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8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
Please note - teams playing at Lindsey Lyons on Saturday must park in back parking lot behind fields 10-13. Teams playing at Texas Lone star (This is not the RAC) It is the park before the RAC
Apr 6 - 7 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Aguilas - Nolan
Leyton Croker 18 3 Prospect United Houston - Garza 4/6/2024
Oscar Davis 14 4 Prospect United Houston - Garza 4/6/2024
Nathan Ignacio 29 6 Bull Shark Baseball 4/6/2024
23 Nico Massiatte 39 5 Prospect United Houston - Garza 4/6/2024
12 Brazos Varisco 48 9 Bull Shark Baseball 4/6/2024
21 Baseball Academy
Luis Bustamante 43 9 Channelview Crushers 4/6/2024
42 Adrian Castillo 19 2 Branch Baseball 4/6/2024
16 Erick Garcia 31 4 Branch Baseball 4/6/2024
50 Ariel Gonzales 38 6 Branch Baseball 4/6/2024
35 Leonel Gonzalez 4 1 Channelview Crushers 4/6/2024
4 Nathan Olivia 26 5 Channelview Crushers 4/6/2024
Ap Express 14u Overcash
17 Braysen Anselmi 39 4 Texas Blues Navy 4/5/2024
9 Greyson Bowen 10 1 Texas Blues Navy 4/5/2024
11 Tristan Brown 26 3 Just Dawgs 14u 4/5/2024
Cameron Canady 10 3 Just Dawgs 14u 4/5/2024
35 John Carlos 56 4 Just Dawgs 14u 4/5/2024
36 Cole Foshee 29 4 Texas Blues Navy 4/5/2024
10 Bryce Overcash 20 2 Just Dawgs 14u 4/5/2024
Apex Vipers 14u
16 Billy Burrhus 5 2 Katy Chaos 4/7/2024
11 Jacob Chandler 7 2 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 4/7/2024
2 Kasen Hendry 95 16 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 4/7/2024
3 Landon Hickl 76 12 Ballerz 14u Henderson 4/6/2024
14 Gentry Macrory 10 3 Crew Baseball Teal 4/6/2024
42 Quinn Macrory 25 6 Crew Baseball Teal 4/6/2024
66 10 Katy Chaos 4/7/2024
Total 91 16
Ballerz 14u Henderson
88 Mason Epperley 23 3 Premier Bohanon 14 4/7/2024
13 Orlando Garza 47 3 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 4/6/2024
52 10 Texas Blues Navy 4/7/2024
Total 99 13
12 Jett Hatfield 34 3 Apex Vipers 14u 4/6/2024
31 3 Texas Blues Navy 4/7/2024
Total 65 6
3 Trevon Henderson 8 2 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 4/6/2024
42 6 Apex Vipers 14u 4/6/2024
Total 50 8
12 4 Premier Bohanon 14 4/7/2024
Total 62 12
10 2 Texas Blues Navy 4/7/2024
Total 72 14
10 Trevor Ledet 2 1 Texas Blues Navy 4/7/2024
1 Paxton Lewton 31 1 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 4/6/2024
24 Ayden Maldonado 45 3 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 4/6/2024
57 8 Premier Bohanon 14 4/7/2024
Total 102 11
Batter'S Box White
14 Kaisen Ashorn 35 4 Fasb Royal 4/6/2024
10 Brayden Scheffer 63 12 Texas Elite Lobos - National 4/6/2024
26 James Zbranek 51 6 Fasb Royal 4/6/2024
Bpt Hurricanes
3 Peter Banks 51 6 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/6/2024
21 Gus Green 42 9 Nation Elite 4/6/2024
25 Jonathan Spring 21 3 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/6/2024
3 Andrew Sun 19 3 Nation Elite 4/6/2024
22 Lucas Trahan 11 3 Nation Elite 4/6/2024
21 3 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/6/2024
Total 32 6
Branch Baseball
6 Blake Borski 77 15 Channelview Crushers 4/6/2024
1 Micah Boutros 77 16 21 Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
Bull Shark Baseball
5 Liam Gutierrez 80 18 14u Aguilas - Nolan 4/6/2024
1 Adam Khubieh 80 15 Texas Elite 4/7/2024
