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At the request of Seminole County and in partnership with them, the following policies will be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex:

* Metal Spikes are strictly not allowed inside of the complex. Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box. Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes. They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
303 Twins Scout Team
3 Ethan Asp 21 1 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/26/2024
4 River Baker 28 3 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/26/2024
17 Dominic Dabate 14 0 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/26/2024
40 Mason Fricke 29 6 Ftb Select 13u 10/26/2024
55 Kaidan Garon 48 4 Ftb Select 13u 10/26/2024
57 7 Scorpions 13u 10/27/2024
Total 105 11
3 Gus Immediato 38 7 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/26/2024
9 Dakota Labbe 43 6 Ftb Select 13u 10/26/2024
63 8 Scorpions 13u 10/27/2024
Total 106 14
99 Hudson Malagon 11 1 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/26/2024
98 Colt Miller 4 1 Scorpions 13u 10/27/2024
Barwis Baseball
8 Moe Harb 4 1 Tribe Nation Rangers Scout Team 2030 10/26/2024
53 6 TBT Ballers 10/26/2024
Total 57 7
7 Miles Kuntz 71 17 Tribe Nation Rangers Scout Team 2030 10/26/2024
5 Graham McDonough 36 2 TBT Ballers 10/26/2024
10 Gavin Politz 27 2 Lion Mode 10/27/2024
9 Luke Sauer 49 7 Lion Mode 10/27/2024
33 Jayden Victoria 21 3 Lion Mode 10/27/2024
Cbu 13u Biglin
0 Tucker Farrar 11 2 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
23 Luke Griffis 29 1 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
44 Mj Kennedy 51 6 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/26/2024
27 Rashean Mathis II 30 9 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/26/2024
30 4 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
Total 60 13
8 Anthony Reid 48 6 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/26/2024
9 Hudson Straw 34 5 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/26/2024
20 Ryker Underwood 65 8 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
Cbu 13u Madsen
34 Pete Dempsey 26 5 303 Twins Scout Team 10/26/2024
4 Justin Hardin 89 13 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/27/2024
19 Gunner Jones 87 18 Ftb Select 13u 10/26/2024
5 Zac Leddy 34 3 303 Twins Scout Team 10/26/2024
22 Jaxson Sotomayor 26 6 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/27/2024
62 Landon Williams 41 2 303 Twins Scout Team 10/26/2024
24 2 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/27/2024
Total 65 4
CBU 13u United Faber
6 Jackson Adams 75 6 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/27/2024
27 Parker Barnes 26 3 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/25/2024
13 3 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/27/2024
Total 39 6
26 6 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/27/2024
Total 65 12
34 Mason Corrao 59 15 Oviedo Warriors 10/26/2024
7 Kennedy Franklin 54 9 Team Elite 13U 10/28/2024
4 Logan Grove 24 1 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/27/2024
25 Brantley Jackson 79 7 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/25/2024
52 6 Team Elite 13U 10/28/2024
Total 131 13
3 Zander Johnson 71 9 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/27/2024
CBU 13u United Thomas
1 Jackson Bentley 59 9 Ftb Select 13u 10/27/2024
10 Carson Boatright 39 6 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/25/2024
23 Jensen Eckerdt 42 6 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/25/2024
27 Easton Hillaert 19 4 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
4 Peyton McLay 37 1 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
3 Brett Mezyk 25 6 Ftb Select 13u 10/27/2024
50 Dawson Samartino 51 7 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
Cbu Hawks
18 Angel Alcantara 60 8 Scorpions 13u 10/26/2024
7 3 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
Total 67 11
11 Nolan Ange 14 3 Scorpions 13u 10/26/2024
47 6 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
Total 61 9
19 Ashton Boyd 43 4 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
6 Cole Cameron 55 8 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/25/2024
30 Jace Currie 2 2 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/25/2024
20 5 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
Total 22 7
45 Clayton Juckett 52 7 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/25/2024
13 Rolin Sarmiento 53 7 Scorpions 13u 10/26/2024
Central Florida Suns
27 Sawyer Eppleman 14 2 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
84 11 TBT Ballers 10/27/2024
Total 98 13
6 James Feliciano 53 12 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/26/2024
1 1 TBT Ballers 10/27/2024
Total 54 13
1 Eiden OFarrill 45 6 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/26/2024
37 6 TBT Ballers 10/27/2024
Total 82 12
9 Sergio Pagan Ledee 73 12 Team Elite 13U 10/26/2024
3 Trey Sampson 27 4 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/28/2024
30 Jayden Santiago 45 6 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
23 Cody Summers 6 0 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/28/2024
