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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
EPA 14u White
Jack Chandler 53 3 Jays 9/12/2021
53 5 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 10/10/2021
Total 106 8
0 3 Houston Mustangs 10/10/2021
Total 106 11
22 0 Houston Hard Hitters 14u 11/7/2021
Total 128 11
Charlie Fray 0 3 Houston Stars N' Spikes 14u 9/12/2021
0 6 Houston Mustangs 10/10/2021
Total 0 9
Athen Hart 12 2 Jays 9/12/2021
41 3 Houston Stars N' Spikes 14u 9/12/2021
Total 53 5
23 1 Houston Hard Hitters 14u 11/7/2021
Total 76 6
Brady Wells 36 3 Jays 9/12/2021
15 1 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 10/10/2021
Total 51 4
Habaneros Baseball 14u
4 Lucas Alvarez 31 6 United Baseball - Stripes 11/7/2021
13 Nathan Butron 52 9 WBA Knights 14u Hamilton 9/12/2021
43 6 Jays 9/26/2021
Total 95 15
53 6 KC Prep Team 2026 10/10/2021
Total 148 21
59 10 KC Prep Team 2026 11/7/2021
Total 207 31
27 Nicholas Gonzalez 17 3 Houston Mustangs 9/12/2021
24 Andrew Hernandez 45 6 United Baseball - Stripes 11/7/2021
11 Gustavo hernandez 22 3 Jays 9/26/2021
25 6 KC Prep Team 2026 10/10/2021
Total 47 9
5 Timothy Munoz 45 9 Houston Mustangs 9/12/2021
33 5 KC Prep Team 2026 11/7/2021
Total 78 14
Houston Hard Hitters 14u
13 Raul Careaga 35 6 EPA 14u White 11/7/2021
11 Martin Cruz 6 2 United Baseball - Stripes 10/10/2021
19 0 EPA 14u White 11/7/2021
Total 25 2
20 Kaden Marshall 79 7 United Baseball - Stripes 10/10/2021
Houston Mustangs
4 Oscar Balderas 0 9 EPA 14u White 10/10/2021
23 Jonathan Licona 62 12 Habaneros Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
58 8 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 10/10/2021
Total 120 20
2 Ariel Mata 33 4 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 10/10/2021
Houston Stars N' Spikes 14u
84 Christian Godfrey 21 2 Jays 9/12/2021
27 James Jackowski 43 6 Jays 9/12/2021
64 Austin Martinez 14 3 KP Baseball 14U 10/10/2021
3 Corry McSpadden 51 6 EPA 14u White 9/12/2021
31 1 WBA Knights 14u Hamilton 10/10/2021
Total 82 7
10 Avian Morales 27 0 Jays 9/12/2021
22 Caleb Padua 55 6 KP Baseball 14U 10/10/2021
13 Xavier Silva 50 8 WBA Knights 14u Hamilton 10/10/2021
Taylor Cullum 25 3 Habaneros Baseball 14u 9/26/2021
Ashtyn Delahoussaye 42 3 United Baseball - Stripes 10/10/2021
Michael Flores, III 30 9 EPA 14u White 9/12/2021
16 3 Habaneros Baseball 14u 9/26/2021
Total 46 12
21 3 United Baseball - Stripes 10/10/2021
Total 67 15
Cason Hunter 10 3 United Baseball - Stripes 10/31/2021
Joshua Kennedy 47 9 Habaneros Baseball 14u 9/26/2021
30 6 United Baseball - Stripes 10/10/2021
Total 77 15
7 Miles Stevens 14 3 United Baseball - Stripes 10/31/2021
Harrison Walters 51 9 Houston Stars N' Spikes 14u 9/12/2021
35 9 KC Prep Team 2026 10/31/2021
Total 86 18
KC Prep Team 2026
16 Adan Diaz 35 6 Habaneros Baseball 14u 10/10/2021
36 Hector Francia Linares 44 6 KP Baseball 14U 9/12/2021
17 3 Habaneros Baseball 14u 10/10/2021
Total 61 9
31 7 Jays 10/31/2021
Total 92 16
68 Kieth Gunnels 31 6 United Baseball - Stripes 9/12/2021
41 9 WBA Knights 14u Hamilton 10/10/2021
Total 72 15
73 Isaac Gutierrez 27 6 KP Baseball 14U 9/12/2021
25 ADAN RAMIREZ JR 20 3 United Baseball - Stripes 9/12/2021
84 Hunter Rife 62 9 Habaneros Baseball 14u 11/7/2021
39 Zachary Sanchez 24 5 Jays 10/31/2021
36 4 Habaneros Baseball 14u 11/7/2021
Total 60 9
64 Eli Suarez 33 3 Habaneros Baseball 14u 10/10/2021
12 3 WBA Knights 14u Hamilton 10/10/2021
Total 45 6
KP Baseball 14U
34 Ethan Brain 15 2 Houston Stars N' Spikes 14u 10/10/2021
2 Tyler Brown 16 4 KC Prep Team 2026 9/12/2021
45 Tanner Gillean 23 1 KC Prep Team 2026 9/12/2021
56 7 Houston Stars N' Spikes 14u 10/10/2021
Total 79 8
12 Ethan Hanks 44 3 KC Prep Team 2026 9/12/2021
33 Ross Larimore 3 0 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 9/12/2021
56 Zachary Paulsen 0 6 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 9/12/2021
United Baseball - Stripes
Emiliano Basurto 0 0 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 9/12/2021
40 7 Jays 10/10/2021
Total 40 7
32 6 Jays 10/31/2021
Total 72 13
Marcelo Basurto 54 6 Houston Hard Hitters 14u 10/10/2021
9 1 Jays 10/10/2021
Total 63 7
23 0 Jays 10/31/2021
Total 86 7
0 9 Habaneros Baseball 14u 11/7/2021
Total 86 16
26 Ivan Espino 0 1 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 9/12/2021
34 Brady Gayer 0 2 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 9/12/2021
27 0 Habaneros Baseball 14u 11/7/2021
Total 27 2
74 Aiden Michel 16 1 KC Prep Team 2026 9/12/2021
20 Zachary Proctor 29 0 Jays 10/31/2021
Collin Tolles 32 3 Vendetta 2026 - Grey 9/12/2021
25 3 Houston Hard Hitters 14u 10/10/2021
Total 57 6
6 Tristan Villarreal 68 5 KC Prep Team 2026 9/12/2021
Vendetta 2026 - Grey
24 Zab Cummings 17 4 KP Baseball 14U 9/12/2021
23 Aidan Salinas 82 12 Houston Mustangs 10/10/2021
7 Alvaro Salinas 68 8 KP Baseball 14U 9/12/2021
69 9 EPA 14u White 10/10/2021
Total 137 17
WBA Knights 14u Hamilton
28 Michael Castillo 52 9 Houston Stars N' Spikes 14u 10/10/2021
9 Joshua Hampton 29 2 KC Prep Team 2026 10/10/2021
7 Matthew Smith 20 3 Habaneros Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
21 Bryce Thompson 38 9 Habaneros Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
59 8 KC Prep Team 2026 10/10/2021
Total 97 17