14 Luke Ladwig 76 15 Premier Bohanon 14 4/6/2024
Channelview Crushers
18 Isaiah Capelo 6 3 21 Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
43 Bryan Hernandez 22 2 Branch Baseball 4/6/2024
2 Alexander Rodriguez 70 12 21 Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
1 Sergio Valadez 80 13 Branch Baseball 4/6/2024
Crew Baseball Teal
88 Jack Arnold 6 3 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 4/6/2024
30 3 Apex Vipers 14u 4/6/2024
Total 36 6
9 Seth Cox 20 3 Apex Vipers 14u 4/6/2024
44 Alexander Gonzales 58 9 Rivalry 14u Becerril 4/7/2024
1 Cole Grove 64 3 Apex Vipers 14u 4/6/2024
27 Ryan Henrichs 73 9 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 4/6/2024
77 Kheelen Kennedy 80 18 Channelview Crushers 4/7/2024
Luke Cathey 55 9 Bpt Hurricanes 4/6/2024
Bradley Gilbert 21 3 Bpt Hurricanes 4/6/2024
Troy Knuth 72 6 Nation Elite 4/6/2024
Jordan Orso 14 3 Nation Elite 4/6/2024
26 6 21 Baseball Academy 4/7/2024
Total 40 9
Ethan Romero 59 6 21 Baseball Academy 4/7/2024
Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue)
Luke Brown 13 0 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 4/6/2024
4 Coy Gurka 39 3 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 4/6/2024
7 Ulises Jimenez 14 3 Houston Nationals - Allbright 4/6/2024
22 Colton Riewe 72 8 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 4/6/2024
44 Jensen Youngs 64 6 Houston Nationals - Allbright 4/6/2024
Edge Baseball
1 Garrett Biehle 39 6 Texas Elite 4/6/2024
32 Thomas Grubert 42 6 Texas Elite 4/6/2024
Fasb Royal
1 Antonio Dominiquini 16 3 Texas Elite Lobos - National 4/6/2024
11 Christian Lee 38 6 Texas Elite Lobos - National 4/6/2024
13 Bryan Martin 64 7 Batter'S Box White 4/6/2024
2 Tyler Mefford 21 2 Batter'S Box White 4/6/2024
3 Maverick Meloni 36 9 Texas Elite Lobos - National 4/6/2024
9 Camden Ward 36 3 Batter'S Box White 4/6/2024
Houston Heat 14u Roberts
1 Bennett Garcia 23 3 Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) 4/6/2024
50 9 Houston Nationals - Allbright 4/6/2024
Total 73 12
7 Jonah Irvine 21 0 Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) 4/6/2024
12 Cooper Love 74 12 Fasb Royal 4/7/2024
55 Drew Nordlander 10 0 Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) 4/6/2024
3 Braeden Williams 59 9 Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) 4/6/2024
27 Trout Wirt 33 6 Houston Nationals - Allbright 4/6/2024
Houston Nationals - Allbright
5 Caden Flores 56 11 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 4/6/2024
0 Cristian Hernandez 43 4 Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) 4/6/2024
27 Bentley Poole 60 15 Edge Baseball 4/7/2024
17 Collin Seaton 45 3 Dp - Texas Rebels (Blue) 4/6/2024
6 Tristan Vega 42 4 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 4/6/2024
Houston Warriors-White
Reece Abbott 5 2 Texas Camo 2028 4/6/2024
43 11 Texas Bluechips 14u 4/6/2024
Total 48 13
Tripp DeGiusti 73 7 Texas Camo 2028 4/6/2024
Daniel Steinfurth 39 1 Texas Bluechips 14u 4/6/2024
Just Dawgs 14u
26 Max Feimster 16 3 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/7/2024
1 Nathan Kiely Jr 10 3 Ap Express 14u Overcash 4/5/2024
12 Brayden Morales 25 9 Team Houston 4/5/2024
68 9 Texas Camo 2028 4/7/2024
Total 93 18
45 Jackson Morris 12 3 Team Houston 4/5/2024
41 1 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/7/2024
