2024
29 Nicolas Danner 15 3 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/12/2024
21 Hank Falcone 27 6 Majors 5/11/2024
33 Jayden Lambert 3 0 Sedalia Bombers 5/11/2024
60 8 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
Total 63 8
44 Bryce Leefers 20 4 Sedalia Bombers 5/11/2024
23 3 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
Total 43 7
20 Jackson Oatis 69 12 Majors 5/11/2024
1 Joe Frank Saitta 9 3 Sedalia Bombers 5/11/2024
0 Wyatt Webster 70 10 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/12/2024
70 10 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/12/2024
Total 140 20
6 Jett York 53 9 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
17 2 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/12/2024
Total 70 11
Carl Junction Bulldogs
9 Nolan Bronson 44 8 Canes KC - Mendez 5/12/2024
10 1 Majors 5/12/2024
Total 54 9
17 Ethan Garrow 42 4 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/11/2024
4 Bryant Hanks 46 9 Wolfpack 14u 5/11/2024
33 Tadem Jones 24 3 Wolfpack 14u 5/11/2024
60 6 Canes KC - Mendez 5/12/2024
Total 84 9
18 Jw Riley 22 2 Wolfpack 14u 5/11/2024
3 Juvoni Solomon 38 6 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/11/2024
43 7 Majors 5/12/2024
Total 81 13
13 Landon Stump 19 0 Wolfpack 14u 5/11/2024
99 Kaizer Tarwater 38 7 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/11/2024
55 7 Majors 5/12/2024
Total 93 14
Cavaliers - Maroon Allen
26 Tyler Benjes 109 15 Ac Kings 5/11/2024
23 Conner Brown 32 6 Us Nationals 14u Red 5/11/2024
17 Sam Harter 76 9 Us Nationals 14u Red 5/11/2024
12 Grayson Lecluyse 2 1 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
42 Jeremiah Roberson 43 4 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
13 Max Sullivan 63 10 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
Cavaliers - White Van Pelt
9 Dawson Cassida 69 8 A9 Legends 5/12/2024
2 Sam Cohen 51 12 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/11/2024
3 Wyatt Cole 71 13 A9 Legends 5/12/2024
5 1 Ac Kings 5/12/2024
Total 76 14
11 Cruz Kane 6 1 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/11/2024
44 Landon Rice 92 16 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/11/2024
25 Bryor Schultz 63 14 Ac Kings 5/12/2024
1 Braydon Bolden 15 1 Redbirds 5/11/2024
3 Landen Johnson 52 7 Canes KC - Mendez 5/11/2024
6 Jacob Kluck 45 9 Canes KC - Mendez 5/11/2024
21 Noah Kluck 7 1 Canes KC - Mendez 5/11/2024
31 7 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/12/2024
Total 38 8
16 Deshaun Mays 42 6 Redbirds 5/11/2024
24 Brittan Motley, Ii 52 6 Redbirds 5/11/2024
49 6 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/12/2024
Total 101 12
5 Michael Patillo 24 1 Redbirds 5/11/2024
10 Richard Perez 1 3 Redbirds 5/11/2024
Old School Ducks - Hayes
23 Hudsen Helbock-Taylor 35 1 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/11/2024
43 6 Canes KC - Mendez 5/12/2024
Total 78 7
12 Dervin Miller 100 14 Tigers 5/12/2024
34 Chase Murphy 16 2 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/11/2024
12 2 Tigers 5/12/2024
Total 28 4
72 12 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/12/2024
Total 100 16
Braden O'Brien 15 2 A9 Legends 5/11/2024
4 0 Canes KC - Mendez 5/12/2024
Total 19 2
43 Hunter Pelham 66 8 A9 Legends 5/11/2024
2 0 Tigers 5/12/2024
Total 68 8
34 4 Canes KC - Mendez 5/12/2024
Total 102 12
16 Stone Searcey 30 3 A9 Legends 5/11/2024
34 5 Canes KC - Mendez 5/12/2024
Total 64 8
8 Caden Webster 42 1 A9 Legends 5/11/2024
40 4 Tigers 5/12/2024
Total 82 5
2 Michael Zehner 24 6 Cavaliers - White Van Pelt 5/11/2024
25 3 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/12/2024
Total 49 9
49 6 Canes KC - Mendez 5/12/2024
Total 98 15
22 Kooper Kuhn 36 9 Majors 5/11/2024
5 Kaiden Murphy 37 6 Majors 5/11/2024
26 Nolan Reed 79 17 Sedalia Bombers 5/11/2024
13 Brayden Riley 16 3 Sedalia Bombers 5/12/2024
8 Nils Salmonson 13 2 Sedalia Bombers 5/11/2024
62 9 Sedalia Bombers 5/12/2024
Total 75 11
10 Colten Walters 23 1 Sedalia Bombers 5/11/2024
2 John Watskey 13 0 Sedalia Bombers 5/12/2024
Sedalia Bombers
35 Sawyer Barnett 20 3 Canes KC - Mendez 5/11/2024
30 3 Redbirds 5/12/2024
Total 50 6
2 Jett Bugg 81 14 Redbirds 5/11/2024
0 Asher Cason 21 0 Canes KC - Mendez 5/11/2024
19 Jackson Gilmore 87 14 Canes KC - Mendez 5/11/2024
3 Khale Hammond 33 4 Redbirds 5/11/2024
1 Drew Kindle 60 12 Redbirds 5/12/2024
54 Lane McCollester 41 6 A9 Legends 5/12/2024
Karson Wiskur 21 3 Redbirds 5/11/2024
65 9 A9 Legends 5/12/2024
Total 86 12
2 Jacob Dean 45 6 Ac Kings 5/11/2024
36 William Devlin 62 6 Us Nationals 14u Red 5/11/2024
16 Miles Faulkner 29 7 Us Nationals 14u Red 5/11/2024
5 Zach Kennedy 37 6 Ac Kings 5/11/2024
84 17 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
Total 121 23
13 Anderson Kreshel 15 3 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
4 Jacob Morasch 11 2 Us Nationals 14u Red 5/11/2024
34 Grady Samuel 26 1 Old School Ducks - Hayes 5/12/2024
18 Hudson Suhr 22 3 Ac Kings 5/11/2024
Us Nationals 14u Red
5 George Carpenter 14 3 Tigers 5/11/2024
108 12 A9 Legends 5/12/2024
Total 122 15
2 Malachi Dew 19 3 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/11/2024
31 Gavin Duey 66 8 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/11/2024
8 Mason Eames 46 9 Tigers 5/11/2024
7 Carson Hill 10 3 Tigers 5/11/2024
6 Gino Pescetto 47 4 Cavaliers - Maroon Allen 5/11/2024
Wolfpack 14u
22 Jake Hobkirk 35 4 Ac Kings 5/12/2024
3 Avery Larkins 71 15 Carl Junction Bulldogs 5/11/2024
8 Taven Osborn 64 15 A9 Legends 5/11/2024
31 Kole Schwanke 33 6 Ac Kings 5/12/2024
42 Eli Tagg 8 3 A9 Legends 5/11/2024
33 6 Ac Kings 5/12/2024
Total 41 9
2 Jeter Tatum 7 0 Ac Kings 5/12/2024