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At the request of Seminole County and in partnership with them, the following policies will be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex:

* Metal Spikes are strictly not allowed inside of the complex. Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box. Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes. They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs
77 Joseph Alessandro 20 4 Wow Factor American 12/13/2024
0 Jazdyn Burke 47 5 X Team 12u 12/14/2024
32 Brady Harmer 33 7 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
7 Max Lynch 39 5 Wow Factor American 12/13/2024
99 Luke Snelson 42 9 X Team 12u 12/14/2024
10 Jace Stengl 38 3 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black
10 Ace Baker 5 1 Ghost National 12U 12/14/2024
5 AJ Chance 77 11 Tampa Select 12u Garcia 12/14/2024
7 Reece Dowling 7 0 Tampa Select 12u Garcia 12/14/2024
56 12 PG - Georgia National 12/15/2024
Total 63 12
Zia Jan 84 17 Ghost National 12U 12/14/2024
13 Jake Still 42 3 PG - Georgia National 12/15/2024
Cf Stix 12u
12 Bryson Gurley 4 1 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/14/2024
2 Parker Hamilton 7 0 Future of Baseball 12/14/2024
17 Landen Klinger 26 2 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/14/2024
10 Braylon Larkins 16 0 Future of Baseball 12/14/2024
4 Sebastian Machado 34 6 Future of Baseball 12/14/2024
1 Elijah Morales 45 9 Ghost Nation 12U 12/15/2024
21 Mason Portilla 14 1 Future of Baseball 12/14/2024
34 David Wano 43 2 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/14/2024
Diamond Elite 12u National
22 Jake Beleckis 46 5 Ghost Nation 12U 12/14/2024
55 8 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/15/2024
Total 101 13
19 Aiden Euley 31 4 Ghost Nation 12U 12/14/2024
29 Trey Hloska III 24 5 Dme Academy 12u National 12/13/2024
52 9 Vsa Bandits 12/15/2024
Total 76 14
50 Kian Madani 23 3 Ghost Nation 12U 12/14/2024
57 9 Vsa Bandits 12/15/2024
Total 80 12
Gustavo Jr Omana 24 4 Dme Academy 12u National 12/15/2024
44 Alex Putt 33 3 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/15/2024
Ashton Turrubiartez 36 7 Dme Academy 12u National 12/13/2024
61 13 Dme Academy 12u National 12/15/2024
Total 97 20
Diamond Impact
Dylan Abreu 74 14 Sun Devils 12/15/2024
9 Easton Edwards 25 6 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/14/2024
48 12 PG - Georgia National 12/15/2024
Total 73 18
21 Kooper Giaimo 24 2 Sun Devils 12/15/2024
17 Ryan Glatthorn 29 6 PG - Georgia American 12/14/2024
41 6 PG - Team Alabama 12U Black 12/15/2024
Total 70 12
20 Nolan McLaughlin 69 9 PG - Georgia American 12/14/2024
1 Teagan Simmons 36 6 PG - Georgia National 12/15/2024
37 8 PG - Team Alabama 12U Black 12/15/2024
Total 73 14
11 Levi Smith 68 11 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/14/2024
Dme Academy 12u National
Brycen Anderson 15 2 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/13/2024
Bryson Bell 77 14 Ghost National 12U 12/14/2024
Wyatt Hughes 81 13 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/15/2024
Isaac Lara 58 6 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/13/2024
Luke Quarberg 10 2 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/15/2024
Dominick Rawls 17 4 Ghost National 12U 12/14/2024
Brandon Snyder 41 9 Ghost Nation 12U 12/14/2024
East Coast Storm 12u
27 Lincoln Bland 16 3 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
27 Kelan Brandt 47 9 Rc 12u Winter Nationals 12/15/2024
10 James Caputo 51 6 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
32 3 Sun Devils 12/15/2024
Total 83 9
30 Canon McLean 57 6 Sun Devils 12/13/2024
0 Bentley Medel 40 2 Sun Devils 12/13/2024
14 Grayson Pierce 36 6 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
74 10 PG - Team Carolina 12/15/2024
Total 110 16
15 Collin Ramirez 43 3 Sun Devils 12/15/2024
34 6 PG - Team Carolina 12/15/2024
Total 77 9
0 Damien Shiver 59 9 Rc 12u Winter Nationals 12/15/2024
Future of Baseball
Westyn Cox 33 2 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/14/2024
Adrian Cruz 30 9 Cf Stix 12u 12/14/2024
5 1 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/15/2024
Total 35 10
Christopher Galarza 55 3 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/14/2024
Jacob Garcia 89 18 PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange 12/14/2024
