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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar
1 Xavier Aguilar 66 14 Texas Tides 6/20/2024
23 Axel Castro 12 4 Mizuno-Gomez 6/18/2024
15 2 Texas Tides 6/19/2024
Total 27 6
56 10 Piranhas 10u rus 6/21/2024
Total 83 16
24 Jordan Deleon 1 0 TyCo Titans 6/21/2024
44 Rogelio Gonzalez 19 2 Mizuno-Gomez 6/18/2024
3 Miguel Leija 58 9 TyCo Titans 6/19/2024
24 0 TyCo Titans 6/21/2024
Total 82 9
12 Joshua Puente 31 4 Mizuno-Gomez 6/18/2024
37 3 TyCo Titans 6/21/2024
Total 68 7
20 3 Piranhas 10u rus 6/21/2024
Total 88 10
99 Jacob Quiroz 17 0 Texas Tides 6/19/2024
2 Beau Tovar 6 0 TyCo Titans 6/19/2024
42 6 Texas Tides 6/19/2024
Total 48 6
11 0 TyCo Titans 6/21/2024
Total 59 6
8 Emilio Vasquez 0 0 TyCo Titans 6/21/2024
Houston Nationals
29 Colin Bisel 67 0 Houston Warriors-White 6/18/2024
77 6 Piranhas 10u rus 6/21/2024
Total 144 6
18 Beaux Conn 41 5 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/19/2024
80 Cadillac Czajkowski 30 2 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/19/2024
Bryce Ledgerwood 48 3 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/19/2024
15 3 Houston Warriors-White 6/20/2024
Total 63 6
34 Dale Lefebvre 51 3 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/19/2024
15 2 Piranhas 10u rus 6/21/2024
Total 66 5
9 Logan Pollard 70 12 Houston Warriors-White 6/20/2024
12 Reed Rydberg 0 0 Piranhas 10u rus 6/21/2024
24 Jaxon Shiery 32 6 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/19/2024
20 1 Piranhas 10u rus 6/21/2024
Total 52 7
Houston Warriors-White
Fattah Abdul 57 9 Houston Nationals 6/20/2024
58 9 RBI Baseball 6/21/2024
Total 115 18
Camden Austin 13 0 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/19/2024
19 2 Vengeance White 6/19/2024
Total 32 2
Camden Booker 31 0 Vengeance White 6/19/2024
47 Knox Hassell 2 1 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/19/2024
29 3 Vengeance White 6/19/2024
Total 31 4
25 1 TyCo Titans 6/20/2024
Total 56 5
William Kania 38 0 Houston Nationals 6/18/2024
27 6 TyCo Titans 6/20/2024
Total 65 6
Coen Loocke 45 4 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/19/2024
0 0 Houston Nationals 6/20/2024
Total 45 4
26 2 RBI Baseball 6/21/2024
Total 71 6
18 Caleb Martinez 14 0 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/19/2024
Bejar O'Bannon 47 6 Houston Nationals 6/20/2024
6 1 TyCo Titans 6/20/2024
Total 53 7
Chase Templeton 0 0 Vengeance White 6/19/2024
Bruce Vaubel 25 4 Vengeance White 6/19/2024
48 9 SP Baseball 6/21/2024
Total 73 13
HTX Cougars 10u - Navy
0 David Clopper Jr 21 5 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/20/2024
19 2 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 40 7
7 Colton Gil 30 2 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/20/2024
28 4 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 58 6
12 Matthew Gil 22 3 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/19/2024
4 Wyatt Hicks 14 3 Texas Tides 6/18/2024
38 8 Piranhas Metts 6/21/2024
Total 52 11
28 1 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 80 12
59 Luke McMillan 29 3 Texas Tides 6/18/2024
8 1 Piranhas Metts 6/21/2024
Total 37 4
4 2 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/21/2024
Total 41 6
21 0 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 62 6
17 Yazuel Rivera 27 6 Texas Tides 6/18/2024
32 2 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/20/2024
Total 59 8
71 10 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/21/2024
Total 130 18
27 Dj Turner 36 3 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/19/2024
League City Spartans
99 Noah Cortez 23 2 Lone Stars White 6/19/2024
31 8 Lone Stars White 6/21/2024
Total 54 10
5 Vince Cortez 21 2 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/20/2024
54 Jonah Daniel 32 7 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/18/2024
33 5 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/20/2024
Total 65 12
18 7 Vengeance White 6/21/2024
Total 83 19
1 Connor Harrell 23 5 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/18/2024
