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 All Teams should expect to play on Friday, weather permitting championship games will be completed by 6pm on Sunday evening. 

Arizona Athletic Grounds facility reminders:
This is a turf complex and there are not metal spikes allowed at all at any time on the fields.
There is a $5 gate parking fee for Friday, Saturday and Sunday

 Non-local teams are required to have 50% of their team stay in one of our approved lodging partners. As part of being approved into the event the following link will provide you with our approved partner hotels that are part of the requirement to host events within our host community.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Arizona Monsoon Baseball
7 Jason Canez 95 16 ATB 4/20/2024
1 Ethan Carmona 99 14 AZ Runners Baseball 4/20/2024
10 Dylan Erickson 28 5 ATB 4/20/2024
55 7 AZ Runners Baseball 4/20/2024
Total 83 12
87 Cosimo Milo 88 18 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
99 Santino Milo 12 1 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
99 Jayson Veit 11 2 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
2 Alfonso Alcaraz 26 6 Project Baseball 2028 Majors 4/20/2024
4 Cameron Burruel-Smith 94 20 Pfa Az 4/21/2024
35 Xzavier Castro 62 12 AZ Runners Baseball 4/20/2024
0 0 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
Total 62 12
13 Mateo Flores 70 15 Project Baseball 2028 Majors 4/20/2024
42 Leo Garcia 70 12 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
49 Angel Hernandez 68 10 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
7 Benjamin Mercado 13 0 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
22 Ayden Moreno 65 9 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
35 Matthew Pena 25 5 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
27 Anthony Ramon 13 3 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/19/2024
26 Keagan Richards 7 0 AZ Runners Baseball 4/20/2024
21 Antonio Vallejos 74 18 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/19/2024
AZ Runners Baseball
58 Jacob Black 12 2 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
24 Cash Carmichael 26 6 ATB 4/20/2024
2 Bentley Elrod 20 5 Project Baseball 2028 Majors 4/21/2024
21 Jacob Gabbel 12 6 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
40 6 Fs21 Stars 4/21/2024
Total 52 12
44 Carter Hummer 42 9 ATB 4/20/2024
5 Brody Kosor 21 1 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
61 10 Project Baseball 2028 Majors 4/21/2024
Total 82 11
18 Deegan Martinez 15 4 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
36 6 Fs21 Stars 4/21/2024
Total 51 10
21 Derek Mendez 44 6 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
18 Nathan Ruan 12 3 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/20/2024
37 3 Fs21 Stars 4/21/2024
Total 49 6
Bsbl Bengals 2028
42 Cristian Moran 50 5 One National 2028 4/20/2024
27 John Nyman 45 7 One National 2028 4/20/2024
42 Nolan Pegram 8 0 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/20/2024
Calaeus Perales 31 2 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/21/2024
71 Xavier Silvas 24 2 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/20/2024
31 Dominic Thompson 7 1 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/20/2024
23 4 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/21/2024
Total 30 5
33 Essar Valenzuela 56 6 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/21/2024
21 Lucas Yin 14 3 One National 2028 4/20/2024
66 9 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/20/2024
Total 80 12
Canes West Az 2028
2 Brody Booth 0 0 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/21/2024
11 Richard Cruz Iii 44 10 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/19/2024
21 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/21/2024
Total 65 13
7 Ricky Faulkner 49 6 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/19/2024
Alex Guzman 70 15 Nomadic 14u Black 4/20/2024
Cooper LeRoy 29 5 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/19/2024
81 Max Nibarger 50 6 Nomadic 14u Black 4/20/2024
11 Brock White 19 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/21/2024
5 Grady Woodward 68 12 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/21/2024
East Valley Blue Jays
35 Wilfredo Aviles 37 6 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/21/2024
28 Jacinto Espinoza Iii 100 17 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 4/19/2024
99 Justin Klingenberg 8 4 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 4/19/2024
84 11 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/21/2024
Total 92 15
19 Abelardo Valenzuela 10 3 PXF Premier Baseball 4/20/2024
1 Nehemiah Valenzuela 79 15 PXF Premier Baseball 4/20/2024
Fs21 Stars
