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8U (AA) (CP) 10U (AA) 11U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (Major)
Payment is due Monday before the event! Payment is the only way to secure your spot non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...
Gate Fees:
-These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA:
- $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas:
- $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
- $5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road:
- $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex:
- $10/person CASH OR CARD

All American Sports Complex:
- $15/car CASH or $17/CAR by CARD

The Ballpark at League City:
- $10 CARD ONLY for all adults and youth 13 & Up
- 2 Coaches Free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park:
- $12/person OR $24/car MAX + Tax (CARD ONLY)
- First Responders/Military/Veterans free WITH ID
- Under 16 free

Rabb Rd:
- $10/car Cash ONLY

Pep Mueller:
- $10/person CASH OR CARD

Cotton Ranch:
- $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Ed Rinehart:
- $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 18 & under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Perfect Game will supply 4 new or gently used baseballs at the start of each game. Once these 4 baseballs have been exhausted, we will ask teams to throw in their own baseballs. PLEASE RETURN ALL FOUL BALLS IN A TIMELY MANNER!!
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
12 James Bielamowicz 25 1 Premier Banditos 14u 3/15/2025
13 Gavino jr Cantu 3 1 Premier Banditos 14u 3/15/2025
99 Mario Castellanos 42 4 Chupacabras 3/15/2025
33 2 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
Total 75 6
23 Nicholas Feinstein 23 1 Premier Banditos 14u 3/15/2025
1 Adrian Garcia 23 3 Chupacabras 3/15/2025
24 Dominic Gedutis 44 3 Premier Banditos 14u 3/15/2025
34 Ariel Gonzalez 25 4 Chupacabras 3/15/2025
28 1 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
Total 53 5
16 Royxet Mestre 32 3 Premier Banditos 14u 3/15/2025
31 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
Total 63 6
Banditos 14u Deleon
2 Gage Dasbach 56 7 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/15/2025
8 Kaleb Diaz 38 4 Premier Banditos 14u 3/16/2025
24 Abel Figueroa 45 11 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/15/2025
27 6 Premier Baseball (Campos) 3/16/2025
Total 72 17
8 David James 19 3 Premier Banditos 14u 3/16/2025
23 Anderson Martin 36 6 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/15/2025
59 9 Premier Baseball (Campos) 3/16/2025
Total 95 15
4 Chase Matranga 32 6 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/15/2025
22 2 Premier Banditos 14u 3/16/2025
Total 54 8
12 Kellan Oberly 7 0 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/15/2025
Banditos 2029 Black
27 Brittin Aguilar 0 0 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/16/2025
27 Cody Carlton 33 5 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/16/2025
24 Jayson Heger 56 7 Elite RBI National 3/15/2025
8 Tanner Klentz 11 3 LC Dirtbags 3/15/2025
22 Brayden Lyszaz 13 2 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/16/2025
99 Alister McClanahan 16 5 Elite RBI National 3/15/2025
5 1 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/16/2025
Total 21 6
3 Nicholas Mendoza 40 6 LC Dirtbags 3/15/2025
40 4 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/16/2025
Total 80 10
4 Ryder Sepulvado 37 6 LC Dirtbags 3/15/2025
60 11 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/16/2025
Total 97 17
Max Ayala 45 4 Premier Banditos 14u 3/15/2025
8 0 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/15/2025
Total 53 4
17 0 LC Dirtbags 3/16/2025
Total 70 4
Tommy Fonseca 21 3 LC Dirtbags 3/16/2025
26 6 Up Top Prospects 3/16/2025
Total 47 9
Rafael Grijalva 15 1 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/15/2025
49 9 Up Top Prospects 3/16/2025
Total 64 10
Khriz Ibarra 64 9 Premier Banditos 14u 3/15/2025
Maximus Jimenez 27 2 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/15/2025
52 2 LC Dirtbags 3/16/2025
Total 79 4
Todd Priddy 46 7 LC Dirtbags 3/16/2025
Jacob Wertz 57 8 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/15/2025
Elite RBI National
21 Anthony Adame 0 0 LC Dirtbags 3/15/2025
93 13 South Coast Cream I. 3/16/2025
Total 93 13
7 Ty Chambless 0 0 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/16/2025
10 Major Ciers 92 18 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
29 Cole Marquardt 1 1 Elite RBI Owens 3/16/2025
4 1 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/16/2025
Total 5 2
23 Braiden Miller 92 15 LC Dirtbags 3/15/2025
13 Alan Montes 12 3 LC Dirtbags 3/15/2025
61 9 Elite RBI Owens 3/16/2025
Total 73 12
42 Earon Ramirez 72 12 Banditos 2029 Black 3/15/2025
33 Cote Tullos 66 14 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/16/2025
10 1 South Coast Cream I. 3/16/2025
Total 76 15
Elite RBI Owens
1 William Ty Garner 28 3 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
