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Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Action 13U White (12-9-0 in 2025) 13AAA Leander, TX Noah Pendergrass
Canes SW Leander 13U Black (5-7-3 in 2025) 13AAA Leander, TX Tony Enos
Canes SW Senators 13u Cox (4-7-0 in 2025) 13AA Austin, TX Cameron Cox
Canes SW Senators 13u Schwartz (10-6-1 in 2025) 13AAA Austin, TX Austin Schwartz
Canes SW Zorn 13u Wolf (5-7-0 in 2025) 13AAA Zorn, TX Canes Sw Staff
Honorable Mention LBC Central Bien (15-5-2 in 2025) 13Major Austin, TX Josh Sanders
LBC Central Folmar (15-10-0 in 2025) 13Major Austin, TX Josh Sanders
Honorable Mention LBC North - Gonzales (18-8-2 in 2025) 13Major Hutto, TX Kory Moench
LCP Tribe- Gold (11-9-0 in 2025) 13AAA Leander, TX Jatin Patel
Honorable Mention Lonestar Eagle Pass (20-7-0 in 2025) 13Major Eagle Pass, TX Reyrey Mendoza
Tritons Baseball Club TX- Cavaness 13U (8-7-2 in 2025) 13AAA Pflugerville , TX Tucker Cavaness
Twelve San Antonio Black (4-5-1 in 2025) 13AAA San Antonio, TX Ian Bailey

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend