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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Action 12U White - Remmell
3 Jackson Carrejo 41 6 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/7/2022
4 Jaxon Kane 69 12 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/8/2022
23 Merit McLain 16 3 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/7/2022
7 Vanuel Meyer 64 9 Sa Titans 12u Orange 5/7/2022
10 Riley Remmell 6 3 Sa Titans 12u Orange 5/7/2022
8 Steven Stoppenhagen 28 6 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/7/2022
Total 41 9
Austin Sun Devils 12u - Reese
18 Chase Carlson 33 4 SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS 5/7/2022
27 Devon Ehlert 38 7 LBC North Fields 5/7/2022
4 Callan Findeisen 19 3 SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS 5/7/2022
11 Clayton Hoffman 20 1 LBC North Fields 5/7/2022
23 Ian Johnson 25 0 SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS 5/7/2022
9 Kashden Krehbiel 7 0 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/8/2022
24 Eli Romero 8 2 SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS 5/7/2022
82 12 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/8/2022
Total 90 14
5 Colten Simmons 10 3 LBC North Fields 5/7/2022
Gps Legends 12u - Vasquez
5 Paulino Huerta V 42 9 SA Yankees 5/8/2022
77 Joseph Johnson 0 0 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/7/2022
22 Cohyn Pickell 9 3 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/7/2022
1 Myles Rios 66 11 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/8/2022
18 Connor Schwarz 28 3 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/7/2022
18 3 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/8/2022
Total 46 6
10 Titan Trammell 33 6 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/7/2022
26 Elias Vasquez 70 12 Sa Titans 12u Orange 5/7/2022
0 Jaxen Yepez 22 1 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/8/2022
Hooks 12u National
13 Justin Baker 19 2 SA Yankees 5/7/2022
15 1 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/8/2022
Total 34 3
2 Liam Bell 34 7 SA Yankees 5/7/2022
52 12 Tx Usa Baseball 5/8/2022
Total 86 19
50 Cannon Couch 67 12 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/8/2022
3 Roen Disher 53 12 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/8/2022
27 Jack Doss 12 3 Tx Usa Baseball 5/8/2022
8 Walker Evans 24 2 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/7/2022
22 Amari Maxwell 28 4 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/7/2022
3 Tate Moore 47 7 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/8/2022
11 2 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
Total 58 9
5 Blayne Namken 31 6 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/7/2022
31 Logan Starnes 12 3 SA Yankees 5/7/2022
78 10 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
Total 90 13
Hooks North Demny
5 Cooper Camacho 36 7 LBC North Fields 5/7/2022
2 Hamilton Hodges 37 8 LBC North Fields 5/7/2022
9 Kai Loo 33 3 SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS 5/7/2022
8 Shane McHenry 10 2 SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS 5/7/2022
26 6 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/8/2022
Total 36 8
44 Collin Potts 34 7 SAN ANTONIO RATTLERS 5/7/2022
65 11 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/8/2022
Total 99 18
LBC Central D’Alessandro
29 Jackson Biehler 40 6 Tx Usa Baseball 5/7/2022
22 Chase Brodhead 27 3 Gps Legends 12u - Vasquez 5/8/2022
5 Jason Carter 3 1 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/7/2022
Total 61 13
12 Truett Fry 17 0 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
77 Miles Hobson 62 12 Gps Legends 12u - Vasquez 5/8/2022
4 Brody Lateur 27 3 Tx Usa Baseball 5/7/2022
35 Devin Loane 41 8 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/7/2022
2 Jake Pardue 22 3 Tx Usa Baseball 5/7/2022
36 5 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
Total 58 8
27 Grady Wiese 31 6 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/7/2022
18 4 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
Total 49 10
LBC North Fields
Chance Allen 52 7 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/8/2022
Alex Kubaney 14 2 Hooks North Demny 5/7/2022
Zuriel Lopez 33 6 Hooks North Demny 5/7/2022
Nathan Saliangnak 50 6 Hooks North Demny 5/7/2022
Kash Stephens 26 5 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/8/2022
Carson Wilbanks 0 0 Hooks North Demny 5/7/2022
68 12 Austin Sun Devils 12u - Reese 5/7/2022
Total 68 12
Lbc South 12u - Pena
10 Carter Anness 34 6 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
