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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Black Label Athletics 2028
2 Carter Breedlove 43 7 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/20/2024
40 Ty Cowman 73 11 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/20/2024
1 Parker Isaacs 74 10 Canes Indiana 6/22/2024
27 Seth Maybury 74 9 KMA Lock 6/21/2024
21 Evan Seider 8 2 KMA Lock 6/21/2024
44 Milo Ziegler 59 7 KMA Lock 6/21/2024
20 Peyton Zimmerman 40 3 Canes Indiana 6/22/2024
Canes Baseball
16 Logan Andersen 41 9 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/21/2024
15 3 KMA Lock 6/23/2024
Total 56 12
28 Zach Blagg 13 3 Indiana Bulls Red 6/20/2024
59 8 Cincinnati Angels 6/22/2024
Total 72 11
45 Corbin Cox 28 0 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/21/2024
37 7 Cincinnati Angels 6/22/2024
Total 65 7
42 Aaron Geswein 60 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/20/2024
76 15 KMA Lock 6/23/2024
Total 136 21
17 Hunter Roesser 76 6 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/21/2024
Canes Indiana
9 Vincent Conover 40 7 Indiana Bulls Red 6/23/2024
22 Connor Gordon 57 3 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/21/2024
7 Parker Greene 83 8 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/21/2024
16 Owen Gum 37 5 Indiana Bulls Red 6/23/2024
32 Landyn Jewell 21 3 KMA Lock 6/20/2024
26 Nathan Lamaster 62 5 Black Label Athletics 2028 6/22/2024
42 Gavin McGee 47 9 Black Label Athletics 2028 6/22/2024
5 Austin Semmler 85 15 KMA Lock 6/20/2024
99 Mac Sheese 36 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/23/2024
Canes Ohio - Central
4 Dolan Antle 5 2 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/21/2024
22 CJ Canterbury 63 9 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/22/2024
73 14 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/23/2024
Total 136 23
2 Clayton Graley 41 4 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/21/2024
9 Tyler Kosek 48 9 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/20/2024
42 9 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/22/2024
Total 90 18
15 GRAHAM MARTIN 79 7 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/21/2024
7 Trent Murday 11 2 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/21/2024
12 Owen Risner 51 8 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/20/2024
11 3 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/21/2024
Total 62 11
24 Brody Shuster 48 6 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/23/2024
Cincinnati Angels
25 Brooks Booth 65 12 Canes Baseball 6/22/2024
0 0 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/23/2024
Total 65 12
1 Colby Bruckmann 28 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/21/2024
13 Cade Carter 31 8 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/23/2024
14 Kyle Davidson 71 9 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/20/2024
2 Jake Fels 16 3 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/23/2024
24 Shane Green 12 5 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/20/2024
23 Nate Henry 59 9 Indiana Bulls Red 6/21/2024
8 Dom Hornsby 43 4 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/20/2024
44 Gavin McCurley 27 6 Canes Baseball 6/22/2024
Sam Schaffner 15 3 Indiana Bulls Red 6/21/2024
57 7 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/23/2024
Total 72 10
Cincinnati Legends Premier
Tristan Brink 1 0 Indiana Bulls Red 6/24/2024
Liam Cunningham 13 0 Canes Indiana 6/21/2024
Kohen Hill 97 19 Black Label Athletics 2028 6/20/2024
Nate Lineback 63 9 Indiana Bulls Red 6/24/2024
Adam Lipps 55 9 KMA Lock 6/22/2024
20 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/24/2024
Total 75 15
Boston Meyer 17 3 Cincinnati Angels 6/23/2024