Total 53 4
42 Reece Robinson 8 3 Ap Express 14u Overcash 4/5/2024
2 Anthony Socias 20 3 Team Houston 4/5/2024
21 6 Ap Express 14u Overcash 4/5/2024
Total 41 9
48 4 Texas Camo 2028 4/7/2024
Total 89 13
5 Calvin Van Horn 98 14 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/7/2024
6 2 Texas Camo 2028 4/7/2024
Total 104 16
Katy Cardinals 14u
Nicolas Collazo 10 2 Madisonville 4/6/2024
47 9 Opa Jays Coble 4/7/2024
Total 57 11
Tucker Hess 36 5 Madisonville 4/6/2024
Christopher Mendez 34 3 Sandlot Sluggers 4/6/2024
Cruz Salas 16 1 Madisonville 4/6/2024
Taber Shelton 17 3 Madisonville 4/6/2024
16 6 Opa Jays Coble 4/7/2024
Total 33 9
Aiden Simmons 40 6 Sandlot Sluggers 4/6/2024
Katy Chaos
59 Augusto Corzo 24 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 4/6/2024
42 9 Nation Elite 4/7/2024
Total 66 15
37 Abdiel Fuenmayor 16 3 Nation Elite 4/7/2024
3 Myles Walker 51 9 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 4/6/2024
12 0 Nation Elite 4/7/2024
Total 63 9
24 Braxtyn Bustamante 23 3 Victoria Venom 14u 4/6/2024
20 3 Texas Elite Lobos - National 4/7/2024
Total 43 6
45 Colt Cook 30 6 Victoria Venom 14u 4/6/2024
Bailey Fredricks 65 13 Texas Bluechips 14u 4/7/2024
34 Logan Garrett 37 3 Katy Cardinals 14u 4/6/2024
8 Garrick Kovar 34 6 Katy Cardinals 14u 4/6/2024
28 Cody Mersiovsky 28 3 Victoria Venom 14u 4/6/2024
21 3 Texas Bluechips 14u 4/7/2024
Total 49 6
2 Kobi Nava 66 12 Texas Elite Lobos - National 4/7/2024
Magnolia Strikers 14 Red
27 Ben Bostic 15 3 Katy Chaos 4/6/2024
10 Kason Glade 61 6 Opa Jays Coble 4/6/2024
2 Christian Henderson 56 6 Opa Jays Coble 4/6/2024
24 Aiden McFarland 63 9 Katy Chaos 4/6/2024
Nation Elite
99 Damion Goode 9 0 Bpt Hurricanes 4/6/2024
4 2 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/6/2024
Total 13 2
1 Noah Johnson 16 1 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/6/2024
8 Allan Keeton 60 6 Katy Chaos 4/7/2024
Andrew Krasnosky 100 11 Bpt Hurricanes 4/6/2024
Joseph Meza 73 9 CRUSH BSBL BLUE 4/6/2024
Opa Jays Coble
55 Brody Chatham 24 6 Rivalry 14u Becerril 4/6/2024
4 Lindon Fruge 11 3 Rivalry 14u Becerril 4/6/2024
7 Conner Hansen 52 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 4/6/2024
5 Weston Hubertus 11 3 Rivalry 14u Becerril 4/6/2024
28 Ethan Leiber 29 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 4/6/2024
34 Ethan Ngo 30 6 Rivalry 14u Becerril 4/6/2024
Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u
9 Andrew Hausmann 49 9 Ballerz 14u Henderson 4/6/2024
17 6 Bull Shark Baseball 4/7/2024
Total 66 15
13 Mohammad Ibrahim 30 7 Crew Baseball Teal 4/6/2024
61 12 Just Dawgs 14u 4/7/2024
Total 91 19
3 Finley Kayes 15 3 Crew Baseball Teal 4/6/2024
76 12 Bull Shark Baseball 4/7/2024
Total 91 15
1 Tanner Kotlarz 44 5 Crew Baseball Teal 4/6/2024
14 3 Just Dawgs 14u 4/7/2024
Total 58 8
18 Cameron Thornton 12 3 Ballerz 14u Henderson 4/6/2024
74 15 Team Houston 4/7/2024
Total 86 18
7 Luke Westry 16 5 Team Houston 4/7/2024
Premier Bohanon 14
12 Nolan Dearbonne 43 8 Bull Shark Baseball 4/6/2024
London James 15 3 Prospect United Houston - Garza 4/6/2024
9 Logan McMaster 18 3 Prospect United Houston - Garza 4/6/2024
15 Tristan Perez 55 5 Bull Shark Baseball 4/6/2024
22 Owen Rakai 10 3 Prospect United Houston - Garza 4/6/2024
6 Jayen Rauniyar 35 1 Bull Shark Baseball 4/6/2024
