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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Gameday Angels 2029
3 Parker Brandt 34 3 Zone Baseball 10/13/2024
11 Jack Dreyer 57 11 Knights Elite Lv 10/12/2024
12 Brody Drummond 16 4 Knights Elite Lv 10/12/2024
15 3 Zone Baseball 10/13/2024
Total 31 7
7 Jonathan Glendenning 5 3 LV Phillies 10/12/2024
27 7 Zone Baseball 10/13/2024
Total 32 10
5 Caleb Hines 23 2 Knights Elite Lv 10/12/2024
36 7 Zone Baseball 10/13/2024
Total 59 9
8 Colin Jackson 26 2 Hd Drillers 2029 10/13/2024
15 Max Loehr 74 9 LV Phillies 10/12/2024
40 Max Ludwig 35 5 Hd Drillers 2029 10/13/2024
99 Nico Romero 46 4 Hd Drillers 2029 10/13/2024
1 Jax Sator 19 2 Knights Elite Lv 10/12/2024
17 Pax Wall 36 4 Hd Drillers 2029 10/13/2024
Gbg Henderson 14u
Ben Battisti 11 2 Hd Drillers 2029 10/13/2024
26 Caden Cadaval 50 7 Hd Drillers 2029 10/13/2024
Eric Chung 33 3 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/12/2024
Tony Lobato 78 12 Knights Elite Black National 10/12/2024
55 Ryan Quirin 77 11 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/12/2024
2 Carter Sekikawa 27 3 Knights Elite Black National 10/12/2024
58 6 Hd Drillers 2029 10/13/2024
Total 85 9
Ghost Baseball 14u
13 Joseph Gallo 75 9 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/13/2024
71 Damian Lucero 42 12 Zone Baseball 10/12/2024
31 Isaac Mateo 34 3 Zone Baseball 10/12/2024
24 Dav'Ion Meadows 3 1 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/12/2024
4 Benson Ornelas 55 9 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/13/2024
45 Junha Song 44 5 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/12/2024
23 Kyler Vroman 71 9 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/12/2024
Hd Drillers 2029
44 Zahir Acevedo 75 18 Pure Baseball Titans 10/12/2024
99 J’Dyn Brown 84 15 Gameday Angels 2029 10/13/2024
13 Joel Chavez 8 1 Pure Baseball Titans 10/12/2024
61 10 Knights Elite Lv 10/12/2024
Total 69 11
10 Cesar Galeana 1 0 Knights Elite Lv 10/12/2024
15 Angel Herrera 84 14 Gbg Henderson 14u 10/13/2024
18 Keagan Kemble 45 8 Knights Elite Lv 10/12/2024
0 Ty Sikora- Ross 29 2 Pure Baseball Titans 10/12/2024
Knights Elite Black National
10 Cooper Briscoe 21 6 Rawlings Tigers - Weber 10/12/2024
65 6 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/13/2024
Total 86 12
3 Brian Carbis 39 9 Rawlings Tigers - Weber 10/12/2024
12 0 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/13/2024
Total 51 9
28 Carson Hansen 92 15 Knights Elite Lv 10/13/2024
99 Osmar Hurtado 36 5 Gbg Henderson 14u 10/12/2024
16 1 Knights Elite Lv 10/13/2024
Total 52 6
6 Brody Husted 11 0 Gbg Henderson 14u 10/12/2024
6 1 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/13/2024
Total 17 1
36 Nicolas Pacimeo 15 3 Gbg Henderson 14u 10/12/2024
49 9 Wow Factor NV 14u Black 10/13/2024
Total 64 12
42 5 Knights Elite Lv 10/13/2024