34 1 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/20/2024
Total 57 6
17 Graham Harrell 36 3 Lone Stars White 6/19/2024
95 Crew Jacobus 45 8 Vengeance White 6/21/2024
26 4 Lone Stars White 6/21/2024
Total 71 12
23 Luke Willsey 24 2 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/18/2024
7 3 Lone Stars White 6/21/2024
Total 31 5
28 3 Vengeance White 6/21/2024
Total 59 8
Lone Stars White
12 Carson Carroll 27 4 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/19/2024
23 0 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/20/2024
Total 50 4
1 Cole Heinrich 0 0 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/19/2024
20 Cye Manuszak 17 3 Piranhas Metts 6/18/2024
6 Jack Molder 48 9 Piranhas Metts 6/18/2024
3 Julieta Perez 52 4 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/20/2024
7 Jalen Reynolds 48 5 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/19/2024
5 2 League City Spartans 6/19/2024
Total 53 7
1 1 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/20/2024
Total 54 8
11 Noah Salinas 10 0 League City Spartans 6/21/2024
13 Tyler Schaap 13 1 League City Spartans 6/19/2024
69 12 League City Spartans 6/21/2024
Total 82 13
8 Solomon Townsel 27 1 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/20/2024
Mainland Militia - Orange
3 Abel Arredondo 52 6 RBI Baseball 6/21/2024
24 Cooper Brenier 54 7 Piranhas 10u rus 6/19/2024
17 1 Texas Tides 6/21/2024
Total 71 8
10 Brody Fulcher 49 8 Piranhas 10u rus 6/19/2024
40 5 RBI Baseball 6/21/2024
Total 89 13
7 Maverick Jobe 49 8 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/18/2024
17 5 Piranhas 10u rus 6/20/2024
Total 66 13
25 2 Texas Tides 6/21/2024
Total 91 15
13 1 RBI Baseball 6/21/2024
Total 104 16
5 Kai Kennard 7 1 Houston Nationals 6/19/2024
27 Zaviar Lara 10 3 Texas Tides 6/21/2024
13 Damian Marquez 48 8 Houston Nationals 6/19/2024
16 1 Texas Tides 6/21/2024
Total 64 9
25 Corbin Mott 35 7 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/18/2024
51 7 Piranhas 10u rus 6/20/2024
Total 86 14
18 Elias Romero 21 3 Texas Tides 6/21/2024
Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka
Cade Chisholm 41 7 RBI Baseball 6/19/2024
58 7 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/21/2024
Total 99 14
Sebastian Cintron 39 7 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/18/2024
32 4 League City Spartans 6/20/2024
Total 71 11
Max Gonzalez 26 2 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/21/2024
7 Chaddeus Johnson Jr 52 6 RBI Baseball 6/19/2024
30 6 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/21/2024
Total 82 12
Gabriel Padovan 59 9 Piranhas 10u rus 6/19/2024
14 2 League City Spartans 6/20/2024
Total 73 11
44 Francisco Palomo 76 8 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/18/2024
49 3 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/21/2024
Total 125 11
23 Weston Pfeffer 39 3 Piranhas 10u rus 6/19/2024
36 3 League City Spartans 6/20/2024
Total 75 6
13 Benjamin Barner 19 2 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
14 Wesley Chenault 19 1 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/18/2024
76 15 RBI Baseball 6/20/2024
Total 95 16
8 Nathan Gomez 48 8 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/18/2024
64 8 TyCo Titans 6/21/2024
Total 112 16
59 Calix Gonzales 42 8 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/22/2024
11 Cash Landers 62 15 TyCo Titans 6/19/2024
20 6 SP Baseball 6/19/2024
Total 82 21
23 1 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 105 22
99 Tucker Morrison 50 5 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
27 Konnor Owens 28 3 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/22/2024
50 Daniel Sherrill 32 3 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/18/2024
8 3 TyCo Titans 6/21/2024
Total 40 6
Piranhas 10u rus
17 Rhyder Brady 56 8 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/19/2024
45 6 Houston Nationals 6/21/2024
Total 101 14
0 Brody Broderick 32 6 RBI Baseball 6/18/2024
49 6 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/20/2024
Total 81 12