10 Jackson Swartz 36 6 Team Elite 13U 10/26/2024
23 4 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
Total 59 10
10 Jaidan Velez 32 1 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/27/2024
57 10 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/28/2024
Total 89 11
Elite Factory Shoulders
29 Luis Charbonier 77 15 Lion Mode 10/26/2024
0 Walter Coleman 46 12 Oviedo Warriors 10/27/2024
24 Easton Ely-Shoulders 55 7 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/26/2024
12 Mason Larue 6 2 Oviedo Warriors 10/27/2024
77 Hudson Lewis 27 3 Oviedo Warriors 10/27/2024
42 Austin Pieszak 36 4 Oviedo Warriors 10/27/2024
98 Max Quintero 35 4 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/26/2024
Florida Dodgers - Garcia
0 Colin Fischer 49 8 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/26/2024
20 3 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
Total 69 11
Michael Quevedo 85 11 Lion Mode 10/26/2024
0 0 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/26/2024
Total 85 11
Gavin Remigio 3 1 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/26/2024
18 0 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
Total 21 1
Grady Reynolds 11 1 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
Jayden Roy 9 4 Lion Mode 10/26/2024
74 6 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/26/2024
Total 83 10
Tyler Smith 47 4 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
Riley Weidman 29 2 CBU 13u United Faber 10/27/2024
Florida Max- Nat'S
28 John Franklin 84 13 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
27 Mathew Kim 33 4 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/26/2024
5 Austin Martino 24 2 Central Florida Suns 10/27/2024
1 Josiah Only 52 12 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/25/2024
99 Julio Salas 68 8 Central Florida Suns 10/27/2024
19 Matthew Sinnicki 19 3 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/25/2024
19 1 Central Florida Suns 10/27/2024
Total 38 4
Ftb Select 13u
99 Derek Badillo 43 6 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/27/2024
56 Eli Faulk 100 13 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/26/2024
24 Gavin Grooms 20 1 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/27/2024
5 Samuel Ortmeier 44 6 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/27/2024
31 Casey Padilla 22 2 303 Twins Scout Team 10/26/2024
14 2 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/26/2024
Total 36 4
17 2 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/27/2024
Total 53 6
44 Derick Rexford 35 9 303 Twins Scout Team 10/26/2024
10 Bryar Staier 32 5 303 Twins Scout Team 10/26/2024
Lion Mode
99 Lian Banos 27 2 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/26/2024
12 Alex De La Rosa 33 4 Barwis Baseball 10/27/2024
8 Fabian Febus 22 3 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/26/2024
30 2 Barwis Baseball 10/27/2024
Total 52 5
21 Alain Garcia 53 6 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/26/2024
23 Matthew Lopez 9 1 Barwis Baseball 10/27/2024
27 Jose Martinez Jr 61 6 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/26/2024
7 David Padron 57 8 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/26/2024
2 Damon Perpetua 30 4 Barwis Baseball 10/27/2024
17 Yaden Rivera 19 1 Barwis Baseball 10/27/2024
3 Austin Weeden 1 3 Florida Dodgers - Garcia 10/26/2024
Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy
1 Jordany Cruz 23 6 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/27/2024
21 Mathias Leal 47 6 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/27/2024
42 Anthony Lozada 41 3 Scorpions 13u 10/26/2024
13 Jesus Marchan 21 3 Cbu Hawks 10/25/2024
99 Adrian Ordonez 56 7 Cbu Hawks 10/25/2024
23 Adrian Quinones 47 8 Cbu Hawks 10/25/2024
2 Alex Eduardo Rodriguez 76 12 Scorpions 13u 10/26/2024
7 Gabriel Rojas 50 6 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/27/2024
Oviedo Warriors
6 Dompio Demarino 56 5 CBU 13u United Faber 10/26/2024
3 Easton Edwards 39 3 CBU 13u United Faber 10/26/2024
78 17 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/27/2024
Total 117 20
34 Caleb Lynch 43 9 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/26/2024
11 4 Elite Factory Shoulders 10/27/2024
Total 54 13
10 Cannon McCaghren 39 6 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/26/2024
12 Waylon Osborne 18 4 CBU 13u United Faber 10/26/2024
Padres 13u Scout Team
Nolan Banta 8 2 CBU 13u United Faber 10/25/2024
63 15 Central Florida Suns 10/28/2024
Total 71 17
Julius Berrios 57 9 Oviedo Warriors 10/26/2024
23 2 Team Elite 13U 10/28/2024
Total 80 11
Chaystin Demello 78 11 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/27/2024
Richie Evans 20 3 Oviedo Warriors 10/26/2024
11 0 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/27/2024
Total 31 3
Tyler Nemorin 43 4 CBU 13u United Faber 10/25/2024
25 0 Team Elite 13U 10/28/2024
Total 68 4
Reef Rella 79 9 Team Elite 13U 10/28/2024
Braxton Williams 36 5 CBU 13u United Faber 10/25/2024
6 1 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/27/2024
Total 42 6
38 6 Team Elite 13U 10/28/2024
Total 80 12
Justice Williams 23 4 CBU 13u United Faber 10/25/2024
37 3 Oviedo Warriors 10/26/2024
Total 60 7
Scorpions 13u
3 Jacob Bibaud 78 12 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/26/2024