Total 106 17
16 Noah Tameron 50 7 Gbg Henderson 14u 10/12/2024
Knights Elite Lv
13 Ryder Creighton 73 11 Hd Drillers 2029 10/12/2024
14 Bryan Freeman 46 7 Knights Elite Black National 10/13/2024
55 Cruz Johnson 49 8 Pure Baseball Titans 10/13/2024
24 Jaxson McMullin 75 12 Pure Baseball Titans 10/13/2024
4 Cade Meyer 51 8 Hd Drillers 2029 10/12/2024
2 Carson Redford 28 9 Gameday Angels 2029 10/12/2024
22 Cody Ruffell 1 0 Hd Drillers 2029 10/12/2024
93 14 Knights Elite Black National 10/13/2024
Total 94 14
50 Keegan Sabelko 64 9 Gameday Angels 2029 10/12/2024
LV Phillies
12 Brax Brunson 42 4 Gameday Angels 2029 10/12/2024
35 Cooper Covington 59 9 Pure Baseball Titans 10/12/2024
11 Korey Del Pozo 60 5 Zone Baseball 10/13/2024
99 Odin Gates 56 5 Gameday Angels 2029 10/12/2024
9 Jackson Mathews 29 3 Gameday Angels 2029 10/12/2024
14 Andy Perez 55 11 Zone Baseball 10/13/2024
Nolan Smith 33 3 Pure Baseball Titans 10/12/2024
Pure Baseball Titans
22 Jacob Estrada 9 3 Rawlings Tigers - Weber 10/13/2024
58 Teagan Hampe 74 14 LV Phillies 10/12/2024
13 Braydon Miller 35 7 Hd Drillers 2029 10/12/2024
27 Jadon Noriega 102 14 Hd Drillers 2029 10/12/2024
15 Erick Talavera 96 18 Knights Elite Lv 10/13/2024
25 Peyton Yurovchak 89 12 Rawlings Tigers - Weber 10/13/2024
Rawlings Tigers - Weber
19 Anthony Arteaga 22 3 Knights Elite Black National 10/12/2024
Anthony "AJ" Bass 41 5 Pure Baseball Titans 10/13/2024
7 Ryan Matie 22 3 Knights Elite Black National 10/12/2024
17 Keaton Schultz 77 21 Zone Baseball 10/12/2024
2 Luis Urgelles 10 0 Knights Elite Black National 10/12/2024
24 Mason Walther 12 3 Knights Elite Black National 10/12/2024
42 6 Pure Baseball Titans 10/13/2024
Total 54 9
16 Branson Yurcina 20 3 Knights Elite Black National 10/12/2024
12 2 Pure Baseball Titans 10/13/2024
Total 32 5
Wow Factor NV 14u Black
3 Rayden Canda 70 15 Ghost Baseball 14u 10/13/2024
6 Asher Contreras 16 0 Knights Elite Black National 10/13/2024
56 William Earhart 68 15 Ghost Baseball 14u 10/12/2024
44 Van Endelman 26 5 Knights Elite Black National 10/13/2024
42 Kzin McKenzie 72 10 Gbg Henderson 14u 10/12/2024
40 Scott Morris 36 5 Gbg Henderson 14u 10/12/2024
2 Noah Solis 53 7 Knights Elite Black National 10/13/2024
10 Tim Williams Jr 26 6 Ghost Baseball 14u 10/13/2024
Zone Baseball
20 Eddie Chun 26 3 Gameday Angels 2029 10/13/2024
4 Dominic Colarco 93 12 Ghost Baseball 14u 10/12/2024
0 Lio Disotuar 19 2 Rawlings Tigers - Weber 10/12/2024
8 1 LV Phillies 10/13/2024
Total 27 3
16 Michael Fitzharris 42 1 Ghost Baseball 14u 10/12/2024
10 Nicky Jerram 95 17 LV Phillies 10/13/2024
44 Deklan Kile 11 1 Gameday Angels 2029 10/13/2024
Antonio Lobato 27 2 Ghost Baseball 14u 10/12/2024
67 9 Gameday Angels 2029 10/13/2024
Total 94 11
11 Skylar Montgomery 26 4 Gameday Angels 2029 10/13/2024
7 Garrett Pierce 93 16 Rawlings Tigers - Weber 10/12/2024