10 Douglas Robb 29 3 Prospect United Houston - Garza 4/6/2024
Prospect United Houston - Garza
Alan Chamberlain 18 4 Premier Bohanon 14 4/6/2024
Amin Hafsi Jr 10 0 14u Aguilas - Nolan 4/6/2024
Braden Jobe 5 1 14u Aguilas - Nolan 4/6/2024
Jonhdel Lopez 71 9 14u Aguilas - Nolan 4/6/2024
Tobias Rosette 30 5 Premier Bohanon 14 4/6/2024
Gavin Ruchti 24 3 Premier Bohanon 14 4/6/2024
Peyton Smith 17 3 Premier Bohanon 14 4/6/2024
Rivalry 14u Becerril
Jayton Bass 18 0 Texas Bucks 4/6/2024
Joe Guerrero 31 3 Opa Jays Coble 4/6/2024
Gilbert Hodges 16 2 Texas Bucks 4/6/2024
Ryder Lopez 37 9 Opa Jays Coble 4/6/2024
Nixon Vasquez 34 5 Texas Bucks 4/6/2024
Grayson Ware 20 1 Texas Bucks 4/6/2024
11 3 Opa Jays Coble 4/6/2024
Total 31 4
Sandlot Sluggers
6 Aaden Barron 66 6 Katy Cardinals 14u 4/6/2024
34 Branson Britton 55 12 Victoria Venom 14u 4/6/2024
7 Luis Vega 12 3 Katy Cardinals 14u 4/6/2024
Team Houston
2 Reese Dugas 45 6 Just Dawgs 14u 4/5/2024
16 Karter Hodde 20 6 Just Dawgs 14u 4/5/2024
12 Max Lorenz 46 9 Texas Blues Navy 4/5/2024
37 Sebastian Prak 37 6 Texas Blues Navy 4/5/2024
Texas Bluechips 14u
Malachi Clark 31 4 Houston Warriors-White 4/6/2024
Koen Davis 31 0 Houston Warriors-White 4/6/2024
Texas Blues Navy
22 Grant Daniel 82 9 Team Houston 4/5/2024
13 Weston Moon 88 15 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 4/7/2024
14 Jayden Torres 79 9 Ap Express 14u Overcash 4/5/2024
Texas Bucks
32 Javier Aarlo Collazo-Hernandez 29 6 Katy Cardinals 14u 4/7/2024
56 9 Apex Vipers 14u 4/7/2024
Total 85 15
4 Kegan Firmin 45 12 Katy Cardinals 14u 4/7/2024
26 3 Sandlot Sluggers 4/7/2024
Total 71 15
7 John "Jack" Moseley 48 9 Rivalry 14u Becerril 4/6/2024
24 3 Apex Vipers 14u 4/7/2024
Total 72 12
5 Hudson Owrey 9 3 Apex Vipers 14u 4/7/2024
56 9 Sandlot Sluggers 4/7/2024
Total 65 12
Texas Camo 2028
9 Semaj Brown 3 1 Houston Warriors-White 4/6/2024
44 Colton Dalrymple 22 3 Texas Bluechips 14u 4/6/2024
34 Emery Downing 61 9 Texas Bluechips 14u 4/6/2024
1 Frank Garcia 38 4 Houston Warriors-White 4/6/2024
21 Alex Gilbert 38 3 Houston Warriors-White 4/6/2024
7 Walker Krug 19 1 Houston Warriors-White 4/6/2024
33 Ethan Rubio 7 0 Houston Warriors-White 4/6/2024
Texas Elite
7 Aiden Ballejo 13 3 Wow Factor Swb 14u 4/6/2024
12 Bruce Garza 8 3 Wow Factor Swb 14u 4/6/2024
22 Kooper Green 32 5 Edge Baseball 4/6/2024
29 Keaton Koudela 18 3 Wow Factor Swb 14u 4/6/2024
13 Vincente Martinez 12 3 Wow Factor Swb 14u 4/6/2024
4 Bryce Morrison 50 7 Edge Baseball 4/6/2024
99 Trace Smith 17 3 Wow Factor Swb 14u 4/6/2024
Texas Elite Lobos - National
Cesar Gutierrez 20 3 Fasb Royal 4/6/2024
Ryley Pope 64 8 Batter'S Box White 4/6/2024
Dominic Vultaggio 60 15 Fasb Royal 4/6/2024
Conner White 19 4 Batter'S Box White 4/6/2024
10 0 Fasb Royal 4/6/2024
Total 29 4
Victoria Venom 14u
11 Tucker Amerson 2 1 Batter'S Box White 4/7/2024
18 Blake Anderson 58 14 Madisonville 4/6/2024
15 Reid Arlitt 25 4 Sandlot Sluggers 4/6/2024
10 Connor Lacina 27 3 Sandlot Sluggers 4/6/2024
34 Isaac Perez 37 1 Madisonville 4/6/2024
24 Brycen Redding 90 11 Batter'S Box White 4/7/2024
36 Treylen Youngblood 58 5 Sandlot Sluggers 4/6/2024
Wow Factor Swb 14u
44 Juaquin Ochs 23 2 Texas Elite 4/6/2024
27 Julian Ortiz 18 4 Texas Elite 4/6/2024
7 Jayden Ramos 48 9 Texas Elite 4/6/2024
23 Cayden Terry 11 1 Texas Elite 4/6/2024