68 Trent Costales 21 3 Austin Sun Devils 12u - Reese 5/8/2022
9 Parker Fry 24 9 SA Yankees 5/7/2022
43 11 Austin Sun Devils 12u - Reese 5/8/2022
Total 67 20
23 Carter Holder 20 4 Hooks 12u National 5/7/2022
59 12 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
Total 79 16
3 Kaden Lopez 71 11 Hooks 12u National 5/7/2022
5 Will Siddons 9 1 Austin Sun Devils 12u - Reese 5/8/2022
8 Oliver Wetherell 21 6 SA Yankees 5/7/2022
1 Michael Barbosa 65 7 Zt Elite 5/7/2022
47 Allen Carreon 42 7 LBC North Fields 5/8/2022
22 Isaiah Davila 44 8 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
37 5 LBC North Fields 5/8/2022
Total 81 13
27 2 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
Total 108 15
11 Anthony Frausto III 23 1 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
72 10 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/8/2022
Total 95 11
4 1 LBC North Fields 5/8/2022
Total 99 12
1 Derek Gonzalez 0 0 Zt Elite 5/7/2022
26 Vijay Mata 0 0 Zt Elite 5/7/2022
34 6 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
Total 34 6
16 5 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/8/2022
Total 50 11
12 2 LBC North Fields 5/8/2022
Total 62 13
37 Osvaldo Montoya 46 8 Zt Elite 5/7/2022
43 9 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
Total 89 17
Sa Titans 12u Orange
99 Charles Chavez Jr 34 3 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/7/2022
1 Troy Currie 23 3 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
42 Joe Elizondo 66 9 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/7/2022
20 Steve Ortiz 0 0 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/7/2022
4 Evan Robles 42 3 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
13 Jacobjeremy Vargas 17 2 Gps Legends 12u - Vasquez 5/7/2022
30 Kelton White 53 8 Gps Legends 12u - Vasquez 5/7/2022
10 2 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
Total 63 10
Sa Titans 12u Navy
14 Alexander Flores 31 4 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/7/2022
10 1 Hooks North Demny 5/8/2022
Total 41 5
13 Isaiah Gutierrez 44 4 Gps Legends 12u - Vasquez 5/7/2022
0 0 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/7/2022
Total 44 4
24 Devin Jauregue 22 6 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/7/2022
86 10 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
Total 108 16
16 Jesse Moreno 38 9 Gps Legends 12u - Vasquez 5/7/2022
12 1 Zt Elite 5/8/2022
Total 50 10
27 Christian Quintero 21 3 Action 12U White - Remmell 5/7/2022
81 17 Hooks North Demny 5/8/2022
Total 102 20
SA Yankees
20 Noah Lugo 51 9 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/7/2022
99 David Ramirez 33 6 Lbc South 12u - Pena 5/7/2022
2 Kingston Reyes 9 1 Hooks 12u National 5/7/2022
4 Jacob Zimmerlie 51 9 Hooks 12u National 5/7/2022
38 Jayden Feliciano 49 6 Hooks North Demny 5/7/2022
35 Logan Lisherness 54 5 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/8/2022
9 Daniel Lopez III 23 3 Hooks North Demny 5/7/2022
7 Achillies Sepulveda 37 4 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/8/2022
21 Mario Sosa 71 12 Austin Sun Devils 12u - Reese 5/7/2022
21 Braeden Taylor 0 0 Hooks North Demny 5/7/2022
Tx Usa Baseball
25 Izzaiah Chavarria 47 6 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
15 Roman Garcia 52 8 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
Dock Levi Grunwaldt 6 1 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
33 Joe Montoya 23 3 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
1 Brenden Navarro 45 6 Zt Elite 5/7/2022
31 4 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
Total 76 10
9 Lane Olsen 0 0 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
3 Lincoln Owens 0 0 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
7 Darian Valdez 37 2 LBC Central D’Alessandro 5/7/2022
5 Asher Wrenn 59 9 Zt Elite 5/7/2022
27 1 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
Total 86 10
Zt Elite
2 Daaniyal Badar 11 2 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/7/2022
20 1 Tx Usa Baseball 5/7/2022
Total 31 3
55 Valentin Ceballos 31 6 Tx Usa Baseball 5/7/2022
64 12 Sa Titans 12u Navy 5/8/2022
Total 95 18
1 Luke Esquivel 28 4 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/7/2022
52 12 Hooks 12u National 5/8/2022
Total 80 16
18 Heber Rene Garza 22 6 Tx Usa Baseball 5/7/2022
Total 60 18
31 Angel Gonzalez 25 6 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/7/2022
22 Jacob Gray 22 2 Tx Usa Baseball 5/7/2022
25 Jacob Hinojosa 44 12 Sa Titans 12u Orange 5/8/2022
8 Lucas Smith 14 3 LONE STAR BREWERS NB WHITE (LUNA) 5/7/2022