27 Mason Bradley 13 0 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/26/2024
12 Luis Calo 4 2 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/26/2024
16 2 Cbu Hawks 10/26/2024
Total 20 4
4 Liam Daly 9 2 303 Twins Scout Team 10/27/2024
17 Sean Davis 52 9 303 Twins Scout Team 10/27/2024
9 Patrick Monette 19 7 303 Twins Scout Team 10/27/2024
21 Sergio Prieto 1 1 303 Twins Scout Team 10/27/2024
11 Jackson Raczkowski 13 3 Cbu Hawks 10/26/2024
13 Owen Ritchie 65 13 Cbu Hawks 10/26/2024
0 Garrett Rohozen 24 1 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/26/2024
Scorpions 13u Purple
12 Brooks Berkemeier 36 5 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/25/2024
24 Matthew Bird 68 6 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/25/2024
2 Philip Campos 31 2 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/26/2024
11 Drake Engert 30 2 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/27/2024
8 Owen Geluso 37 8 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/27/2024
Jordan Landers 42 5 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/26/2024
9 Jack McFetridge 43 3 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/26/2024
14 Nick Rhoden 24 4 Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez 10/25/2024
4 Samuel Veloz 40 4 Luis Rodriguez Baseball Academy 10/27/2024
TBT Ballers
Edilson Alvarez 48 7 Barwis Baseball 10/26/2024
MJ Chen 70 15 Tribe Nation Rangers Scout Team 2030 10/26/2024
Jhunior Jose Cordero 72 13 Central Florida Suns 10/27/2024
Ryan Curry 9 1 Central Florida Suns 10/27/2024
John Escobar 8 2 Barwis Baseball 10/26/2024
Matias Pelaez 17 3 Central Florida Suns 10/27/2024
Team Elite 13U
Sawyer Bolemon 10 3 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/26/2024
86 11 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/28/2024
Total 96 14
Michael Cosca 31 6 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/26/2024
39 5 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/28/2024
Total 70 11
Edwin Elston 40 6 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/26/2024
14 1 Cbu Hawks 10/27/2024
Total 54 7
Miles Gardynik 57 10 Central Florida Suns 10/26/2024
Ryan Johnson 45 8 Central Florida Suns 10/26/2024
11 2 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/27/2024
Total 56 10
Landry Miller 25 1 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/28/2024
25 6 CBU 13u United Faber 10/28/2024
Total 50 7
Brooks Minarik 53 7 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/27/2024
Robert Quinn 31 3 Cbu Hawks 10/27/2024
75 12 CBU 13u United Faber 10/28/2024
Total 106 15
Chris Reed 20 2 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/26/2024
79 12 Zt Prospects Lujan 10/27/2024
Total 99 14
5 2 Cbu Hawks 10/27/2024
Total 104 16
Tipton Roop 50 12 Cbu Hawks 10/27/2024
Tribe Nation Rangers Scout Team 2030
24 Tommy Buckles 18 1 TBT Ballers 10/26/2024
20 3 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/27/2024
Total 38 4
20 Caden Ellison 49 5 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/27/2024
42 Milo Johnson 56 12 Barwis Baseball 10/26/2024
15 Blake Lounsbury 14 3 TBT Ballers 10/26/2024
1 Christopher Matthews 27 2 Barwis Baseball 10/26/2024
25 Adem Osmanagic 30 3 Barwis Baseball 10/26/2024
19 3 VSA Sluggers SWFL 10/27/2024
Total 49 6
27 Luke Tant 68 11 TBT Ballers 10/26/2024
Usa Prime Tampa 13u Nunez
Cooper Castro 35 3 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/26/2024
Nolan Gibbons 33 2 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/25/2024
Lucas Knox 21 6 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/27/2024
40 2 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/27/2024
Total 61 8
Brody Lerch 29 6 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/25/2024
10 3 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/26/2024
Total 39 9
John David Makris 73 15 Cbu 13u Madsen 10/27/2024
Owen Rowlson 22 2 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/25/2024
69 9 Padres 13u Scout Team 10/27/2024
Total 91 11
Jace Walek 24 5 Scorpions 13u Purple 10/25/2024
44 9 Cbu 13u Biglin 10/26/2024
Total 68 14
VSA Sluggers SWFL
Jaden Campuzano 74 9 Tribe Nation Rangers Scout Team 2030 10/27/2024
Mateo Dapena-Hatton 24 4 Team Elite 13U 10/26/2024
Carlos Figueras 18 3 Central Florida Suns 10/26/2024
Nathanel Gonzalez 74 11 Team Elite 13U 10/26/2024
Evan Humble 19 3 Tribe Nation Rangers Scout Team 2030 10/27/2024
Drew Kundinger 19 3 Central Florida Suns 10/26/2024
Adrian Pereira 58 8 Central Florida Suns 10/26/2024
Kevin Rodriguez Marrero 40 3 Central Florida Suns 10/26/2024
Zt Prospects Lujan
24 Christopher Cabrera 28 3 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/26/2024
23 Johan Garcia 14 0 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
22 Gavin Lachance 17 3 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
22 Eduardo Riera 18 3 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/26/2024
13 Jovanni Soto 54 9 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/26/2024
7 D Suarez 41 9 CBU 13u United Thomas 10/26/2024
17 3 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
Total 58 12
9 Mark Thompson 71 15 Team Elite 13U 10/27/2024
22 Brayden Wells 22 6 Florida Max- Nat'S 10/26/2024