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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
6 Braylen Austin 26 2 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/3/2022
0 Jovanny Hosking 28 3 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/3/2022
0 David Jenkins 15 3 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/3/2022
19 Ryan Miret 26 3 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/5/2022
10 3 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/8/2022
Total 36 6
1 0 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/10/2022
Total 37 6
21 Jordan Navarro 17 3 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/5/2022
82 17 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/10/2022
Total 99 20
11 Ian Pereyra 26 5 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/5/2022
58 3 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/8/2022
Total 84 8
25 DOMINIC VELOX 32 2 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/3/2022
27 6 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/8/2022
Total 59 8
Cooper City Outlaws
4 Steven Acosta 41 2 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/5/2022
10 Matthew Carcas 31 3 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/5/2022
7 0 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/8/2022
Total 38 3
7 Michael Deleon 19 3 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/4/2022
20 4 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/8/2022
Total 39 7
34 Gavin Longo 38 3 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/6/2022
11 Samuel Lotrean 15 4 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/5/2022
23 Jason Sepulveda 46 5 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/4/2022
54 11 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/8/2022
Total 100 16
Hollywood Heat
87 Trent Burns 22 1 STRIKE 10/4/2022
7 John Escobar 47 5 STRIKE 10/4/2022
23 1 West Boynton Cobras 10/8/2022
Total 70 6
11 Gavin Lincoln 21 2 STRIKE 10/4/2022
15 Alexio Rivera 20 3 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/6/2022
33 4 West Boynton Cobras 10/8/2022
Total 53 7
2 Ryker Zatkowsky 42 12 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/6/2022
31 5 West Boynton Cobras 10/8/2022
Total 73 17
Miami Gamblers 11u
8 Anthony Baez 67 9 West Boynton Cobras 10/7/2022
42 James Cabrera 12 3 Cooper City Outlaws 10/5/2022
99 Alain Carra 33 6 Cooper City Outlaws 10/5/2022
28 Marcelo Castillo 17 3 West Boynton Cobras 10/7/2022
33 Justin Cozier 33 3 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/8/2022
5 Albert Escandar 31 3 West Boynton Cobras 10/7/2022
0 Genaro Espinales 24 3 Cooper City Outlaws 10/5/2022
27 Julian Madrid 52 6 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/8/2022
32 Luis Mahiquez 25 2 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/8/2022
Plantation Stars Gold 11U
0 Logan Cardet 6 2 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/3/2022
60 13 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/8/2022
Total 66 15
13 3 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/10/2022
Total 79 18
9 Grayson Mazzola 20 3 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/3/2022
19 Kenton McKinley 24 2 STRIKE 10/10/2022
24 Noah Presbot 6 1 STRIKE 10/10/2022
1 Jayden Rodriguez 86 15 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/10/2022
23 Nate Soloman 4 2 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/8/2022
22 3 STRIKE 10/10/2022
Total 26 5
8 Jameson Underhill 50 7 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/3/2022
4 Wyatt Woehr 13 6 Cooper City Outlaws 10/4/2022
29 Bradley Wong 30 6 Cooper City Outlaws 10/4/2022
52 10 STRIKE 10/10/2022
Total 82 16
South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green
1 Carter Ayres 19 1 West Boynton Cobras 10/7/2022
31 Brandon Barroso 71 8 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/8/2022
23 Ethan Cabrera 41 2 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/5/2022
Mason Fuller 23 3 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/8/2022
7 Elijah Lutchmansingh 47 3 West Boynton Cobras 10/7/2022
Adrien Martinez 17 2 West Boynton Cobras 10/7/2022
14 3 Cooper City Outlaws 10/8/2022
Total 31 5
Dwyane Suarez 36 6 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/5/2022
16 1 Cooper City Outlaws 10/8/2022
Total 52 7
Travis Terribile 27 4 11U WHITE BULLDOGS 10/5/2022
80 13 Cooper City Outlaws 10/8/2022
Total 107 17
Fabian Febus 39 6 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/3/2022
44 8 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/10/2022
Total 83 14
Jordan Ferradas 29 3 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/8/2022
Cassius Karides 46 6 Hollywood Heat 10/4/2022
Luca Magnone 19 3 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/3/2022
Christopher Morell 14 3 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/3/2022
36 10 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/8/2022
Total 50 13
25 4 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/10/2022
Total 75 17
Santana Ramirez 22 6 Hollywood Heat 10/4/2022
Juan Andres Sarmiento 44 5 Plantation Stars Gold 11U 10/10/2022
Austin Weeden 29 5 WTB Hawks 11U Black 10/8/2022
West Boynton Cobras
99 Sebastian Ameller 11 3 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/7/2022
27 Jake Ginder 50 7 Hollywood Heat 10/8/2022
17 Nikolas Mijangos 34 5 South Florida Riot - Oagwuw Green 10/7/2022
11 Yoandri Olivera 35 6 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/7/2022
8 Sol Pesant 38 6 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/7/2022
21 3 Hollywood Heat 10/8/2022
Total 59 9
35 Kevin Sosa 23 3 Miami Gamblers 11u 10/7/2022
WTB Hawks 11U Black
8 Mason Barkoe 35 4 Hollywood Heat 10/6/2022
54 10 STRIKE 10/8/2022
Total 89 14
27 Federico Bernal 19 4 STRIKE 10/3/2022
9 4 STRIKE 10/8/2022
Total 28 8
15 Michael DePass 11 2 STRIKE 10/3/2022
4 0 Hollywood Heat 10/6/2022
Total 15 2
99 Noah Moore 7 1 Hollywood Heat 10/6/2022
31 Noah Rodriguez 24 2 STRIKE 10/3/2022
51 Wandy Rodriguez Jr. 41 8 Hollywood Heat 10/6/2022
2 Matthew Sweetland 30 3 STRIKE 10/3/2022
12 2 STRIKE 10/8/2022
Total 42 5
1 Sebastian Tabio 0 0 STRIKE 10/3/2022
18 3 STRIKE 10/8/2022
Total 18 3