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All games for tomorrow, Sunday May 21st have been updated. All coaches have been notified.

All teams will play one pool play game. (Game times are shortened.) After you will be seeded into a single elimination bracket. *Please note if your team is scheduled for (2) pool play games, ONLY the 1st game will count towards your bracket seeding.* 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Canes Tennessee 14u Owen McMahan L81
Arkansas Elite Sawyer Wilson R81
Staf Dirtbags Joey DiMartino R80
Arkansas Elite Kaidin Lorenz R80
Midland TN 13u Premier Alex Potter R80
Sticks George Will Findley R79
Rawlings Se Mad Mavericks Beckett Haselhuhn L79
Staf Dirtbags Evan Litschke L79
Rawlings Se Mad Mavericks Jack VanOrman R79
Sticks Clonts Luke Weatherley R79
Sticks George Landon Webb R79
Canes Tennessee 14u Brody Blevins R78
Rawlings Se Mad Mavericks Ramon Foster R78
Midland TN 13u Premier Bryce Giddens R78
Team Elite 14U Premier Ashton Price Jr R78
Hojo Elite 14u Ethan Scheel R78
Staf Dirtbags Carson Bruce L77
Rawlings Se Mad Mavericks Chase Angell R76
Arkansas Elite Caston Fox R76
Canes Tennessee 14u Noah Hagan R75
Team Elite 14U Premier Blaise Krol R74
Midland TN 13u Premier Henry Sheaffer R74
Team Elite 14U Premier Ian Evert R73
Sticks Clonts Caden Hoggard R73
Sticks Clonts Keaton Rogers R72
Arkansas Elite Cooper Webb R72
Team Elite 14U Premier Khyric Carter R71
Staf Dirtbags McRae Ellis L71
Rawlings Se Mad Mavericks Gabe Hendriks R71
Rawlings Se Mad Mavericks Ryan Pearson R71
Staf Dirtbags Jude Morris R70
Midland TN 13u Premier Parker Vandercook R70
Canes Tennessee 14u Kaleb Cilk L69
Hojo Elite 14u Benji Barry R66
Hojo Elite 14u Alexander Du Plessis R64
Hojo Elite 14u Turner Tippitt R64