Beau Neal 76 11 KMA Lock 6/22/2024
Jordan Roebel 64 10 Canes Indiana 6/21/2024
Quin Wells 7 2 Black Label Athletics 2028 6/20/2024
15 2 Canes Indiana 6/21/2024
Total 22 4
93 18 Cincinnati Angels 6/23/2024
Total 115 22
Cincinnati Riverbats
44 Miles Bessenbach 76 14 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/23/2024
7 Caylob Brasington 36 9 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/22/2024
19 Charlie Eiben 5 1 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/23/2024
2 Grant Fyffe 41 9 Canes Ohio - Central 6/21/2024
22 Maddox Hughes 30 9 Canes Ohio - Central 6/21/2024
8 Griffin Murray 84 13 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/20/2024
9 Jonathan Sommers 4 1 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/20/2024
42 8 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/22/2024
Total 46 9
27 Sebastian Tavernelli 58 2 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/23/2024
Cincy Legends Baseball
23 Bryce Grubenhoff 42 5 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/20/2024
10 Brody Jeffries 60 14 Mashfactory 14u 6/22/2024
25 Anthony Kittiko 26 1 Mashfactory 14u 6/22/2024
5 Judah Nussbam 44 9 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/20/2024
3 Rylan Osterberger 47 6 Louisville Legends 6/21/2024
4 Ryan Pavlisko 65 11 Louisville Legends 6/21/2024
65 11 Louisville Legends 6/21/2024
Total 130 22
Diamond Boys 14U Showcase
87 Luca Borichevsky 28 6 Canes Baseball 6/21/2024
12 Chris Cindia 55 9 Cincinnati Angels 6/20/2024
75 14 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/23/2024
Total 130 23
55 Ryan Dahringer 0 0 Cincinnati Angels 6/20/2024
30 4 Canes Baseball 6/21/2024
Total 30 4
17 Jacob Griffith 29 6 Cincinnati Angels 6/20/2024
37 6 Indiana Bulls Red 6/22/2024
Total 66 12
45 Benedikt Mellion 13 3 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/23/2024
8 Ian Peterson 21 1 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/23/2024
37 Austin Press 14 2 Cincinnati Angels 6/20/2024
64 9 Indiana Bulls Red 6/22/2024
Total 78 11
21 Syd Schiavone 31 5 Canes Baseball 6/21/2024
Five Star Midwest (Powers)
21 Justus Pohl 13 2 Louisville Legends 6/22/2024
8 Grant Powers 40 5 Mashfactory 14u 6/21/2024
12 Parker Quallen 13 0 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/20/2024
86 16 Canes Ohio - Central 6/23/2024
Total 99 16
10 Kaleb Svec 85 12 Louisville Legends 6/22/2024
2 Aiden Veach 48 4 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/20/2024
12 2 Canes Ohio - Central 6/23/2024
Total 60 6
50 Lane Young 43 6 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/20/2024
16 Jett Zeigler 77 10 Mashfactory 14u 6/21/2024
Indiana Bulls Red
44 Quintyn Bishop 38 6 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/22/2024
42 6 Canes Indiana 6/23/2024
Total 80 12
13 2 Louisville Legends 6/24/2024
Total 93 14
33 Brayden Cravens 25 3 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/22/2024
10 Drew Dalton 34 9 Cincinnati Angels 6/21/2024
45 9 Canes Indiana 6/23/2024
Total 79 18
26 6 Louisville Legends 6/24/2024
Total 105 24
50 Broderick Drake 28 3 Cincinnati Angels 6/21/2024
81 12 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/24/2024
Total 109 15
25 Nicholas Gasiorek 31 6 Canes Baseball 6/20/2024
77 13 Louisville Legends 6/24/2024
Total 108 19
2 Isaac Genth 35 6 Canes Baseball 6/20/2024
20 Gauge Sprague 21 4 Cincinnati Angels 6/21/2024
17 3 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/24/2024
Total 38 7
6 Braylon Storey 21 3 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/22/2024
33 3 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/24/2024
Total 54 6
1 Aiden Thompson 14 2 Cincinnati Angels 6/21/2024
5 Jack Whaley 34 6 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/22/2024
KMA Lock
