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Umpire Fee $45 per game
DK $10 per game

11     9U Closed Bases

Time Limit 1:40
In the 9U Closed Bases Division runner may not lead off the base. They may not leave the base until the ball is hit or crosses the plate.Penalty: Defense has option of taking the result of play or the play is void – the runner is out and NO play, NO pitch.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division the steal of home, squeeze play or bunting or attempted/fake bunt with a runner on third (3rd) base in not permitted. Butcher Boy (batter faking a bunt then swinging at the pitch) may not be used at any time in any division. Penalty: The first time it happens in a game, the play is null and void unless the defense elects to take the result of the play, and the manager is warned. The next time it happens in the game, the runner is out, and the manager is ejected from the game.

Runners may advance on pass balls, wild pitches and on the catchers throw attempt to retire a runner. However, Runners shall not advance from third (3rd) base to home unless the runner is batted home or forced by a base on balls or hit batsman. Example – Runner steals 2nd and the catcher’s throw goes into the outfield the runner may advance to 3rd base but may not score (Must Stop at 3rd). Runners shall not advance from third (3rd) base to home on passed balls, wild pitches or dropped /missed third (3rd) strikes by the catcher. Runners may not advance on the catcher’s throw back to the pitcher. The defense has the option of taking the result of the play.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division runners may not advance once the ball is thrown to the pitcher. This includes errant throws to the pitcher. Runner may advance on pass balls and wild pitches.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division there is NO Infield Fly Rule.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division there are NO Balks. Balk is No Play/No Pitch, however, the Offense may opt to take the result of the play.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division the batter is automatically out on dropped 3rd Strikes.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division you may only use nine (9) players on defense.


The Tournament Format will be the following, depending upon the number of teams in the Division.
Two game pool play format, with qualifying teams seeded and advancing to the Bracket round.
We Reserve the right to change the Tournament format due to weather or other conditions


