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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
9 Benjamin Eggert 14 0 Tabasco Cats Black 5/30/2021
3 Samuel Evans 19 2 Texas Swingman 13u 5/29/2021
12 3 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/31/2021
Total 31 5
23 Hayden Ford 0 0 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
54 10 Tabasco Cats Black 5/30/2021
Total 54 10
0 0 Texas Swingman 13u 5/30/2021
Total 54 10
16 Christopher Harper Jr 34 4 Tabasco Cats Black 5/29/2021
49 12 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
Total 83 16
1 David Kimbrell 6 0 Tabasco Cats Black 5/29/2021
16 2 Texas Swingman 13u 5/30/2021
Total 22 2
7 Miguel Moreno 13 1 Tabasco Cats Black 5/29/2021
65 12 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/31/2021
Total 78 13
2 Will Stovall 18 2 Tabasco Cats Black 5/30/2021
34 Danny Valenzuela 49 9 Texas Swingman 13u 5/29/2021
54 8 Texas Swingman 13u 5/30/2021
Total 103 17
42 Wyatt Wallace 24 2 Tabasco Cats Black 5/30/2021
Banditos Ltg Ortiz
22 Brogan Blum 34 6 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/29/2021
8 3 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
Total 42 9
17 Connor Butler 54 12 Tabasco Cats Black 5/30/2021
23 Jake Dumars 34 6 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/29/2021
38 2 Texas Swingman 13u 5/30/2021
Total 72 8
2 Hudson Faucheaux 20 6 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/29/2021
85 12 Texas Swingman 13u 5/30/2021
Total 105 18
20 Gavin Palmisano 74 9 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
8 Karson Robichaux 12 2 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/29/2021
4 1 Texas Swingman 13u 5/30/2021
Total 16 3
15 Madden Williams 27 4 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/29/2021
78 18 13U EXPRESS 5/31/2021
Total 105 22
Fb Spartans 13u
4 Cohen Amos 34 4 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/29/2021
3 Michael Cuellar 0 0 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/29/2021
0 0 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/30/2021
Total 0 0
42 Langston Hogan 0 0 Tabasco Cats Black 5/30/2021
58 8 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/30/2021
Total 58 8
41 8 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/30/2021
Total 99 16
0 0 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/30/2021
Total 99 16
5 Yanni Ibikunle 101 10 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/30/2021
34 Logan Myers 20 4 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/29/2021
24 3 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/29/2021
Total 44 7
17 4 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/30/2021
Total 61 11
27 5 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/30/2021
Total 88 16
27 Nathan Perez 71 11 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
9 Jesse Rangel 71 18 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
10 John Sander 33 5 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/29/2021
1 Hunter Windham 35 8 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/29/2021
55 8 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/30/2021
Total 90 16
1 3 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/30/2021
Total 91 19
2 Reece Yarrish 74 15 Tabasco Cats Black 5/30/2021
Katy Prestige Maroon
9 Michael Allen 0 0 Fb Spartans 13u 5/29/2021
0 0 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
Total 0 0
0 0 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 0 0
8 Cayden Beard 23 2 Fb Spartans 13u 5/31/2021
5 Carter Blaha 48 6 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
1 Hudson Chenard 52 9 Texas Swingman 13u 5/31/2021
3 Nathaniel Gayhart 54 12 Fb Spartans 13u 5/29/2021
11 Brayden Kanak 21 3 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
77 14 Fb Spartans 13u 5/31/2021
Total 98 17
4 Weston Loudon 33 6 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
22 Matthew Mechura 67 14 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
7 Connor Vodehnal 78 12 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
12 Jorian Wilson 89 14 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/31/2021
Stix Academy-13u-McMullin
10 Austin Amaya 93 12 Texas Swingman 13u 5/31/2021
44 Logan Ayers 24 3 Fb Spartans 13u 5/29/2021
24 3 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
Total 48 6
0 0 Texas Swingman 13u 5/31/2021
Total 48 6
7 Caleb Carter 38 3 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
21 2 Texas Swingman 13u 5/31/2021
Total 59 5
50 John Murry Christensen 45 7 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
12 Kevin Creed 69 12 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/30/2021
8 2 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
Total 77 14
42 George Kell Iv 17 3 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/30/2021
13 1 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
Total 30 4
39 3 Texas Swingman 13u 5/31/2021
