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*** POOL PROTECTION FOR 18 & 19 Seeds ***
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout RJ Cope L79
Powder Springs Aztecs Nathan Cromey R76
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Dami arturo Muñoz batista R76
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Liam McCavitt R75
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Gabe Unger R75
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Adrian Williams R75
Stl Force 13u Elite JD Adelman L74
Meridian Panthers 13u Ellis Appling R74
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Vance Bock R74
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Xavier Byams R74
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Hudson Forrest R74
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Matt Levinson R74
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Miller Pierce R74
Line Drive 13u Bragg Luke Rogers R74
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Jack Teague R74
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Camden Abrams R73
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Levi Crowe R73
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Coleman Eldridge R73
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Brycen Harris L73
Line Drive 13u Bragg Drake Jones R73
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Sean Moore R73
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Tyler Padron R73
Stl Force 13u Elite Kale Price L73
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Zach Stair R73
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Reis Bellar R72
Pirates - Abruzino Jory Crocker R72
Medlock Monarchs 13u Connor Evans R72
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Easton Gailey R72
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Michael Gregozeski R72
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Andrew Kazmer R72
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Milo Kennedy R72
Meridian Panthers 13u Grant Lambert R72
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Gage Litton L72
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Zacchaeus Madden R72
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Calvin McBurney R72
Medlock Monarchs 13u Nicholas McMahon R72
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Luke Nitkowski R72
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Chase Tatum L72
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Blake Towson R72
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Ian Austin R71
Medlock Monarchs 13u Jake Brown R71
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Jake Crowe R71
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Mason Easom R71
Pirates - Abruzino Tommy Georgelos R71
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Billy Gingrey R71
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Jonathan Griggs R71
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Grant Heerin R71
13u Dunwoody Diablos Gold Sam Heetderks R71
Venom Baseball Corey Hutter L71
Line Drive 13u Bragg Stephen Martin R71
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Maxwell Meyer R71
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Joseph Park R71
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Jackson Pechter R71
Line Drive 13u Bragg Logan Slocumb R71
Stl Force 13u Elite Jackson Smith L71
Line Drive 13u Bragg Graysen Spears R71
Pirates - Abruzino Bobby Biggs R70
Venom Baseball William Fannin R70
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace James Lasco R70
Pirates - Abruzino Connor McKay R70
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Kaden Myers R70
Medlock Monarchs 13u Oliver Myers R70
Powder Springs Aztecs Croix Philip R70
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Zeb Runion R70
Medlock Monarchs 13u Colin Thomas R70
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Nox Williams R70
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Grant Addison R69
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Maxwell Bodenheimer R69
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Joshua Butler R69
Meridian Panthers 13u Quinn Carter R69
Line Drive 13u Bragg Carson Cervantes R69
Stl Force 13u Elite Kaden Dinges R69
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Brody Duffy R69
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Michael Easom R69
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Brandon Fox R69
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Cameron Glaser R69
Line Drive 13u Bragg Avery Kilcrease R69
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Jacob King R69
Stl Force 13u Elite Colby Larkins R69
Powder Springs Aztecs Donyvyn Legrand R69
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Matthew McGinnis R69
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Jack Wesley Powell R69
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Dawson Radaszewski R69
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Cade Saldi R69
Stl Force 13u Elite Wyatt Schneider R69
Medlock Monarchs 13u Charlie Schrope R69
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Robert Turner R69
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Jacob White R69
Pirates - Abruzino Gavin Wilczewski R69
Venom Baseball Ty Willoughby R69
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Kyle Acree R68
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Caden Austin R68
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Daniel Avitabile R68
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Nik Barot R68
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Griffin Brogan R68
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Mitchell Davis R68
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Nathan Dollinger R68
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Jacob Ellsworth R68
Meridian Panthers 13u Jacoby Hendricks R68
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Luke Lemoine R68
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Jackson Lesikar R68
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Rykin Matthias L68
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Jai Pandya R68
Venom Baseball Grady Perkins R68