16 4 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/21/2024
Total 97 16
60 Toby Gray 13 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/19/2024
3 1 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/19/2024
Total 16 4
20 5 Houston Nationals 6/21/2024
Total 36 9
30 Karl Hardy 28 7 SP Baseball 6/20/2024
55 Mason Henning 55 6 RBI Baseball 6/18/2024
44 4 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/20/2024
Total 99 10
10 Nathan Klug 35 3 RBI Baseball 6/18/2024
8 Reid Lee 54 5 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/19/2024
40 5 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/21/2024
Total 94 10
7 Waylon Ricks 60 9 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/19/2024
12 Eastyn Russell 22 1 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/19/2024
17 1 Houston Nationals 6/21/2024
Total 39 2
Piranhas Metts
30 Easton Bloomfield 17 2 Lone Stars White 6/18/2024
2 Kaydan Brooks 20 3 Lone Stars White 6/18/2024
14 0 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/21/2024
Total 34 3
3 Noah Hebert 32 3 Lone Stars White 6/18/2024
5 Aaron Lopez 23 3 Lone Stars White 6/18/2024
73 3 Vengeance White 6/20/2024
Total 96 6
10 Case Noffsinger 0 0 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/21/2024
30 Colton Parish 49 4 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/21/2024
Kal’El Washington 37 4 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/21/2024
RBI Baseball
25 Bryson Blevins 40 4 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/19/2024
9 3 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/21/2024
Total 49 7
98 Lennox Cerda 11 2 Piranhas 10u rus 6/18/2024
39 9 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/21/2024
Total 50 11
11 3 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/22/2024
Total 61 14
51 9 Vengeance White 6/22/2024
Total 112 23
14 David Contreras Iv 41 8 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/19/2024
43 12 Houston Warriors-White 6/21/2024
Total 84 20
44 Kevin Gonzalez 69 6 Vengeance White 6/19/2024
32 6 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/22/2024
Total 101 12
22 Julian Macias 48 9 Piranhas 10u rus 6/18/2024
55 10 Mizuno-Gomez 6/20/2024
Total 103 19
12 Anthony Puente 49 3 Vengeance White 6/19/2024
69 12 Mizuno-Gomez 6/22/2024
Total 118 15
17 0 Vengeance White 6/22/2024
Total 135 15
11 Bryce Rodriguez 0 0 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/22/2024
7 Giancarlo Vasquez 40 4 Piranhas 10u rus 6/18/2024
40 5 Mizuno-Gomez 6/20/2024
Total 80 9
Savage 10u-Omar/Cade
5 Chaison Broussard 43 6 Vengeance White 6/18/2024
44 8 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/21/2024
Total 87 14
17 2 Vengeance White 6/23/2024
Total 104 16
14 Jax Deslatte 36 6 Houston Nationals 6/19/2024
99 Elias Dowling 20 1 Vengeance White 6/18/2024
52 8 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/22/2024
Total 72 9
42 7 Vengeance White 6/23/2024
Total 114 16
13 Camden Marioneaux 10 3 Houston Warriors-White 6/19/2024
31 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 6/21/2024
Total 41 6
11 Kellin Roedahl 36 2 Vengeance White 6/18/2024
19 4 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/22/2024
Total 55 6
Rylan Solomon 29 6 Houston Nationals 6/19/2024
44 6 Texas Tides 6/22/2024
Total 73 12
17 Landry Sonnier 25 6 Lone Stars White 6/20/2024
40 6 Texas Tides 6/22/2024
Total 65 12
1 Abel Trevino 11 3 Lone Stars White 6/20/2024
Lane Vandeventer 28 6 Houston Warriors-White 6/19/2024
12 0 Vengeance White 6/23/2024
Total 40 6
SP Baseball
0 Brighton Beverly 35 3 TyCo Titans 6/18/2024
0 Jason Brown 26 1 Texas Tides 6/19/2024
0 Marcos Calderilla 38 3 Texas Tides 6/19/2024
0 Jamil Hamilton 0 0 TyCo Titans 6/18/2024
59 3 Mizuno-Gomez 6/19/2024
Total 59 3
0 Quinton Jackson 8 0 TyCo Titans 6/18/2024
12 2 Texas Tides 6/19/2024
Total 20 2
0 Kordell Jacobs 5 1 Piranhas 10u rus 6/20/2024
0 Demarcus Mays 61 5 Piranhas 10u rus 6/20/2024
Melvin Yowman 33 4 TyCo Titans 6/18/2024
93 6 Houston Warriors-White 6/21/2024
Total 126 10
Storm Chasers- Helm
99 Mason Bartholamew 71 11 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/22/2024