28 Jack Lane 0 0 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
45 6 AZ Runners Baseball 4/21/2024
Total 45 6
27 Isaiah Martinez 53 11 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/20/2024
7 3 Overfly Az 2028 4/20/2024
Total 60 14
21 Jesse Mendoza 28 4 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/20/2024
20 1 AZ Runners Baseball 4/21/2024
Total 48 5
15 Calan Platt 88 10 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
28 Maddux Rocha 10 2 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
21 Juan Carlos Rodriguez Jr 63 11 AZ Runners Baseball 4/21/2024
24 James Stout 80 15 Overfly Az 2028 4/20/2024
44 Will Waggoner 46 6 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
Ftb Arizona Kings
2 Lukas Gerlach 29 3 Atb 4/19/2024
8 1 Project Baseball 2028 Majors 4/20/2024
Total 37 4
13 Cody Johnson 13 3 Atb 4/19/2024
35 6 Project Baseball 2028 Majors 4/20/2024
Total 48 9
27 Bobby Marquez 43 6 Atb 4/19/2024
57 8 PXF Premier Baseball 4/21/2024
Total 100 14
18 Ezra Peterson 55 9 Project Baseball 2028 Majors 4/20/2024
43 10 PXF Premier Baseball 4/21/2024
Total 98 19
76 Seamus Sullivan 62 9 Atb 4/19/2024
10 3 PXF Premier Baseball 4/21/2024
Total 72 12
Gbg Utah 2028 Navy
5 Cruz Adams 53 12 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/20/2024
86 Mac Gunn 33 6 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
87 Jeremiah Hall 32 8 Atb 4/21/2024
62 9 Fs21 Stars 4/21/2024
Total 94 17
17 Jens Price 29 3 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
0 0 Fs21 Stars 4/21/2024
Total 29 3
42 Cody Ruffell 15 0 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
34 Tilden Scott 42 9 Fs21 Stars 4/21/2024
25 CJ Sumner 74 14 Overfly Az Grey 4/20/2024
3 Mitch Walker 77 10 Atb 4/21/2024
Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting
23 Jaxon Clubb 19 2 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
4 Brecken Garday 23 1 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
8 Jj Lott 94 15 East Valley Blue Jays 4/21/2024
7 Jack Masi 19 3 Nomadic 14u Black 4/20/2024
3 Jax Pryor 45 9 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
Briggs Rooney 6 3 Nomadic 14u Black 4/20/2024
1 McGuire Ryan 80 15 Nomadic 14u Black 4/20/2024
0 Noah Stewart 31 3 Canes West Az 2028 4/19/2024
31 6 East Valley Blue Jays 4/21/2024
Total 62 9
2 Troy Tewers 38 6 Canes West Az 2028 4/19/2024
22 Nate Wachinski 78 12 Canes West Az 2028 4/19/2024
Mmw Arizona 2028 Black
6 Hunter Chambers 10 3 Overfly Az Grey 4/19/2024
4 Chase Fillman 54 6 Canes West Az 2028 4/21/2024
13 Sergio Rendon 44 6 Canes West Az 2028 4/21/2024
27 Easton Santos 58 11 Overfly Az Grey 4/19/2024
23 Ethan Smith 43 6 Canes West Az 2028 4/21/2024
7 Mikey Stortz 69 9 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
22 Landon Swinehart 45 4 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold
33 Yadiel Allen 42 2 Bsbl Bengals 2028 4/20/2024
1 Chase Berger 17 2 One National 2028 4/19/2024
38 Adrian Coronado 15 1 One National 2028 4/19/2024
23 Waylon Daniels 65 14 One National 2028 4/19/2024
35 Tyler Davis 27 4 One National 2028 4/19/2024
12 Eli Esquivel 53 6 Bsbl Bengals 2028 4/20/2024
3 Miguel Hernandez Jr 23 2 Bsbl Bengals 2028 4/20/2024
2 Angello Magallanes 21 7 Overfly Az 2028 4/21/2024
11 Michael Ruelas 67 10 Overfly Az 2028 4/21/2024
Nomadic 14u Black
2 Spencer Bigham 0 0 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/20/2024
74 12 Canes West Az 2028 4/20/2024
Total 74 12
22 Ethan Clark 47 5 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/20/2024
27 Tallen Dannenfeldt 36 6 Overfly Az Grey 4/21/2024
35 Nolan George 44 9 Canes West Az 2028 4/20/2024
Kaden Hitt 34 4 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/20/2024
18 Gavin Holan 36 6 Overfly Az Grey 4/21/2024
19 Braden Kemp 43 6 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/20/2024
3 Cameron Wells 44 6 Overfly Az Grey 4/21/2024
99 Eddie Woodward III 36 6 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/20/2024
One National 2028
27 Andrés Armenta 64 11 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 4/21/2024
9 Liam Becher 46 9 Bsbl Bengals 2028 4/20/2024
1 Ryder Bell 83 15 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
10 Cooper Daley 44 9 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/19/2024
3 Christian (CJ) Estrella 39 6 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 4/21/2024
6 Tucker Harden 40 9 Bsbl Bengals 2028 4/20/2024
5 Camden Pallas 58 11 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/19/2024
8 J. Haizen Reidhead 16 3 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/21/2024
Overfly Az 2028
14 Trevor Alons 45 6 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/21/2024
9 Daniel Kean 29 0 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/20/2024