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Carter Sikes R68
Pirates - Abruzino Sean Stolfi R68
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Matthew Thompson R68
Meridian Panthers 13u JT Whritenour L68
Medlock Monarchs 13u Sebastien Zdan R68
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Charlie Barker R67
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Noah Barker R67
Venom Baseball Alexander Busbin R67
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Taylor Fuller R67
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Franklin Griffin III R67
Line Drive 13u Bragg Easton Hall R67
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Santana Jackson R67
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Drake Jacobi R67
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Noah Kashiparekh R67
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Christian Kropa R67
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Gabriel Lawson R67
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Pierce Lewey R67
Pirates - Abruzino Ronnie Murray R67
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Caleb Roper R67
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Nico Sanchez R67
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Colton Walker R67
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Jay Walsh R67
Pirates - Abruzino Nick Williams R67
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Vernon Woodard R67
Meridian Panthers 13u Clayton Bolds R66
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Luke Dolsen L66
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Danya Naturman R66
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Jackson Pettus R66
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Crayton Smith R66
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Trey Smith R66
13u Dunwoody Diablos Gold Alec Vajda R66
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Robert Wrobley R66
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Will Armstrong R65
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Nick Bobrowski L65
Stl Force 13u Elite Andrew Bolden L65
Venom Baseball Noah Burton R65
Powder Springs Aztecs Anthony Cater Jr R65
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Samuel Dutkanych R65
Medlock Monarchs 13u Max Forde R65
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Grayson Granberry R65
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Carter Hudson L65
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Noah Lavallee R65
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Matthew Perez R65
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Adrian Pulido R65
Pirates - Abruzino Noah Sur R65
Line Drive 13u Bragg Brady Weaver R65
Powder Springs Aztecs Landon Wendlandt R65
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Anthony White R65
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Brendan Wright R65
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Jake Barszcz R64
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Jacob Bayer R64
Stl Force 13u Elite Anthony Beffa L64
Powder Springs Aztecs Brandon Brame L64
Medlock Monarchs 13u Arthur Ebbs R64
Powder Springs Aztecs Maddux Graham R64
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Tatum Holmes R64
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers Luke Hudson R64
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Aidan Kanazawa R64
13u Dunwoody Diablos Gold Evan Lee R64
Georgia Roadrunners 13U Robbie Meddin R64
Titans Baseball 13u Blue Donny Myers L64
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Owen Parrish R64
Venom Baseball Grant Perkins R64
Line Drive 13u Bragg Landon Rachels R64
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Jackson Reynolds L64
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe JJ Smith L64
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Ben Yarbrough R64
Powder Springs Aztecs Brison Alexander R63
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Eli Ampel R63
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Jace Dardar R63
Powder Springs Aztecs Mildred James R63
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Alex Mason R63
Georgia Jackets 13u Mabe Matthew Northenor R63
Georgia Bombers 13U Gaines Austin Plese L63
Meridian Panthers 13u Giovanni Quintero R63
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Grant Singletary R63
13u Dunwoody Diablos Gold Bennett Sirlin R63
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Teddy Weick R63
Sandy Springs Storm 13u Jp Apgar R62
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Parker Bahun R62
13u Dunwoody Diablos Gold Houston Buck R62
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Drew Collis R62
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Drew Corbel R62
Venom Baseball David Demecs R62
Gbsa Rays 13u Scout Vincent Ewing R62
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Caleb Gardner R62
Indy Titans 13U Dutkanych Luke Gremelspacher R62
Venom Baseball Markell Jenkins R62
Powder Springs Aztecs Maddox McCain R62
Titans Baseball 13u Orange Nolan O'Leary R62
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Brody Gray L61
Meridian Panthers 13u Jihad Guy R61
5 Star Performance Dfw 13u Jourdan Beck Haslam R61
Powder Springs Aztecs Wyatt Martin R61
13u Dunwoody Diablos Gold Henry Anderson R60
Venom Baseball Jaxson Herman R60
Meridian Panthers 13u Shayne Murphy R60
Venom Baseball Javier Alvord R59
Line Drive 13u Bragg Carson Bragg R59
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Tate Calkins R59
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Thomas Pressman R59
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Colin Wilbanks R59
Venom Baseball Jaxson Baum R58
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Bryce Irwin R58
Meridian Panthers 13u Reese Wagnon R58
Atl Lightning 13u Wallace Whitaker Broach R57
Powder Springs Aztecs Adrian Martinez R57
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Dade Pauley R57
Meridian Panthers 13u Tyson Dawson R56
Powder Springs Aztecs Colin Martin R56
Georgia Bombers 13U Blount Gunnar Ponche R55
Powder Springs Aztecs Aiden Lamb R54
Warriors Baseball Academy - Bahun Jude McRae R54
Meridian Panthers 13u Gabriel Zamora Jr. R54