1 Clayson Chappell 25 9 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/20/2024
36 6 Mizuno-Gomez 6/22/2024
Total 61 15
27 Hudson Draper 36 3 League City Spartans 6/18/2024
43 11 Vengeance White 6/23/2024
Total 79 14
30 Luis Garcia 19 3 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/20/2024
Jake Gearhart 53 12 Vengeance White 6/21/2024
9 Daxton Gray 5 0 Vengeance White 6/21/2024
23 Tucker Hardin 21 2 Mizuno-Gomez 6/22/2024
3 Blaine Meyers 19 5 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/19/2024
4 Dreux Payne 25 6 League City Spartans 6/18/2024
11 1 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/19/2024
Total 36 7
18 Reid Simmons 8 2 Vengeance White 6/21/2024
18 3 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/22/2024
Total 26 5
7 Jesse Tanner 21 3 League City Spartans 6/18/2024
99 Kash Tinney 29 9 Lone Stars White 6/19/2024
10 2 Mizuno-Gomez 6/22/2024
Total 39 11
Texas Tides
17 Abel Devillier 47 9 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/19/2024
26 5 SP Baseball 6/19/2024
Total 73 14
55 6 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/22/2024
Total 128 20
2 John Collier French 55 8 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/18/2024
71 12 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/20/2024
Total 126 20
14 Brody Neff 0 0 Vengeance White 6/22/2024
0 Bentley Ross 45 4 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/22/2024
0 Khade Ross 67 9 Mainland Militia - Orange 6/21/2024
13 Cash Schaeffer 44 4 HTX Cougars 10u - Navy 6/18/2024
25 3 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/20/2024
Total 69 7
62 15 Vengeance White 6/22/2024
Total 131 22
TyCo Titans
6 Jackson Jones 46 8 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/19/2024
33 6 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/21/2024
Total 79 14
13 0 Mizuno-Gomez 6/21/2024
Total 92 14
99 Ayson Kervin 87 18 Mizuno-Gomez 6/19/2024
30 3 Vengeance White 6/22/2024
Total 117 21
3 Dawson Kervin 43 6 Houston Warriors-White 6/20/2024
1 Kord Strength 5 2 Mizuno-Gomez 6/21/2024
20 Chesley Swinney 15 3 SP Baseball 6/18/2024
6 1 4seam Academy 9u - Aguilar 6/19/2024
Total 21 4
9 1 Mizuno-Gomez 6/21/2024
Total 30 5
9 3 Vengeance White 6/22/2024
Total 39 8
10 Price Tillerson 73 9 Mizuno-Gomez 6/21/2024
27 Greyson Turner 54 6 SP Baseball 6/18/2024
8 1 Houston Warriors-White 6/20/2024
Total 62 7
13 Parker Wagnon 17 2 Houston Warriors-White 6/20/2024
63 8 Vengeance White 6/22/2024
Total 80 10
Vengeance White
2 Simon Gaspard 33 9 RBI Baseball 6/19/2024
34 3 League City Spartans 6/21/2024
Total 67 12
11 3 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/21/2024
Total 78 15
53 12 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/23/2024
Total 131 27
2 Estevan Gonzales 25 3 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/18/2024
17 3 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/21/2024
Total 42 6
50 12 League City Spartans 6/21/2024
Total 92 18
6 Derian Johnson 27 3 RBI Baseball 6/19/2024
7 Arian Nuncio 4 0 League City Spartans 6/21/2024
18 Giovani Perez 10 0 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/18/2024
20 0 RBI Baseball 6/19/2024
Total 30 0
70 11 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/23/2024
Total 100 11
7 Cordneil Phillips 31 6 Piranhas Metts 6/20/2024
79 14 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 110 20
3 Jaison Ramirez 34 6 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/18/2024
62 9 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/21/2024
Total 96 15
14 0 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 110 15
33 6 TyCo Titans 6/22/2024
Total 143 21
57 Jorge Trigo 2 3 League City Spartans 6/21/2024
0 Liam Wingate 23 3 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/18/2024
9 1 RBI Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 32 4
69 15 Texas Tides 6/22/2024
Total 101 19
99 Maddox Wolfe 9 0 Savage 10u-Omar/Cade 6/18/2024
41 8 Houston Warriors-White 6/19/2024
Total 50 8
52 9 TyCo Titans 6/22/2024
Total 102 17
12 0 Storm Chasers- Helm 6/23/2024
Total 114 17