Isaac Pagan 42 7 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/15/2024
Avery Rolon 4 1 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/14/2024
Mason Rumardo 18 1 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/15/2024
Ghost Nation 12U
Dakota Affield 31 6 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/14/2024
Leo D'Angelo 36 2 Cf Stix 12u 12/15/2024
Jackson Feil 18 3 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/14/2024
Braden Iannaccone 22 0 Dme Academy 12u National 12/14/2024
Nick Johnson 53 8 Dme Academy 12u National 12/14/2024
Jonah Morris 17 2 Cf Stix 12u 12/15/2024
Jack Murray 54 5 Cf Stix 12u 12/15/2024
Chase Steinhauer 23 3 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/14/2024
Ghost National 12U
Brendan Bednarski 64 10 Dme Academy 12u National 12/14/2024
Aiden Dinger 60 9 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 12/14/2024
Antonio Dugo 42 6 Dme Academy 12u National 12/14/2024
Gabriel Gonzaga 15 2 Dme Academy 12u National 12/14/2024
9 2 Tampa Select 12u Garcia 12/14/2024
Total 24 4
Landon Hughey 23 6 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 12/14/2024
Rener Mejia 66 16 Tampa Select 12u Garcia 12/14/2024
Cameron Sefchok 22 3 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 12/14/2024
Kangaroo Court 12U American
77 Colton Beauregard 73 15 Diamond Impact 12/14/2024
51 Brock Bliss 82 18 Tampa Select 12u Garcia 12/14/2024
10 Blake Jaster 29 5 PG - Georgia American 12/13/2024
27 Sean Lannan 33 7 PG - Georgia American 12/13/2024
23 Luke Mannion 7 2 Diamond Impact 12/14/2024
79 15 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/15/2024
Total 86 17
PG - Georgia American
Drew Childree 22 2 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/13/2024
Bentley Davis 56 10 Diamond Impact 12/14/2024
Mills Halcomb 10 0 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/13/2024
John Hawkins 41 4 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/13/2024
Ben Rycroft 40 6 PG - Georgia National 12/15/2024
Jaylen Sampson 42 5 PG - Georgia National 12/15/2024
Hunter Spitz 61 8 Diamond Impact 12/14/2024
Abreyon Trotman 5 1 PG - Georgia National 12/15/2024
Derrick "DJ" Williams 50 4 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/13/2024
PG - Georgia National
Parker Balasabas 44 11 PG - Georgia American 12/15/2024
Alan Balza 47 3 PG - Team Carolina 12/14/2024
Lincoln Cook 56 10 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 12/15/2024
Landon Gibbs 2 0 PG - Team Alabama 12U Black 12/13/2024
87 14 Diamond Impact 12/15/2024
Total 89 14
Brayton Howell 62 6 PG - Team Alabama 12U Black 12/13/2024
Mac McDaniel 14 3 PG - Team Alabama 12U Black 12/13/2024
Cal Wiley 52 6 PG - Team Carolina 12/14/2024
36 5 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 12/15/2024
Total 88 11
Cameron Williams 28 3 PG - Team Alabama 12U Black 12/13/2024
PG - Team Alabama 12U Black
Jamison Britton 34 3 PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange 12/14/2024
Gage Hardin 28 0 PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange 12/14/2024
Nathan James 43 3 PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange 12/14/2024
Easton King 34 3 PG - Georgia National 12/13/2024
12 2 Diamond Impact 12/15/2024
Total 46 5
John Maxie Reeder 74 12 Diamond Impact 12/15/2024
Locklan Stanfield 20 3 PG - Georgia National 12/13/2024
Hunt Sweatt 22 1 Diamond Impact 12/15/2024
Trey Watz 33 6 PG - Georgia National 12/13/2024
PG - Team Carolina
7 Knolls Carter 35 4 PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange 12/13/2024
1 AJ Ferrara 31 4 East Coast Storm 12u 12/15/2024
34 Nolyn Gibson 51 5 PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange 12/13/2024
14 Holt Hardwick 32 4 PG - Georgia National 12/14/2024
12 Hayden Herring 19 2 PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange 12/13/2024
99 Bennett Pope 74 7 PG - Georgia National 12/14/2024
13 Chase Smith 65 10 East Coast Storm 12u 12/15/2024
PG - Team Tennessee 12U Orange
Brock Campbell 20 4 PG - Team Carolina 12/13/2024
Cooper Freeze 35 7 Future of Baseball 12/14/2024
Eli Ginsberg 54 11 Future of Baseball 12/14/2024
21 6 PG - Team Alabama 12U Black 12/14/2024
Total 75 17
Griffin Leonard 5 2 PG - Team Carolina 12/13/2024
Noah Padfield 11 1 PG - Team Carolina 12/13/2024
Levi Reed 50 8 PG - Team Carolina 12/13/2024
Prime Baseball - Tallo
