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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Batters Box 10u Black
22 Beckham Buccola 40 4 Knights Knation Brice 9/7/2024
12 Hurst Craig 41 6 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/7/2024
3 Coen Crider 6 3 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/7/2024
13 Henry Cullison 8 1 Knights Knation Brice 9/7/2024
2 West Diggs 22 2 Knights Knation Brice 9/7/2024
5 Jack Martin 28 1 Knights Knation Brice 9/7/2024
14 Owen Morris 62 12 Blues Baseball 9/8/2024
4 Easton Patton 46 8 Collierville Dragons 9/8/2024
Bl Wildcats 10u Black
12 Beaux Bane 51 5 Batters Box 10u Black 9/7/2024
Colton Groshek 13 2 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
27 Jaxon Henderson 32 3 Batters Box 10u Black 9/7/2024
55 9 Sticks Neves 9/8/2024
Total 87 12
33 Elijah Hurdle 24 3 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
44 3 Sticks Neves 9/8/2024
Total 68 6
99 Ethan King 32 6 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
24 Brian Phan 9 1 Batters Box 10u Black 9/7/2024
1 Ethan Walker 32 1 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
Bl Wildcats 10u Red
1 Jyren Bean 49 9 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/7/2024
12 3 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
Total 61 12
7 Jt Beard 38 6 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
25 Grayson Ervin 10 2 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
28 6 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/7/2024
Total 38 8
40 2 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
Total 78 10
16 Brooks Hearn 18 2 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
3 Hudson Loesch 1 3 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
15 Eli Thompson 51 4 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
11 Braden Zambroni 39 6 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/7/2024
Blues Baseball
6 Britton Branch 20 1 Collierville Dragons 9/7/2024
49 5 Batters Box 10u Black 9/8/2024
Total 69 6
24 Trevor Greenlee 37 4 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/6/2024
14 Taylor Lapradd 27 3 Collierville Dragons 9/6/2024
13 3 Batters Box 10u Black 9/8/2024
Total 40 6
13 Keller May 27 2 Collierville Dragons 9/6/2024
16 Knox Parker 16 1 Collierville Dragons 9/6/2024
11 2 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/8/2024
Total 27 3
11 Hudson Simpson 24 4 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/6/2024
30 6 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/8/2024
Total 54 10
7 Steel Wardlaw 28 1 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/8/2024
9 Brenden Willis 27 1 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/6/2024
28 5 Collierville Dragons 9/7/2024
Total 55 6
10 Hudson Worsham 15 0 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/6/2024
39 2 EBC 10- Eubanks 9/8/2024
Total 54 2
Collierville Dragons
3 Maverick Bauer 26 2 Blues Baseball 9/7/2024
24 3 Batters Box 10u Black 9/8/2024
Total 50 5
25 Bransyn Beyer 66 5 Scrappers Baseball 9/6/2024
21 Benjamin Burchett 19 1 Scrappers Baseball 9/6/2024
18 Zane Carpenter 36 3 Batters Box 10u Black 9/8/2024
10 Cameron Gant 30 3 Scrappers Baseball 9/6/2024
47 12 Sticks Neves 9/8/2024
Total 77 15
14 Ian Johnson 32 5 Blues Baseball 9/7/2024
35 1 Batters Box 10u Black 9/8/2024
Total 67 6
11 Joey Singer 25 4 Blues Baseball 9/7/2024
EBC 10- Eubanks
3 Nate Baker 15 2 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/7/2024
41 5 Blues Baseball 9/8/2024
Total 56 7
10 Bryson Barker 38 4 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/7/2024
17 1 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/7/2024
Total 55 5
20 Carter Eubanks 37 3 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/7/2024
7 1 Blues Baseball 9/8/2024
Total 44 4
28 Easton Mount 28 3 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/7/2024
53 5 Blues Baseball 9/8/2024
Total 81 8
21 Adrien Rowland 52 8 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/7/2024
21 3 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/7/2024
Total 73 11
EBC 10u-Farmer
2 Maximus Donovan 51 8 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/7/2024
57 9 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/8/2024
Total 108 17
5 Lane Freeman 21 5 Knights Knation Brice 9/7/2024
22 3 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/7/2024
Total 43 8
9 1 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/8/2024
Total 52 9
7 Jake Lovelace 63 8 Knights Knation Brice 9/7/2024
11 Carter Osborne 56 4 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/7/2024