Total 69 7
25 Jackson McPhail 15 0 Fb Spartans 13u 5/29/2021
11 Sullivan Mulcahy 0 0 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
16 0 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
Total 16 0
11 Marshall Smith 15 2 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
99 Matthew Weinstein 44 6 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
0 Christopher Wilson 70 9 Fb Spartans 13u 5/29/2021
Stx Sliders 13u Nerz
24 Zachary Grafe 19 1 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/29/2021
68 9 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
Total 87 10
90 Bryce Hoelzel 35 6 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/29/2021
49 6 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 84 12
23 Hudson McCarty 5 0 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/29/2021
13 Connor Meyer 31 4 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/30/2021
0 Michael Mirshak 37 9 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/29/2021
7 4 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 44 13
79 Christopher Mueller 34 6 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
40 William Savant 28 2 Usa Prime - Vazquez 5/29/2021
69 17 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 97 19
Tabasco Cats Black
8 Mitchell Ellisor 27 4 13U EXPRESS 5/29/2021
65 6 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/30/2021
Total 92 10
27 Ethan Herm 0 0 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/30/2021
6 Kade Holifield 47 4 13U EXPRESS 5/29/2021
43 Tristan Jefferson 39 9 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
2 Lyryc Lytle 60 9 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
35 3 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/30/2021
Total 95 12
83 Tristan McKissick 44 6 Texas Swingman 13u 5/29/2021
52 6 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 96 12
0 Wyatt Siebenlist 17 2 Texas Swingman 13u 5/29/2021
44 6 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
Total 61 8
Texas Swingman 13u
24 Yancarlo Aguilar 0 0 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/30/2021
1 Joshua Banda 19 2 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
8 0 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
Total 27 2
5 Victor Cordero 30 6 13U EXPRESS 5/29/2021
0 0 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/30/2021
Total 30 6
0 0 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
Total 30 6
17 1 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
Total 47 7
36 6 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
Total 83 13
8 Joey Garcia 19 5 Tabasco Cats Black 5/29/2021
49 9 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/30/2021
Total 68 14
14 3 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
Total 82 17
11 3 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
Total 93 20
34 Ethan Gomez 17 3 13U EXPRESS 5/29/2021
29 6 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/30/2021
Total 46 9
21 6 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
Total 67 15
45 Duvan Gonzalez 20 3 13U EXPRESS 5/29/2021
24 1 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
Total 44 4
0 Nathaniel Gonzalez 23 3 Tabasco Cats Black 5/29/2021
49 6 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
Total 72 9
7 0 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
Total 79 9
20 Ezekiel Portales 6 1 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
36 7 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
Total 42 8
12 Andrew Quintero 23 1 Tabasco Cats Black 5/29/2021
4 Julian Ricks 35 4 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
32 3 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/31/2021
Total 67 7
11 Juan Soto 12 0 Katy Prestige Maroon 5/31/2021
Usa Prime - Vazquez
27 Jesus Hernandez 19 2 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/29/2021
7 1 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
Total 26 3
78 14 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 104 17
13 Mark Kruciak 0 0 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/30/2021
0 0 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 0 0
0 0 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
Total 0 0
0 0 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
Total 0 0
9 Tucker Lecroy 31 3 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/29/2021
58 6 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
Total 89 9
3 Andrew Paredez 41 7 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/29/2021
24 4 Fb Spartans 13u 5/30/2021
Total 65 11
23 Tyler Talbott 70 15 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/30/2021
33 Tristan Wicks 32 4 Stx Sliders 13u Nerz 5/29/2021
74 7 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
Total 106 11
42 Isaiah Wilson 18 5 Banditos Ltg Ortiz 5/29/2021
33 2 13U EXPRESS 5/30/2021
Total 51 7
52 5 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 5/30/2021
Total 103 12