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10U (AAA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (Open) 13U (AAA) (54/80) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA) 14U (Major)
Effective January 1, 2025, all payments must be made through your shopping cart. Payment is due by midnight of the Sunday prior to the event start date.

ALL GATES: $12/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 3 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee) - Once those THREE coaches check-in, the rest of the coaches are required to pay
- Kids 12 and under Free
- Military/First Responder $7 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $7

Perfect Game will provide game balls

Game Times:
7U-8U Coach Pitch: No new inning after 1:10
9U-10U: No new inning after 1:30
11U-13U: No new inning after 1:40
14U: No new inning after 1:45
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Action 14U Green
3 Karim Aguilar 26 5 LBC Central Harrison 3/2/2025
52 Miles Brocato 72 13 LBC Central Harrison 3/2/2025
77 Miles Brown 64 12 LBC Central Fletcher 3/1/2025
18 Henry Floyd 66 8 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/1/2025
Action 14U White
7 Jeremy Bailey 61 6 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/1/2025
19 Ryan Boze 75 12 LBC Central Harrison 3/2/2025
11 Kellen Damian 56 14 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
7 Brodie Davis 10 2 LBC Central Harrison 3/2/2025
27 Dylan Dunahoo 26 3 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
10 Reid Miller 56 9 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/1/2025
Austin Wings - Gwyn
50 Ethan Bettinger 83 15 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
5 Brody Childers 9 1 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
78 21 LBC Central Harrison 3/2/2025
Total 87 22
22 Jackson Fillman 53 5 Action 14U Green 3/1/2025
88 Sonny Hennard 28 6 Action 14U Green 3/1/2025
7 Clayton Kauffman 39 5 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
12 Jake Lea 22 3 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
62 9 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/2/2025
Total 84 12
9 Samuel Livingston 24 3 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
Austin Wings 14u-Crawford
12 Hudson Crawford 85 15 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
19 Duncan Holland 71 15 THZ Baseball - Prospects 3/1/2025
35 Jackson Meredith 59 12 Texas Splitters 14u Black 3/1/2025
2 Beck Norrell 12 2 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
5 Wyatt Russell 16 1 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
CPYL Tribe- Jemela
21 Aaron Arriaga 76 11 LBC Central Harrison 3/1/2025
99 Jack Clark 83 15 LBC Central Fletcher 3/2/2025
13 Scout Culp 5 3 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
28 Jett Frei 46 10 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
9 Peyton Holbert 38 6 LBC Central Bien 3/1/2025
23 Anthony Martinez 28 2 LBC Central Harrison 3/1/2025
1 Jaxon Roos 21 5 LBC Central Bien 3/1/2025
28 3 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 49 8
13 Jack Wallace 39 6 LBC Central Bien 3/1/2025
10 Wesley Womack 6 1 LBC Central Harrison 3/1/2025
Dallas Patriots 14U
12 Paul Davenport 10 0 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
11 Brayden Hyatt 34 4 Action 14U White 3/1/2025
4 Max Martinez 45 2 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
3 Maddox Mendoza 18 0 DUBS-BLUE 3/2/2025
14 1 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
Total 32 1
14 Easton Payne 19 6 LBC Central Harrison 3/1/2025
56 14 DUBS-BLUE 3/2/2025
Total 75 20
33 Barrett Pollard 43 9 LBC Central Harrison 3/1/2025
8 Parker Stanley 11 1 DUBS-BLUE 3/2/2025
22 Casen Stovall 30 5 LBC Central Harrison 3/1/2025
13 3 DUBS-BLUE 3/2/2025
Total 43 8
5 Mason Symes 17 2 Action 14U White 3/1/2025
33 1 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
Total 50 3
1 Ryan Tyer 58 6 Action 14U White 3/1/2025
99 Mayson Boyer 34 7 LBC Central Bien 3/1/2025
13 Raul Contreras 29 6 Action 14U White 3/1/2025
70 6 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/2/2025
Total 99 12
12 Hays Gray 32 6 LBC Central Bien 3/1/2025
66 9 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/2/2025
Total 98 15
22 Roman Martinez 23 3 LBC Central Bien 3/1/2025
14 Anthony Olivo Castro 21 1 Action 14U White 3/1/2025
19 Aiden Trevino 48 8 Action 14U White 3/1/2025
LBC Central Bien
10 Charlie Bien 3 1 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
13 3 THZ Baseball - Prospects 3/2/2025
Total 16 4
17 Clayton Buchanan 20 3 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
32 4 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
Total 52 7
11 Joseph Burkholder 23 4 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/1/2025
29 0 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
Total 52 4
6 Ellis Ford 12 2 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/1/2025