10 Logan Killion 9 0 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/15/2025
21 1 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
Total 30 1
23 Jordan Owens 7 3 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/15/2025
33 5 Piranhas Elite 3/16/2025
Total 40 8
82 Christopher Peeler 28 2 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/15/2025
36 5 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
Total 64 7
17 Roman Pena 62 15 Premier Baseball (Campos) 3/15/2025
0 0 Piranhas Elite 3/16/2025
Total 62 15
5 Christopher Reames 24 4 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/15/2025
5 1 Piranhas Elite 3/16/2025
Total 29 5
44 Caiden Sotello 30 8 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/15/2025
72 14 Piranhas Elite 3/16/2025
Total 102 22
Gold Culture/Piranhas National
11 Landon Adkison 32 6 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/15/2025
0 Kaysen Click 44 6 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/16/2025
45 Mark Golemon 46 6 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/15/2025
43 8 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/16/2025
Total 89 14
9 Malik Stroud 64 8 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/15/2025
7 Talon Sweat 18 1 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/16/2025
10 Carter Thibodeaux 17 1 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/15/2025
Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u
81 Steven Adame III 72 15 Premier Banditos 14u 3/16/2025
1 Maddox Bryant 34 6 Piranhas Elite 3/15/2025
13 Layton Chase 11 3 Piranhas Elite 3/15/2025
18 Carter Holder 41 9 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/16/2025
3 Justin Jimenez 62 12 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/16/2025
21 Caleb Kahoalii 83 12 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
24 Leonardo Munoz 41 6 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
6 Cason Taylor 11 3 Piranhas Elite 3/15/2025
23 Jose Vera 22 3 Piranhas Elite 3/15/2025
11 Mason West 77 21 South Coast Cream I. 3/15/2025
LC Dirtbags
5 Riley Buchanan 56 11 Chupacabras 3/16/2025
6 Major Burcl 57 6 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/16/2025
1 Brody Burnley 52 9 Elite RBI National 3/15/2025
13 Tristan Cruz 77 12 Banditos 2029 Black 3/15/2025
2 Trace Flores 18 3 Chupacabras 3/16/2025
12 Caden Hill 33 6 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/16/2025
23 Jake McLendon 29 3 Banditos 2029 Black 3/15/2025
3 Kade Patton 34 6 Elite RBI National 3/15/2025
7 Kenneth Simpson 0 0 Elite RBI National 3/15/2025
Opa Jays - Coleman
3 Brody Cooper 10 0 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/16/2025
5 Brody Despain 18 5 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/15/2025
15 Trenton Kelchner 25 4 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/16/2025
11 Evan Legendre 72 9 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/15/2025
55 Clark McGuire 28 2 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/15/2025
7 Aiden Nguyen 84 10 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/16/2025
9 Jonathan Oncale 61 6 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/15/2025
13 Brady Segura 20 0 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/15/2025
4 Jack Tatum 0 0 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 3/15/2025
Piranhas Elite
3 Damien Barrabi 25 6 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
7 Nathan Delgado 38 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
62 12 Elite RBI Owens 3/16/2025
Total 100 15
Baylen Garcia 39 5 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/15/2025
22 Christian Hernandez 38 4 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/15/2025
12 Jayston Marquez 10 3 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/15/2025
47 9 Elite RBI Owens 3/16/2025
Total 57 12
Markeithon Simon 22 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
Premier Banditos 14u
Malacai Bullock 2 1 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/15/2025
35 10 Chupacabras 3/15/2025
Total 37 11
Jackson Coffey 14 3 Chupacabras 3/15/2025
35 7 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/16/2025
Total 49 10
Tyler Early 70 7 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
Kingston George 60 8 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/15/2025
Bowen Landry 30 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
Maddox McBryde 50 5 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/16/2025
Cj Meyer 20 5 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
Paxton Scoggin 28 2 Chupacabras 3/15/2025
Premier Baseball (Campos)
7 Landon Lucas 36 9 Up Top Prospects 3/15/2025
38 4 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/16/2025
Total 74 13
35 Sterling McCormack 44 6 Up Top Prospects 3/15/2025
39 5 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/16/2025
Total 83 11
Kash Pemberton 36 6 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/16/2025
50 Drake Pieters 23 2 Elite RBI Owens 3/15/2025
24 Cayden Sheffler 76 9 Elite RBI Owens 3/15/2025
