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Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Banditos Grey Bryce Livermore R86
Houston Warriors-Blue Anders Linna R85
Legacy SSS Jacob Smith R84
Houston Warriors-Blue Hunter Smith R83
Houston Warriors-Red Hunter Smith R83
Wba Varsity Hamilton Kincaid Broussard R82
Legacy SSS Aidan Garza R82
Legacy SSS Roemello Ramos R82
Wba Varsity Hamilton Roemello Ramos R82
Opa Jays Noah Rostvold R82
Lonestar Baseball Noah Blair R81
Opa Jays Logan Cheshier R81
SA WOLVERINES Aidan Delgado R81
18u Spring Lynx Michael Dickinson R81
Legacy SSS Ari’Ando Henderson R81
Houston Warriors-Blue Angel Castellon R80
Houston Warriors-Red Angel Castellon R80
Wba Jv Pedro Anthony Distefano R80
Wba Varsity Hamilton Anthony Distefano R80
Houston Warriors-Blue Andres Franco R80
Wba Varsity Hamilton Anthony Villarreal R80
Austin Waves Evan Belkin R79
Houston Warriors-Blue Brian Choi R79
Houston Warriors-Red Brian Choi R79
Opa Jays Kai Daniells L79
Austin Waves Austin Simon L79
Banditos Grey Austin Traverse R79
Wba Jv Pedro Preston Van House R79
Houston Warriors-Red Alex Ayala R78
Houston Warriors-Blue Alex Ayala R78
Austin Waves Davis Hicks R78
Houston Warriors-Blue Anthony Pannagl R78
Lonestar Baseball Kyle Thibaut R78
Opa Jays Carson Wojciechowski R78
Wba Varsity Hamilton Anders Graff R77
Banditos Grey Carter Guthrie R77
Banditos Grey Justin Ledger R77
Banditos Grey Byron Myers R77
Houston Warriors-Blue Nicholas Richardson R77
OPA JAYS BLUE Cameron Spencer R77
Austin Waves Zane Taylor L77
Opa Jays Carson Hebert R76
OPA JAYS BLUE Carson Hebert R76
Houston Warriors-Red Charles Hough R76
Legacy SSS Omarian Lawrence R76
Lonestar Baseball Marshall Sinner L76
Wba Angelito Aaron Arb R75
Wba Angelito Moises Arb L75
Houston Warriors-Red Ethan Batac R75
Opa Jays Jarrett Davis R75
18u Spring Lynx Benaiah Dickinson R75
Premier Red Walker Focke R75
OPA JAYS BLUE Lucas Herron L75
Legacy SSS Vladimir Martinez R75
Wba Angelito Johnny Paz R75
Wba Jv Pedro Ethan Segura R75
Austin Waves Hamilton Shepard R75
Lonestar Baseball Tanner Vance R75
Houston Warriors-Blue Aaron Griggs R74
Wba Jv Pedro Joshua Hampton R74
OPA JAYS BLUE Carson Riippa L74
Houston Warriors-Red Logan Uribe R74
Legacy SSS Jayden Carson R73
Premier Red Steven Goff L73
Legacy SSS Sam Kinsey R73
Premier Red Tye Leatherman R73
18u Spring Lynx Dylan Litherland R73
Opa Jays Ashton Ludlow R73
SA WOLVERINES Ryland Randolph R73
Lonestar Baseball Sean Stanford L73
Opa Jays Julio Hernandez R72
OPA JAYS BLUE Luke Rodriguez R72
Wba Varsity Hamilton Ryan Street R72
Premier Red Ricky Talavera R72
Lonestar Baseball Xarius Valdez R72
Austin Waves JV Rylo Brown-Knisely R71
Premier Red Santiago Cerro L71
Premier Red Brayden Cole R71
Wba Varsity Hamilton Andrew Durette R71
Wba Jv Pedro Andrew Durette R71
Legacy SSS Ryan Garcia R71
OPA JAYS BLUE Xavier Irizarry R71
Premier Red Cayd Mock R71
18u Spring Lynx Dominic Moreno R71
Wba Jv Pedro Damien Mueses R71
18u Spring Lynx Richard O'Brien R71
Wba Angelito Cesar Rodriguez R71
Lonestar Baseball Sebastian Wilson R71
Houston Warriors-Red Jaylen Dunson R70
Austin Waves Payne Horton R70
Wba Jv Pedro Michael Kayne R70
OPA JAYS BLUE Aidan Salinas R70
SA WOLVERINES Julian Servantes R70
Legacy SSS Daakar Sudduth L70
OPA JAYS BLUE Kale Weiland R70
Houston Warriors-Red Zachary Ammons L69
18u Spring Lynx Adithya Gorthi R69
Premier Red Jose Guzman R69
18u Spring Lynx Jack Johnson R69
Austin Waves JV Omar Luis R69
Wba Jv Pedro Michael Medina L69
Houston Warriors-Blue Nicolas Medina R69
Wba Angelito Jackson Mizibrocky R69
Houston Warriors-Blue Jack Randolph L69
Austin Waves JV Jackson Tokarz R69
18u Spring Lynx Ethan Clark R68
Premier Red Reece Crowe R68
Austin Waves Cody Kilsby R68
Wba Angelito Jace Zabiegala R68
18u Spring Lynx Joshua Barton R67
Houston Warriors-Blue Jayden Bustamante R67
Houston Warriors-Red Jayden Bustamante R67
OPA JAYS BLUE Tristan Cantu R67
Wba Angelito Christian Casanova R67
Austin Waves JV Grayson Donahoe R67
Austin Waves JV Brandon Grewal R67
Wba Jv Pedro Jacob Hall R67
Wba Jv Pedro Felix Uribe R67
Houston Warriors-Blue Francisco Crespin R66
Houston Warriors-Red Francisco Crespin R66
Legacy SSS Roric Hawkins Jr R66
Wba Angelito Drake Perez R66
18u Spring Lynx Drake Vasquez L66
Wba Jv Pedro Johnpaul Cuestas R65
Premier Red Aaron Ha R65
Austin Waves JV Caysen Nothnagel R65
Wba Jv Pedro Riley Parasco R65
SA WOLVERINES Jonah Reopelle L65
Banditos Grey Carson Richard L65
Wba Varsity Hamilton Holden Droddy R64
Wba Jv Pedro James Lacey R62
Wba Angelito Kenneth Nichols R62
Wba Varsity Hamilton Hernan Bravo R60
Austin Waves JV Morgan Nicol R60
Wba Varsity Hamilton Jeremiah Kizzee R55