14 Hunter Combs 36 6 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/7/2024
50 9 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
Total 86 15
16 3 Knights Knation Brice 9/8/2024
Total 102 18
55 Parker Duke 36 6 Sticks Neves 9/7/2024
15 3 Knights Knation Brice 9/8/2024
Total 51 9
10 Bradley Gibson 16 3 Sticks Neves 9/7/2024
74 13 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/8/2024
Total 90 16
28 Dawson Heckethorn 14 3 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/7/2024
30 5 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/8/2024
Total 44 8
34 Brantlee Sneed 34 6 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/7/2024
37 3 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
Total 71 9
Knights Knation Brice
33 Cameron Bingham 22 5 Batters Box 10u Black 9/7/2024
24 2 Express 9/8/2024
Total 46 7
5 Wyatt Bufkin 11 0 Express 9/8/2024
23 Easton Craig 12 0 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/7/2024
1 Ethan Degelman 3 1 Scrappers Baseball 9/8/2024
4 Lawrence Holcomb 16 0 Express 9/8/2024
17 Scott Mraz 15 3 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/7/2024
29 3 Scrappers Baseball 9/8/2024
Total 44 6
10 Lawson Sluder 11 0 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/7/2024
38 6 Scrappers Baseball 9/8/2024
Total 49 6
16 Oriente Taylor 23 3 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/7/2024
14 Stellan Wiggins 31 9 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/7/2024
13 2 Scrappers Baseball 9/8/2024
Total 44 11
27 Lathan Wright 19 4 Batters Box 10u Black 9/7/2024
38 3 Express 9/8/2024
Total 57 7
Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom
3 Houston Davis 27 6 Scrappers Baseball 9/6/2024
11 2 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/8/2024
Total 38 8
9 Weston Davis 14 1 Blues Baseball 9/6/2024
44 9 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
Total 58 10
2 Samuel Isom 34 2 Blues Baseball 9/6/2024
32 6 Scrappers Baseball 9/7/2024
Total 66 8
32 Eli Matheny 33 6 Blues Baseball 9/6/2024
54 6 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/8/2024
Total 87 12
1 Troy Walton 40 3 Blues Baseball 9/6/2024
23 1 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/8/2024
Total 63 4
15 Cooper White 24 3 Scrappers Baseball 9/7/2024
66 9 EBC 10u-Farmer 9/8/2024
Total 90 12
Saltillo Storm-10u Young
27 Wyatt Berryman 64 8 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/8/2024
24 Paxton Frakes 51 9 Sticks Neves 9/7/2024
26 3 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/8/2024
Total 77 12
12 Eli Gordon 21 0 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/7/2024
99 Jagger Gore 30 2 Express 9/8/2024
5 Camden Irwin 28 1 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/7/2024
41 6 Express 9/8/2024
Total 69 7
20 Collin Rushing 72 15 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/8/2024
0 Trystan Swims 62 9 Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis 9/7/2024
14 1 Bl Wildcats 10u Red 9/8/2024
Total 76 10
2 Thatcher Young 14 2 Express 9/8/2024
Scrappers Baseball
25 Brody Berryhill 23 5 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/6/2024
55 5 Knights Knation Brice 9/8/2024
Total 78 10
8 Max Brady 21 1 Collierville Dragons 9/6/2024
4 Kristian Cathey 4 0 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/7/2024
0 Elijah Miller 25 5 Collierville Dragons 9/6/2024
14 4 Knights Knation Brice 9/8/2024
Total 39 9
3 Beaux Pearrow 28 6 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/7/2024
12 Thomas Riva 34 3 Collierville Dragons 9/6/2024
14 Jameson Vaughn 27 4 Memphis Tigers 10u- Isom 9/6/2024
Sticks Neves
3 Oakley Closson 14 2 Collierville Dragons 9/8/2024
8 Hodge Cox 85 6 Express 9/7/2024
17 William Huff 68 6 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/8/2024
6 Jameson Mangrum 29 0 Express 9/7/2024
52 6 Collierville Dragons 9/8/2024
Total 81 6
27 Nick Patel 71 7 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/7/2024
24 5 Bl Wildcats 10u Black 9/8/2024
Total 95 12
12 Reed Watkins 45 3 Express 9/7/2024
21 Grant Winningham 34 3 Collierville Dragons 9/8/2024
Tupelo Rangers 10u- Mathis
24 Zane Bell 27 1 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/7/2024
5 Noah Collum 2 1 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/7/2024
0 0 Express 9/7/2024
Total 2 1
7 Jack Credille 24 6 Express 9/7/2024
1 John Lyle Daniel 10 2 Express 9/7/2024
6 George Fisackerly 35 4 Express 9/7/2024
15 Griffin Harrell 23 2 Express 9/7/2024
99 Jackson Stuart 27 4 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/7/2024
2 Brent Williams 17 5 Saltillo Storm-10u Young 9/7/2024
72 14 Express 9/8/2024
Total 89 19