12 Ethan Anderson 8 1 Black Label Athletics 2028 6/21/2024
10 3 Canes Baseball 6/23/2024
Total 18 4
3 Dillon Cruver 77 12 Black Label Athletics 2028 6/21/2024
14 Colt Jacobs 19 4 Canes Indiana 6/20/2024
30 8 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/22/2024
Total 49 12
17 Hayden Melton 30 6 Canes Baseball 6/23/2024
9 Kase Spradlin 53 5 Canes Indiana 6/20/2024
1 0 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/22/2024
Total 54 5
46 6 Canes Baseball 6/23/2024
Total 100 11
8 Levi Stykes 45 9 Canes Indiana 6/20/2024
10 Baylee Taylor 21 4 Black Label Athletics 2028 6/21/2024
21 Brayden Thacker 61 9 Cincinnati Legends Premier 6/22/2024
17 Reace Vaughn 26 6 Canes Baseball 6/23/2024
Louisville Legends
3 Tighe Brown III 73 21 Indiana Bulls Red 6/24/2024
18 Easton Cline 64 15 Mashfactory 14u 6/23/2024
8 Jacob Freibert 63 8 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/22/2024
1 Wyatt Graeter 25 6 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/22/2024
10 Keeton Kleinhenz 79 17 Mashfactory 14u 6/20/2024
19 6 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/24/2024
Total 98 23
47 Grant Miller 24 6 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/21/2024
16 Kolten Quirin 59 12 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/24/2024
5 Nolan White 50 15 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/21/2024
Mashfactory 14u
34 John Baker 23 3 Louisville Legends 6/20/2024
4 Brody Baughman 25 6 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/21/2024
36 6 Louisville Legends 6/23/2024
Total 61 12
12 Peyton Drabick 19 2 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/21/2024
40 6 Louisville Legends 6/23/2024
Total 59 8
29 Bransen Long 62 9 Louisville Legends 6/20/2024
27 Jamison Marshall 46 6 Louisville Legends 6/20/2024
8 2 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 54 8
1 Jacob Noretto 30 6 Five Star Midwest (Powers) 6/21/2024
11 1 Louisville Legends 6/23/2024
Total 41 7
23 Yadian Oliveras 43 5 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/22/2024
7 Cody Zahler 60 7 Cincy Legends Baseball 6/22/2024
Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u
5 Luke Fairchild 75 12 Canes Ohio - Central 6/22/2024
32 Joshua Seubert 2 0 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/20/2024
25 3 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/21/2024
Total 27 3
29 6 Canes Ohio - Central 6/22/2024
Total 56 9
0 0 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/23/2024
Total 56 9
30 5 Louisville Legends 6/24/2024
Total 86 14
3 Ben Snow 50 9 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/21/2024
0 0 Canes Ohio - Central 6/22/2024
Total 50 9
84 12 Louisville Legends 6/24/2024
Total 134 21
17 Jacob Stoyanovich 17 3 West Virginia Baseball Club 6/21/2024
50 Logan Taylor 36 3 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/20/2024
24 5 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/23/2024
Total 60 8
1 Johnathan Woytowich 70 9 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/20/2024
53 9 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/23/2024
Total 123 18
West Virginia Baseball Club
7 Matthew Hood 69 9 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/21/2024
12 Brody Howard 97 18 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/23/2024
13 Caleb Nicely 98 13 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/22/2024
21 Tyler Petticrew 38 4 Canes Ohio - Central 6/20/2024
3 Lincoln Reyburn 26 6 Canes Ohio - Central 6/20/2024
11 3 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/21/2024
Total 37 9
9 Bennett Rich 36 0 Motor City Hit Dogs Snow 14u 6/21/2024
2 Aaron “Eli” Staley 67 8 Canes Ohio - Central 6/20/2024
29 5 Cincinnati Riverbats 6/22/2024
Total 96 13
20 3 Diamond Boys 14U Showcase 6/23/2024
Total 116 16