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Non-local teams are required to have 50% of their team stay in one of our approved lodging partners. As part of being approved into the event the following link will provide you with our approved partner hotels that are part of the requirement to host events within our host community.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

12u OPEN Championship

#1 Utah Grays 1   
GM: 9 | 2/2 | 9:55 AM | GAME RECAP
Dodger @ Big League Dreams Park
#4 NV Premier 12u 10   #2 GBG Vegas 12u RED  10
  GM: 11 | 2/2 | 11:55 AM | GAME RECAP
Dodger @ Big League Dreams Park
#2 GBG Vegas 12u RED  9  #4 NV Premier 12u 2
GM: 10 | 2/2 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Dodger @ Big League Dreams Park
#3 GCSA Vegas Wildcats 2   
12u OPEN SILVER Championship

#1 GCSA Vegas Strong Black 4   
GM: 12 | 2/2 | 11:55 AM | GAME RECAP
Fenway @ Big League Dreams Park
#4 Southern Nevada Bandits 3   #1 GCSA Vegas Strong Black 11
  GM: 14 | 2/2 | 1:55 PM | GAME RECAP
Fenway @ Big League Dreams Park
#2 Knights Elite Black LV 7  #3 Wow Factor NV 12u 1
GM: 13 | 2/2 | 9:55 AM | GAME RECAP
Fenway @ Big League Dreams Park
#3 Wow Factor NV 12u 19   
12u Bronze Champions

#1 Loyals Baseball Club 4   
GM: 19 | 2/2 | 9:55 AM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ Big League Dreams Park
#4 Athletics 12u 7   #2 Vegas Elite Gold 11
  GM: 21 | 2/2 | 12:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ Big League Dreams Park
#2 Vegas Elite Gold 17  #4 Athletics 12u 3
GM: 20 | 2/2 | 8:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ Big League Dreams Park
#3 PFA SN 2