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Gold Bracket

#8 ODC Bats - 8U 13  #1 Kingwood Spartans Cook 18      
GM: 29 | 3/23 | 8:00 AM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  GM: 32 | 3/23 | 2:15 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#9 Premier 7U Black 12  #8 ODC Bats - 8U 19  #4 Eastex Legends 16   
     GM: 36 | 3/23 | 4:45 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  #4 Eastex Legends 21  #8 ODC Bats - 8U 11   
  GM: 33 | 3/23 | 11:45 AM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  #5 Lynx 8u Laidlaw 20      #4 Eastex Legends 14
        GM: 38 | 3/23 | 7:15 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#7 KBA Elite 8  #2 Magnolia Express 8U 3     #10 Texas Lonestar Baseball 7
GM: 30 | 3/23 | 9:15 AM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  GM: 34 | 3/23 | 3:30 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#10 Texas Lonestar Baseball 11  #10 Texas Lonestar Baseball 14  #3 Dreamkrushers Gold 6   
     GM: 37 | 3/23 | 6:00 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#6 Klein Mustangs - Cummings 17  #3 Dreamkrushers Gold 16  #10 Texas Lonestar Baseball 14   
GM: 31 | 3/23 | 10:30 AM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
  GM: 35 | 3/23 | 1:00 PM
Field 5 @ The Farm League
#11 DreamKrushers Black 16  #6 Klein Mustangs - Cummings 7      
Silver Bracket

#8 Drillbit Roughnecks 8U – Sadler 8  #1 Texas Lonestar Baseball - Dudley 7      
GM: 39 | 3/23 | 10:00 AM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
  GM: 40 | 3/23 | 3:00 PM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
#9 Backyard Ballers Grey 3  #8 Drillbit Roughnecks 8U – Sadler 18  #4 Marucci Elite Texas - Stephens 15   
     GM: 44 | 3/23 | 4:15 PM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
  #4 Marucci Elite Texas - Stephens 16  #8 Drillbit Roughnecks 8U – Sadler 4   
  GM: 41 | 3/23 | 11:15 AM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
  #5 Banditos 8u Rowland White 7      #3 AP Express 8u Cook 14
        GM: 46 | 3/23 | 6:45 PM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
  #2 Texas Brigade - McNiel 12     #4 Marucci Elite Texas - Stephens 7
  GM: 42 | 3/23 | 12:30 PM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
  #7 8U TEXAS BLUES (A.SMITH) 3  #2 Texas Brigade - McNiel 3   
     GM: 45 | 3/23 | 5:30 PM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
  #3 AP Express 8u Cook 14  #3 AP Express 8u Cook 18   
  GM: 43 | 3/23 | 1:45 PM
Field 4 @ Doss Park
  #6 ZT Gold Rush Bernal 13      
Bronze Bracket

#4 Alpha One 8U 13  #1 Houston Warriors - Blue 10   
GM: 47 | 3/23 | 9:00 AM
Field 9 @ Lindsey Lyons
  GM: 48 | 3/23 | 10:15 AM
Field 9 @ Lindsey Lyons
#5 Scorpions Team EASTON (Blue) 4  #4 Alpha One 8U 13  #3 Katy Hype Baseball  2
     GM: 50 | 3/23 | 12:45 PM
Field 9 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #2 Katy Bombers 8U 12   #4 Alpha One 8U 21
  GM: 49 | 3/23 | 11:30 AM
Field 9 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #3 Katy Hype Baseball  16