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FB Velocities
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Juan Diego Martinez R91
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Joseph Williams R90
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson Will Downing R89
East Cobb Astros 16U Hayes Maginnis R89
East Cobb Astros 16U Matthew Westbrook R89
East Cobb Astros 16U Aiden Pack R88
eXposure 17U National Jax Sparks R88
2025 Gbsa Rays White Noah Chrabolowski R87
eXposure 17U Prime Sawyer Corn R87
eXposure 17U National Camden Huckaby R87
Bc Athletics 2026 Orr Carson Lane R87
Atl Lightning 17u Colin Thomas R87
Stixx Reloaded 2026 Kade Corbitt R86
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson Parker Williams R86
eXposure 17U National Cohen Bohannon L85
eXposure 17U National Brody Carr L85
Diamond Simcox 17u Cainan Crowe R85
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Austin Marshall R85
East Cobb Astros 16U Landon Rawlins R85
Wow Factor American Ty Willoughby R85
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Kobe Wimberly R85
East Cobb Astros 16U Lincoln Barton R84
Wow Factor American Zayun Carraway R84
Atl Lightning 17u Cameron Coll R84
Wow Factor American Michael Fernandez R84
East Cobb Astros 16U Ben Ivey L84
Bc Athletics 2026 Orr Brody Choate L83
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson Trent Ellington R83
Wow Factor American Ayden Elliott R83
Wow Factor American Wyatt Gale R83
Diamond Simcox 17u Tobias Peterson L83
The Atl Angels 17u Black Dallas Rice R83
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson John Robbins III L83
Georgia Liberty 17u Premier Hunter Sokol R83
Stixx Reloaded 2026 Logan Wynn L83
Georgia Liberty 17u Premier Brison Alexander R82
Stixx Reloaded 2026 Kayden Caputo R82
Bc Athletics 2026 Orr Anderson Craft R82
Wow Factor American Colin Hamilton R82
eXposure 17U Prime Caden Strickland R82
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Sean Walsh R82
Atl Lightning 17u Luke Yano L82
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson Hunter Bedenbaugh R81
Georgia Liberty 17u Premier Reed Cassidy R81
Stixx Reloaded 2026 Hagan Clifton R81
643 Dp 17u Tigers Brady Horne R81
Atl Lightning 17u Easy Hoskins R81
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson Evan Osterman R81
GA Sandlot 17U Jacob Saboura R81
GA Sandlot 17U Luke Thompson R81
eXposure 17U Bradley Wade L81
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Winston Barnett R80
Stixx Reloaded 2026 Reid Davis R80
2025 Gbsa Rays White Stone Mcbride R80
eXposure 17U Prime Brett Oxford R80
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson Gordon Sambdman R80
USA Scout-Elite Red Joshua Ashcraft R79
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Nolan Banks R79
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Ethan Buddoo L79
Diamond Simcox 17u Tripp Everett R79
Atl Lightning 17u Evan Herman R79
Atl Lightning 17u Jackson Pechter R79
Stixx Reloaded 2026 Ben Roche R79
GA Sandlot 17U Davis Smith R79
Home Plate Chili Dogs Thompson Jackson Tanner R79
Bc Athletics 2026 Orr Grayson Wright R79
Atl Lightning 17u Sebastien Zdan R79
GA Sandlot 17U Tate Adams R78
643 Dp 17u Tigers Jaxson Brown R78
2025 Gbsa Rays White Luke Colston R78
USA Scout-Elite Red Blake Krupica L78
GA Sandlot 17U Danya Naturman R78
Diamond Simcox 17u James Rayson L78
2025 Gbsa Rays White Jesse Toms L78
Bc Athletics 2026 Orr Sullivan Harris R77
643 Dp 17u Tigers Jackson Maxwell L77
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Cash Pecoroni R77
USA Scout-Elite Red Gavin Renegar R77
East Cobb Astros 16U JT Tow L77
The Atl Angels 17u Black Cade Trinkle R77
Bc Athletics 2026 Orr Ben Wright R77
Atl Lightning 17u Pierce Keathley L76
Stixx Reloaded 2026 Caden Lamb R76
Georgia Bombers 16u/17u Victus Connor McDowell R76
2025 Gbsa Rays White Wyatt Sowell R76
The Atl Angels 17u Black Marcus Cox L75
eXposure 17U Sam Dixon L75
2025 Gbsa Rays White Dylan Hobert R75
eXposure 17U Eli Kyser R75
eXposure 17U Noble Lucius R75
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Cross Redden R75
Ninth Inning Royals 17u Coleman Owen Saez L75
643 Dp 17u Tigers Jeremiah Staples R75
GA Sandlot 17U Jack Healy R74
Georgia Bombers 16u/17u Victus Cody Hicks R74
643 Dp 17u Tigers Eli Latora R74
eXposure 17U Prime Kaylin Chesney Ii L73
GA Sandlot 17U Luke Hopkins R73
eXposure 17U Matt Moore R73
643 Dp 17u Tigers Jaden Carroll R72
643 Dp 17u Tigers Parker Freeman R72
eXposure 17U Blake Johnson R72
eXposure 17U Abram Taylor R72
Atl Lightning 17u Michael Graham R71
Georgia Bombers 16u/17u Victus Brody Tanner R71
USA Scout-Elite Red Logan Picheta L69
eXposure 17U Prime Luke Smiley L69
USA Scout-Elite Red Easton Shank L67
USA Scout-Elite Red Carter Kolacinski R63