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 Effective April 8, 2024, the below Easton – Hype Fire Bats are suspended and may not be used in Perfect Game events until further notice. 

2023 Easton Hype Fire 2¾" USSSA Bat 2024 (-5)
2024 Easton Hype Fire 2¾" USSSA Bat 2024 (-5)

At the request of Seminole County and our partnership with them, the following policies will continue to be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex.
* Metal Spikes are not allowed inside of the complex.  Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box.  Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes.  They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.  
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.   
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed
* No boom boxes, music or noise makers allowed

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the director Ryan Binas at rbinas@perfectgame.org
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
CBU 13u Tampa
2 Austin Emmerman 42 6 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/13/2024
41 6 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
Total 83 12
13 Ricky Fernandez 46 9 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/13/2024
888 Ryan Lennerth 44 9 Paco Elite 4/13/2024
64 15 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
Total 108 24
999 Jonatan Macuya 20 3 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/13/2024
8 0 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
Total 28 3
Central Florida Bad Boyz
13 Allen Fernandez 53 7 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/13/2024
27 Jose Yamil Guevara 59 9 Paco Elite 4/13/2024
7 Luis Hernandez 33 5 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
9 Jayden Perez 8 3 Sports Academy Orlando 13u 4/14/2024
16 Mathias Perozo 65 8 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
10 Leonardo Polo Arteaga 35 2 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/13/2024
3 Isaiah Rivera 0 0 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
23 Fabricio Solorzano 18 2 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
77 12 Sports Academy Orlando 13u 4/14/2024
Total 95 14
1 Phoenix Thomas 39 3 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/13/2024
Dme Academy
Baron Brownlee 26 9 Sting Select 4/13/2024
58 5 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Total 84 14
Shiloh Gallimore 6 1 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Zachary Kilian 85 12 Sting Select 4/13/2024
0 Sam Klimtzak 72 11 Gsb Prospects 2029 4/13/2024
Reed McFarland 85 12 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions
23 Jeremiah Blasio 27 0 CBU 13u Tampa 4/13/2024
2 Dylan Brewington 83 10 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/13/2024
11 James Hatley 77 15 CBU 13u Tampa 4/13/2024
7 Colin Irby 32 2 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/13/2024
17 James McCoy 41 6 Orlando Bandits 13U 4/14/2024
21 Max Merryman 47 6 Orlando Bandits 13U 4/14/2024
13 Evan Queen 10 0 CBU 13u Tampa 4/13/2024
1 Ethan Tucker 13 3 Orlando Bandits 13U 4/14/2024
Florida Max- Nat'S
1 Camden Amaya 63 6 Scorpions 13u 4/12/2024
62 Karsten Hall 8 1 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
0 Landon Kennedy 36 6 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/14/2024
22 Jackson Lipkowitz 21 3 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
17 Colton McKee 60 12 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/14/2024
20 Kyler Natario 13 3 Scorpions 13u 4/12/2024
27 4 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
Total 40 7
26 Braden Scutero 28 3 Scorpions 13u 4/12/2024
19 Parker Yero 41 6 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
Gsb Prospects 2029
0 Brice Barth 68 14 Paco Elite 4/14/2024
18 Jacxiel Figueroa 20 1 Dme Academy 4/13/2024
Antonio Marino 41 2 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/13/2024
Cesar Montalvan 31 2 Dme Academy 4/13/2024
4 Ryder Santos 48 7 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/13/2024
William Wade 66 8 Dme Academy 4/13/2024
Blake Wyche 18 2 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/13/2024
Jbr Academy Scout Team
Jaiden Breton 47 7 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
10 2 Rba Jets 4/14/2024
Total 57 9
7 Javier Lozano 65 4 Scorpions 13u 4/12/2024
4 0 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
Total 69 4
27 6 Rba Jets 4/14/2024
Total 96 10
Andres Perez 71 12 Rba Jets 4/14/2024
8 Jose Rivas 39 3 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
24 Santiago Rodriguez 55 5 Scorpions 13u 4/12/2024
34 2 R3 13u Pink 4/13/2024
Total 89 7
9 1 Rba Jets 4/14/2024
Total 98 8
Lbi Swarm-13u
44 Trindon Baker 34 3 Sting Select 4/13/2024
19 Mason Foster 59 10 Sting Select 4/13/2024
0 0 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/14/2024
Total 59 10
