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2022 11U Nevada All-State Games (MAJOR)
1:00 PM Check-in Friday July 29th @ Big League Dreams Park

No Metal cleats allowed @ Big League Dreams Park

Uniform – Gray Pants / White Shirt

9u,10u,11u Check-in will be the Perfect Game Tent to the right of the as you walk into the park

12u,13u, Check-in will be the Perfect Game Tent to the Left of the as you walk into the park

After check in Players will go to the following fields

Please Note that Players are trying out on 2021-2022 ages. The field dimensions are for 2022-2023 ages.

13u - check in at Wrigley (60 x 90 / -3 BBCOR)

12u – Check in at Dodgers (54 x 80 / -5 bat)

11u – Check in at Angels (50 x70)

10u – Check in at Yankees (50 x 70)

9u – Check in at Fenway (46 x 65)

Event Schedule


1.       1:30 pm -2 pm: Warm-up

2.       2:15 pm: 2 Rounds of 5 Balls:

1.       BP - Hitting 2 rounds

2.       2nd round is HR Derby.

3.       HR Derby (5 Balls).  Players that are tied will continue to next round (3 Swings). This will continue until there is a winner.

4.       60-yard dash for 13u only (1 try) 

3.       3:15 – 3:45 pm: Mass Fungo/ infield warm up

4.       3:50 pm – 4:30 pm: Infield Evaluation @ Best position/Catchers with own equipment go first.

                                      + Catcher POP

                                       Catchers go last.

5.       4:35 pm – 5:00 pm: Outfield Evaluation.

6.       5:05 pm – 5:15 pm: Team meeting to close event

Saturday / Sunday

1.       7:45 am                                Arrive at your scheduled field 60 minutes prior to your first game.

                                              After your teams games are completed you are free to leave for that day.

For Schedule, please click "Event Info", then the "Schedule" tab
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings Rosters
The schedule for this event has not yet been released.