Batting Practice Highlights
Ayden Farrugia (2030, Milford, Mich.) swung it well during BP, finding a way to work gap-to-gap with some line drives. He was on the barrel often with good bat-to-ball skills. He showed good intent throughout the round and was able to impact it with quality traits on display.
Jacob Migliore (2030, West Bloomfield, Mich.) was able to impact the ball well back up through the middle of the field. He worked pull-side with feel to produce line drives time and time again. He had some quality swings back up the middle as well.
TJ Stevens (2030, Northville, Mich.) swung it well from the right side of the plate with good bat speed to show strength off it. He drove it all over the field and was able to show quality traits to like throughout his round of BP swings.
Grayson Ouillette (2029, Standish, Mich.) took a solid round of BP swings with good bat speed on display. He showed feel for the barrel and was able to impact it, working back up the middle throughout the round with some loud results throughout.
Alexander Penney (2030, Cambridge, Ont.) has swung it well during his round of BP swings. He was able to lift the ball as well and show good traits in the box that project well. Simple operation with some strength throughout.