26 4 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
Total 38 6
32 6 THZ Baseball - Prospects 3/2/2025
Total 70 12
18 Abbott Fredenburg 11 0 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
2 Harlan Glassner 30 6 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
48 8 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
Total 78 14
1 1 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/2/2025
Total 79 15
23 Marcel Jansen Van Rensberg 8 0 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
6 Zane McMinn 53 10 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/1/2025
68 Carter Pedersen 14 3 DUBS-BLUE 3/1/2025
15 3 THZ Baseball - Prospects 3/2/2025
Total 29 6
38 5 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/2/2025
Total 67 11
22 Colt Walker 28 4 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/1/2025
49 10 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/2/2025
Total 77 14
LBC Central Fletcher
Jack Bogan 46 6 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/2/2025
Christian Escobar 10 3 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
Myles Foxhoven 29 3 Action 14U Green 3/1/2025
Blaine Johnson 36 2 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
Josh Rivas 52 6 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/2/2025
Hunter Robinson 33 4 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
Cruz Rodriguez 16 3 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
Andrew Simmons 23 0 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/1/2025
Hunt Smith 44 6 Action 14U Green 3/1/2025
LBC Central Harrison
22 Hudson Brown 13 0 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/1/2025
2 0 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
Total 15 0
23 Luke Burris 32 3 Action 14U White 3/2/2025
14 3 Action 14U Green 3/2/2025
Total 46 6
17 Mason Fey 28 3 Action 14U White 3/2/2025
24 Jack Gamble 6 1 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/1/2025
16 Liam Glass 51 12 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
27 Jackson Gray 67 14 Action 14U Green 3/2/2025
5 Mike Hardesty 34 3 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/1/2025
21 Evan Hauser 39 9 Action 14U White 3/2/2025
7 Carson Purdy 45 10 CPYL Tribe- Jemela 3/1/2025
34 Brody Satine 36 5 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
7 Bowen Shoberg 56 11 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/1/2025
99 James Wright 43 9 Dallas Patriots 14U 3/1/2025
Texas Mustangs Blue
15 Luke Bauer 17 3 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/1/2025
17 Paxton Dominy 32 5 LBC Central Fletcher 3/1/2025
0 0 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 32 5
80 18 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/2/2025
Total 112 23
37 Grant Freeborg 25 3 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/1/2025
53 6 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 78 9
7 Gabe Galarza 15 3 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/1/2025
24 2 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 39 5
86 Mason Lecas 33 3 LBC Central Fletcher 3/1/2025
10 3 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 43 6
21 Alex Lokken 2 0 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/1/2025
23 5 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
Total 25 5
42 Liam Murphy 16 3 LBC Central Fletcher 3/1/2025
9 1 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 25 4
47 5 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
Total 72 9
3 Matthew Shields 82 14 Texas Splitters 14u Black 3/2/2025
9 Carter Sult 14 1 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/1/2025
18 1 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/2/2025
Total 32 2
34 Carson Woodcock 26 1 Austin Wings - Gwyn 3/1/2025
Texas Splitters 14u Black
12 Hollis Duplechan 19 2 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/1/2025
33 Micah Ford 34 3 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/1/2025
2 Ben Kautz 17 2 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
1 Charlie Keel 89 13 Texas Mustangs Blue 3/2/2025
10 Gavin Martinez 32 9 THZ Baseball - Prospects 3/1/2025
50 Isaac Wohlers 56 5 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/1/2025
THZ Baseball - Prospects
35 Madden Cedillo 17 1 Texas Splitters 14u Black 3/1/2025
14 Charles Edelson 26 2 Texas Splitters 14u Black 3/1/2025
6 Case Freytag 16 2 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/1/2025
13 Elias Larsen 29 5 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/1/2025
35 1 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 64 6
42 David Murguia 29 2 Texas Splitters 14u Black 3/1/2025
21 3 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/1/2025
Total 50 5
2 Levi Rodriguez 36 4 Austin Wings 14u-Crawford 3/1/2025
40 Graham Taylor 14 3 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
44 Caleb Woodward 29 2 Texas Splitters 14u Black 3/1/2025
38 4 LBC Central Bien 3/2/2025
Total 67 6