Please Refer to PERFECT GAME RULES – Diamond KAST will automatically Seed Teams
Dec 10 - 15 |  Grapeland Park | Miami, FL
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
32 Anthony Enriquez 42 8 Team anglada 12/10/2024
53 10 8u Couto Baseball 12/14/2024
Total 95 18
23 Franco Gil 22 2 Florida FLying Squirrels 12/13/2024
48 8 8u Couto Baseball 12/14/2024
Total 70 10
18 3 Team Elite 12/15/2024
Total 88 13
17 Noah Hernandez 44 6 Team anglada 12/10/2024
10 0 Miami Cubs 12/15/2024
Total 54 6
46 Dylan Real 69 13 Florida FLying Squirrels 12/13/2024
23 Aaron Rodriguez 70 10 Miami Cubs 12/15/2024
7 Fabian Rodriguez 55 9 Team Elite 12/15/2024
34 2 Miami Cubs 12/15/2024
Total 89 11
8u Couto Baseball
13 Diego Arcila 31 5 Miami Cubs 12/10/2024
99 Andres Bermudez 48 4 Miami Cubs 12/10/2024
43 5 100 MPH CLUB 12/14/2024
Total 91 9
20 Liam Fafard 41 3 Team Elite 12/12/2024
17 Nicholas Ramirez 37 9 100 MPH CLUB 12/14/2024
8 Antonio Soto 48 7 Weston Eagles 12/14/2024
5 Mikey Suarez 41 2 Miami Cubs 12/10/2024
28 5 Weston Eagles 12/14/2024
Total 69 7
7 Adrian Turmero 25 6 Team Elite 12/12/2024
27 Nicholas Villaverde 30 6 Team Elite 12/12/2024
99 Aaron Gaines 9 0 Florida FLying Squirrels 12/12/2024
4 Oliver Garcia 8 1 Florida FLying Squirrels 12/12/2024
6 Elias Hernandez 33 3 Swing Lab 12/10/2024
31 Luke Humbert 35 3 Swing Lab 12/10/2024
28 4 Team anglada 12/14/2024
Total 63 7
8 Jax Leto 16 3 Swing Lab 12/10/2024
50 7 Team anglada 12/14/2024
Total 66 10
13 Lior Rosemberg 24 3 Swing Lab 12/10/2024
10 Jace Rovin 52 7 Florida FLying Squirrels 12/12/2024
Cutler Bay Kings
7 Nicolas Cardenas 17 3 Swing Lab 12/11/2024
49 Christopher Degennaro 59 10 Miami Cubs 12/14/2024
10 Lucca Ferreras 18 3 Swing Lab 12/11/2024
3 Liam Howell 9 0 Miami Cubs 12/14/2024
19 Thomas Hamilton Jones 26 3 Swing Lab 12/11/2024
0 Zachary Manduley 26 3 Swing Lab 12/11/2024
36 4 Miami Cubs 12/14/2024
Total 62 7
1 Declan Romero 14 3 Swing Lab 12/11/2024
63 9 Weston Eagles 12/13/2024
Total 77 12
22 Nathan Yanes 27 3 Weston Eagles 12/13/2024
Florida FLying Squirrels
Jayden Altare 35 3 100 MPH CLUB 12/13/2024
Derek Arias 36 3 8U SOUTH DADE PADRES 12/12/2024
Ryan Avon 11 3 8U SOUTH DADE PADRES 12/12/2024
47 6 100 MPH CLUB 12/13/2024
Total 58 9
40 5 SFL Bobcats 12/14/2024
Total 98 14
Leo Davis 25 3 100 MPH CLUB 12/13/2024
Diego Martinez 19 0 SFL Bobcats 12/14/2024
Caleb Montanez 38 6 8U SOUTH DADE PADRES 12/12/2024
52 6 SFL Bobcats 12/14/2024
Total 90 12
Miami Cubs
17 Derek Fernandez 36 8 8u Couto Baseball 12/10/2024
41 6 Cutler Bay Kings 12/14/2024
Total 77 14
5 1 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 82 15
14 Jayson Hernandez 18 2 Weston Eagles 12/11/2024
43 7 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 61 9
6 William Izquierdo 15 0 Weston Eagles 12/11/2024
15 1 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 30 1
13 Nicolas Llanes 31 1 8u Couto Baseball 12/10/2024
6 0 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 37 1
2 `Mayson Mujica 20 3 8u Couto Baseball 12/10/2024
33 7 Weston Eagles 12/11/2024
Total 53 10
11 0 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 64 10
17 Leandro Placeres 43 4 Weston Eagles 12/11/2024
45 9 Cutler Bay Kings 12/14/2024
Total 88 13
SFL Bobcats
37 Thomas Ortega 33 2 Team anglada 12/11/2024
64 9 Florida FLying Squirrels 12/14/2024
Total 97 11
4 0 Team Elite 12/14/2024
Total 101 11
1 Caleb Perez 23 0 Team Elite 12/13/2024
6 Pranav Prakash 48 9 Team anglada 12/11/2024
15 3 Team Elite 12/13/2024
Total 63 12
34 7 Team Elite 12/14/2024
Total 97 19
6 3 Florida FLying Squirrels 12/14/2024
Total 103 22
8 Mason Schultz 37 2 Team Elite 12/14/2024
9 Duke Zalewski 68 10 Team Elite 12/13/2024
Swing Lab
3 Anthony Pereira 15 2 8U SOUTH DADE PADRES 12/10/2024
8 3 Cutler Bay Kings 12/11/2024
Total 23 5
88 13 Team anglada 12/14/2024
Total 111 18
15 Mason Salomon 72 10 8U SOUTH DADE PADRES 12/10/2024
13 Jesus Vega 76 13 Cutler Bay Kings 12/11/2024
14 2 Team anglada 12/14/2024
Total 90 15
Team anglada
19 Christian Garcia 30 3 100 MPH CLUB 12/10/2024
31 6 8U SOUTH DADE PADRES 12/14/2024
Total 61 9
12 3 Swing Lab 12/14/2024
Total 73 12
13 Derek Gil 47 4 100 MPH CLUB 12/10/2024
60 6 8U SOUTH DADE PADRES 12/14/2024
Total 107 10
11 Damian Gonzalez 12 1 100 MPH CLUB 12/10/2024
1 Dylan Perruc 20 1 100 MPH CLUB 12/10/2024
11 Kendry Rivera 33 6 100 MPH CLUB 12/10/2024
57 7 Team Elite 12/15/2024
Total 90 13
25 Lucas Ruvalcaba 54 6 SFL Bobcats 12/11/2024
46 9 Team Elite 12/15/2024
Total 100 15
10 Jaime Suarez 40 6 SFL Bobcats 12/11/2024
76 12 Swing Lab 12/14/2024
Total 116 18
Team Elite
1 Raimundo Cintron Iii 40 5 SFL Bobcats 12/14/2024
16 1 Team anglada 12/15/2024
Total 56 6
45 4 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 101 10
13 Emiliano D'Alesio 48 4 SFL Bobcats 12/13/2024
28 Benjamin De Cardenas 60 12 8u Couto Baseball 12/12/2024
52 Aidan Diaz 10 0 SFL Bobcats 12/13/2024
99 Gian Diaz 23 3 8u Couto Baseball 12/12/2024
52 7 Team anglada 12/15/2024
Total 75 10
25 Daniel Fonte 29 3 8u Couto Baseball 12/12/2024
22 3 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 51 6
9 Matthew Mendoza 21 2 SFL Bobcats 12/13/2024
22 Adiam Padron 21 6 SFL Bobcats 12/13/2024
36 5 SFL Bobcats 12/14/2024
Total 57 11
24 2 100 MPH CLUB 12/15/2024
Total 81 13
16 Abraham Rodriguez 22 3 SFL Bobcats 12/13/2024
66 9 Team anglada 12/15/2024
Total 88 12
Weston Eagles
12 Jason Cruz 28 3 Miami Cubs 12/11/2024
33 2 8u Couto Baseball 12/14/2024
Total 61 5
7 Kameron Decembert 57 5 Cutler Bay Kings 12/13/2024
4 Carlo Hernandez 21 3 Miami Cubs 12/11/2024
23 Santiago Martin 31 6 Cutler Bay Kings 12/13/2024
3 Kash Smith 50 6 Miami Cubs 12/11/2024
41 6 8u Couto Baseball 12/14/2024
Total 91 12
5 Cooper Zaffino 25 3 Miami Cubs 12/11/2024
6 1 8u Couto Baseball 12/14/2024
Total 31 4