22 Preston Zwerneman 15 1 Elite RBI Owens 3/15/2025
5 0 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/16/2025
Total 20 1
SA Kings 14u Martinez
10 Cooper Benavides 33 6 Up Top Prospects 3/15/2025
15 Alexander De Hoyos 8 0 Up Top Prospects 3/15/2025
5 Cristian Garcia 28 3 Up Top Prospects 3/15/2025
29 0 Banditos 2029 Black 3/16/2025
Total 57 3
16 Clayton Harris 24 3 Up Top Prospects 3/15/2025
11 Cooper Harris 25 3 Elite RBI Owens 3/15/2025
17 4 Banditos 2029 Black 3/16/2025
Total 42 7
3 Mason Keber 27 6 Elite RBI Owens 3/15/2025
31 4 Banditos 2029 Black 3/16/2025
Total 58 10
19 Jayden Montemayor 26 6 Elite RBI Owens 3/15/2025
13 Isaiah Mora 9 3 Elite RBI Owens 3/15/2025
Scorpions Team EASTON
5 Mason Daerr 28 2 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
0 Case Jones 35 3 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
29 Braden Kastner 34 1 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
41 4 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/16/2025
Total 75 5
12 Colton Lillard 14 0 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/15/2025
4 Ryder Meinzer 17 2 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
8 Max Moncur 65 14 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/15/2025
3 0 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
Total 68 14
8 Pierce Oberton 3 0 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
10 Griffin Zipter 83 17 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/16/2025
Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver)
Ashwin Birendra 78 12 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/15/2025
Taylor Dedear 22 1 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
Carson Dusek 80 14 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/15/2025
Carson Kippie 61 7 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
Joe O’Neil 17 2 Banditos 2029 Black 3/16/2025
32 3 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
Total 49 5
Jackson Pate 67 9 Banditos 2029 Black 3/16/2025
Logan Sticklen 8 1 Banditos 14u Deleon 3/15/2025
11 1 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
Total 19 2
Grayson Svetlik 47 3 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
South Coast Cream I.
1 Jayson Galaviz 21 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
20 Colten Georgi 31 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
24 Bryson Henderson 21 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
16 Donnie Jablonski 12 2 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/15/2025
75 11 Elite RBI National 3/16/2025
Total 87 13
3 Briley Jasinski 69 9 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
10 Jagger McRae 28 3 Houston Wildcatters - ELITE - 14u 3/15/2025
4 Easton Ondruch 32 3 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/15/2025
12 Grant Socha 74 13 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/15/2025
Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area
30 Zach Barham 37 3 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
0 0 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/16/2025
Total 37 3
2 Kaleb Brown 68 9 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/15/2025
32 Noel Caballero 53 7 LC Dirtbags 3/16/2025
18 3 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/16/2025
Total 71 10
92 Diego Cervantes Jr 25 0 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
29 1 LC Dirtbags 3/16/2025
Total 54 1
4 Houston Howell 15 2 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/16/2025
67 10 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/16/2025
Total 82 12
1 Tyler Jones 20 1 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/16/2025
28 Brody Kaiser 85 12 Opa Jays - Coleman 3/16/2025
0 0 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/16/2025
Total 85 12
3 Benjamin Lennox 68 9 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
5 George Saphos 22 0 Gold Culture/Piranhas National 3/15/2025
11 2 Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station 3/16/2025
Total 33 2
23 Vladimir Urbaez 45 5 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/15/2025
27 1 LC Dirtbags 3/16/2025
Total 72 6
Texas Twelve Maroon - College Station
22 Luke Gregory 32 6 South Coast Cream I. 3/15/2025
19 John Hernandez 74 11 South Coast Cream I. 3/15/2025
17 Champ Moore 45 5 Piranhas Elite 3/15/2025
51 9 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/16/2025
Total 96 14
3 Ian Pack 58 5 Texas Twelve 14U Maroon - Bay Area 3/16/2025
23 Karson Scarmardo 44 5 Piranhas Elite 3/15/2025
Up Top Prospects
4 Aiden Brantley 37 1 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/15/2025
Damien Castro 31 2 Premier Baseball (Campos) 3/15/2025
6 Austin Charanza 0 0 Chupacabras 3/16/2025
9 Julian Hernandez 33 1 Chupacabras 3/16/2025
2 Orlando Robles 19 2 Chupacabras 3/16/2025
23 Jacob Rocha 58 10 SA Kings 14u Martinez 3/15/2025
5 Karter Ross 27 4 Premier Baseball (Campos) 3/15/2025
1 Devin Saenz 29 4 Chupacabras 3/16/2025
30 Cobey Smith 41 4 Chupacabras 3/16/2025
11 Mysta Sumbler 38 6 Premier Baseball (Campos) 3/15/2025