10 Max Nieuwenhuis 48 8 Fs21 Stars 4/20/2024
1 Alexander Padilla 21 2 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/20/2024
3 2 Fs21 Stars 4/20/2024
Total 24 4
43 Brandon Pate 53 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 4/20/2024
3 Diego Velazquez 56 14 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 4/21/2024
34 Henry Wheeler 62 8 Fs21 Stars 4/20/2024
Overfly Az Grey
23 Wrigley Burke 40 3 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
6 Brendan Cupido 49 6 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/19/2024
38 6 Nomadic 14u Black 4/21/2024
Total 87 12
8 Vasser Harmon 43 6 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/19/2024
9 Daniel Henze 9 2 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
63 12 Nomadic 14u Black 4/21/2024
Total 72 14
20 Hugh Hurkmans 66 7 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
7 Ryder Salontai 11 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 4/19/2024
2 Jackson Smith 31 3 Nomadic 14u Black 4/21/2024
Pfa Az
10 Victor Betancourt 49 7 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
Tony Colon Jr. 83 6 ATB 4/21/2024
Isaac Escarcega 21 1 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/20/2024
44 14 ATB 4/21/2024
Total 65 15
99 Jeff Mattern Jr. 67 11 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/20/2024
20 Santiago Pena 38 3 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/20/2024
1 Karston Tichenor 48 6 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
Project Baseball 2028 Majors
11 Edward chavira 54 5 AZ Runners Baseball 4/21/2024
12 Keone Ede 90 13 Atb 4/20/2024
19 Hudson Holcomb 55 9 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/20/2024
30 6 AZ Runners Baseball 4/21/2024
Total 85 15
35 EJ Lord 23 3 AZ Runners Baseball 4/21/2024
21 Rio Morel 41 9 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/20/2024
13 Jordan Rodas 48 5 Atb 4/20/2024
PXF Premier Baseball
22 Cooper Colwell 17 2 East Valley Blue Jays 4/20/2024
24 Gavin Guilliot 75 12 East Valley Blue Jays 4/20/2024
5 Quinn Murphy 23 2 East Valley Blue Jays 4/20/2024
26 Vincent Nicholas 23 1 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 4/20/2024
9 3 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/21/2024
Total 32 4
13 Cage Puchta 46 7 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 4/20/2024
23 Kai Sanchez 52 8 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 4/20/2024
27 3 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/21/2024
Total 79 11
50 Carson Sanders 22 2 East Valley Blue Jays 4/20/2024
35 Visna Than 58 8 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/21/2024
7 Austin Whitley 30 7 Ftb Arizona Kings 4/21/2024
Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson
14 Kai Hasenyager 26 3 Overfly Az 2028 4/20/2024
3 Preston Johnson 45 12 Overfly Az 2028 4/20/2024
22 Alex Lihvarchik 16 6 Bsbl Bengals 2028 4/21/2024
27 Richie Lopez 35 4 Fs21 Stars 4/20/2024
99 Diego Morales 57 9 Bsbl Bengals 2028 4/21/2024
Bryant Provencio 44 6 Fs21 Stars 4/20/2024
Robert Sindelar 24 2 Fs21 Stars 4/20/2024
Sports Academy Legends 14u
19 Richard Avina 11 2 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
8 Jordan Ayala 16 3 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
21 Aaron Garcia 28 3 Pfa Az 4/20/2024
23 5 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
Total 51 8
6 Sammy Garcia 24 6 Pfa Az 4/20/2024
31 Angel Gonzalez 61 9 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/21/2024
25 Brayden Krakowski 68 15 One National 2028 4/21/2024
Nathaniel Maldonado 22 6 Pfa Az 4/20/2024
15 5 Marucci Athletics 2028 Sting 4/21/2024
Total 37 11
66 Ryan Morales 27 4 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
38 Troy Sibolboro 16 4 Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy 4/20/2024
58 5 One National 2028 4/21/2024
Total 74 9
Justin Tieman 36 9 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 4/21/2024
Swarm Red Elite National 2028
12 Cruz Chavez 0 0 PXF Premier Baseball 4/20/2024
18 Jacob Colao 26 5 One National 2028 4/21/2024
13 Jirah Jensen 69 12 PXF Premier Baseball 4/20/2024
56 Dayton Kellner 73 11 East Valley Blue Jays 4/19/2024
51 Brayden Lee 31 6 PXF Premier Baseball 4/20/2024
19 Xavier Martinez 53 8 One National 2028 4/21/2024
14 Kohler Mobley 39 10 East Valley Blue Jays 4/19/2024
24 Chase Waterbury 41 4 One National 2028 4/21/2024
Trosky Arizona 2028 Navy
14 Jax Barnes 27 3 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/20/2024
13 Tristan Belin 67 12 Pfa Az 4/20/2024
4 Jack Berriochoa 63 9 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/21/2024
8 Bo Raines 54 6 Pfa Az 4/20/2024
17 Jacob Randall 62 8 Sports Academy Legends 14u 4/20/2024
15 Santiago Rodriguez 70 9 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/21/2024