34 Trevor Gates 20 4 Sting Select 4/13/2024
5 Colton Kennedy 29 5 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/14/2024
11 Andrew LaMacchia 54 5 Gsb Prospects 2029 4/13/2024
99 Chace Medeiros 49 7 Gsb Prospects 2029 4/13/2024
54 13 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/14/2024
Total 103 20
Orlando Bandits 13U
8 Daniel Galindez 35 8 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/14/2024
3 Logan Lopez 43 6 Rba Jets 4/13/2024
12 Odanyx Ofarril 87 7 Sports Academy Orlando 13u 4/12/2024
0 Joshua Palmi 41 8 Florida Burn Tampa 13U Lions 4/14/2024
7 Cameron Robledo 69 11 Rba Jets 4/13/2024
5 Zander Wingham 24 5 Sports Academy Orlando 13u 4/12/2024
Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis
10 Easton Collins 70 15 Sports Academy Orlando 13u 4/13/2024
11 Jayden Feist 77 12 Sting Select 4/14/2024
34 Jeremy Hoff Jr 21 5 Rba Jets 4/13/2024
6 Brody Morrow 76 14 Rba Jets 4/13/2024
1 Ian Robinson 10 1 Sting Select 4/14/2024
13 Owen Windham 63 8 Sting Select 4/14/2024
Paco Elite
12 Pedro Bonilla 37 5 Gsb Prospects 2029 4/14/2024
24 Gabe Landeros 45 6 CBU 13u Tampa 4/13/2024
32 Josiah Maner 12 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/13/2024
31 Landon Noe 63 3 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/13/2024
27 Santiago Parrillo 24 3 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/13/2024
7 Nikola Ruzic 47 4 CBU 13u Tampa 4/13/2024
10 Mason Weesner 52 6 Gsb Prospects 2029 4/14/2024
R3 13u Pink
99 Brock Cox 38 6 Jbr Academy Scout Team 4/13/2024
12 2 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Total 50 8
89 Ronnie Davis 65 12 CBU 13u Tampa 4/14/2024
34 Carson Franjesevic 36 6 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/14/2024
6 Harrison Kieffer 10 2 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/13/2024
32 6 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Total 42 8
7 Lukas Klipper 56 8 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
12 Carter Lieb 64 11 CBU 13u Tampa 4/14/2024
8 Hayden Perez 60 9 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/14/2024
63 Joshua Wintle 42 5 Jbr Academy Scout Team 4/13/2024
37 3 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Total 79 8
24 Andrew Wood 61 14 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/13/2024
Rba Jets
33 Conner Blomlie 52 3 Orlando Bandits 13U 4/13/2024
28 Logan Chen 89 16 Jbr Academy Scout Team 4/14/2024
11 Brandon Cooley 3 1 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/13/2024
10 Reshard Jones Jr. 20 2 Jbr Academy Scout Team 4/14/2024
22 Beckett Lourenco 66 14 Orlando Bandits 13U 4/13/2024
2 Jaxson Russo 29 2 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/13/2024
44 Christian Vasiento 76 15 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/13/2024
Scorpions 13u
3 Cade DePriest 47 12 Jbr Academy Scout Team 4/12/2024
37 5 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
Total 84 17
11 Jackson Fleming 14 1 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/12/2024
7 Drew Goldman 12 3 Dme Academy 4/14/2024
2 Jace Kennedy 55 5 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/12/2024
12 Gabriel Klimis 71 12 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
5 Whitt Martindale 70 15 Dme Academy 4/14/2024
1 Cade Niles 37 3 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/12/2024
39 Tanner Russell 13 3 Florida Max- Nat'S 4/12/2024
64 15 Sting Select 4/14/2024
Total 77 18
13 Jax Yuzzolin 26 6 Sting Select 4/14/2024
29 3 R3 13u Pink 4/14/2024
Total 55 9
Sports Academy Orlando 13u
0 Cooper Gear 4 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/14/2024
0 Peter Isaac 32 4 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/13/2024
Xylon Liriano-Jimenez 32 4 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/13/2024
23 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/14/2024
Total 55 5
0 Ramon Roa 89 12 Orlando Bandits 13U 4/12/2024
0 Roberto Torres 21 3 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/13/2024
0 Peyton Treece 36 3 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/13/2024
49 7 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/14/2024
Total 85 10
0 Mauricio Zaa 31 2 Central Florida Bad Boyz 4/14/2024
Sting Select
Liam Lackaff 32 7 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/13/2024
70 13 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/14/2024
Total 102 20
Isiaiah McDonald 34 6 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/13/2024
63 11 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Total 97 17
Hudson Meccage 23 4 Dme Academy 4/13/2024
42 7 Scorpions 13u 4/14/2024
Total 65 11
Brady Moore 22 9 Dme Academy 4/13/2024
Ty Patterson 21 2 Dme Academy 4/13/2024
Kaeden Russell 35 5 Lbi Swarm-13u 4/13/2024
62 8 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 4/14/2024
Total 97 13
Colton Searcy 7 0 Dme Academy 4/13/2024
Aiden Smith 41 5 Dme Academy 4/13/2024