Chase Arlt 35 9 Rc 12u Winter Nationals 12/14/2024
20 Reagan Diemer 46 6 SIEGE 12/14/2024
40 5 Future of Baseball 12/15/2024
Total 86 11
9 Christopher Lannie 22 1 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/15/2024
5 Dylan Leblanc 14 1 Future of Baseball 12/15/2024
3 Roman Mirabella 38 1 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/15/2024
1 Hudson Tallo 33 3 TBT NATIONAL WHITE 12/15/2024
7 Jaidyn Tartt 35 6 SIEGE 12/14/2024
19 6 Future of Baseball 12/15/2024
Total 54 12
Rc 12u Winter Nationals
24 John Iacono 22 1 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/14/2024
42 Christian Rivera 66 8 SIEGE 12/14/2024
20 Adam Syed 24 3 SIEGE 12/14/2024
48 8 East Coast Storm 12u 12/15/2024
Total 72 11
13 Alex Torres 21 3 East Coast Storm 12u 12/15/2024
19 Ryan Torres 42 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/14/2024
23 Andrew Ullo 24 6 East Coast Storm 12u 12/15/2024
Santiago Arcia 26 6 Rc 12u Winter Nationals 12/14/2024
Winston Bernstein 44 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/14/2024
28 1 Wow Factor American 12/15/2024
Total 72 7
Darian De La Paz 79 14 Wow Factor American 12/15/2024
Jacob Espinoza 23 3 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/14/2024
Jovani Hernandez 67 9 Sun Devils 12/15/2024
Angel Monte 20 3 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/14/2024
Ricky Tamborrino 48 6 Rc 12u Winter Nationals 12/14/2024
5 1 Sun Devils 12/15/2024
Total 53 7
Sun Devils
8 Jordan Ambroise 77 16 Diamond Impact 12/15/2024
99 Colton Anderson 73 9 SIEGE 12/15/2024
3 Jamal Brathwaite 53 9 East Coast Storm 12u 12/15/2024
14 2 SIEGE 12/15/2024
Total 67 11
23 Christopher Chikodroff 25 6 East Coast Storm 12u 12/13/2024
30 5 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
Total 55 11
9 Max Lewandoski 19 3 East Coast Storm 12u 12/13/2024
4 Easton Mahoney 18 0 SIEGE 12/15/2024
44 Quentin Marcum 38 3 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
1 Bentley Piper 39 4 Vsa Bandits 12/14/2024
Tampa Select 12u Garcia
99 Eli Brewner 75 13 Ghost National 12U 12/14/2024
17 Griffin Cannan 56 9 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 12/14/2024
9 Kenneth Garcia 69 16 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/14/2024
13 Titan Latimer 23 5 Ghost National 12U 12/14/2024
13 3 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 12/14/2024
Total 36 8
99 Rocco Lamotte 18 6 Cf Stix 12u 12/14/2024
7 Daylon McCants 43 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 12/15/2024
18 Brayden Nims 64 8 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/15/2024
12 Ethan Palacios 66 12 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/15/2024
98 Parker Smith 34 8 Future of Baseball 12/14/2024
9 Michael Wedgeworth 50 9 Kangaroo Court 12U American 12/15/2024
Vsa Bandits
Miguel Cartaya 47 9 Sun Devils 12/14/2024
23 3 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/15/2024
Total 70 12
23 5 X Team 12u 12/15/2024
Total 93 17
Orlando Castillo Jr. 16 6 East Coast Storm 12u 12/14/2024
40 6 X Team 12u 12/15/2024
Total 56 12
Elijah Richard Colon 28 3 East Coast Storm 12u 12/14/2024
Anel Kercado 83 13 Diamond Elite 12u National 12/15/2024
Ghevian Reyes 69 12 12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs 12/14/2024
13 3 Sun Devils 12/14/2024
Total 82 15
Jaxson Roicki 31 9 East Coast Storm 12u 12/14/2024
40 9 X Team 12u 12/15/2024
Total 71 18
Wow Factor American
Connor Mason 32 2 12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs 12/13/2024
20 2 SIEGE 12/15/2024
Total 52 4
Emerson Newton 57 6 X Team 12u 12/14/2024
Theodore Oster III 84 12 SIEGE 12/15/2024
3 Izayah Smith 31 3 X Team 12u 12/14/2024
Henry Wilson 26 1 12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs 12/13/2024
Robert Wilson 30 3 12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs 12/13/2024
X Team 12u
29 Christian Guzman 28 3 Vsa Bandits 12/15/2024
24 Mason Moody 20 6 Wow Factor American 12/14/2024
25 3 Vsa Bandits 12/15/2024
Total 45 9
14 Alex Nieves 34 8 12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs 12/14/2024
12 Luisber Prado 38 4 12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs 12/14/2024
32 Nolan Rivera 20 3 12u Blue Collar Red Dawgs 12/14/2024
8 0 Vsa Bandits 12/15/2024
Total 28 3
3 Alexander Turano 19 3 Wow Factor American 12/14/2024
61 11 Vsa Bandits 12/15/2024
Total 80 14