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9U (Major) 10U (Major) 12U (Major) 13U (Major) 11U (Major)
To view event schedule click “Event Info” then “Event Schedule”
Winner of the 9:30 game on Field 3 will play at 11:30 on Field 3
Winner of the 9:30 game on Field 1 will play the Winner of the 11:30 game at 3:00 on Field 1.

Home Run Derby Participants:

Aiden James - Maroon #91
William Ross - Maroon #98
Aj Elliot - Green #53
Dillon Holahan - Green #92
Nolan Brown - Gold #86
Colin Saddoughi - Gray #95
Jayse Shelton - Carolina #33
Leonard Stephens - Black #39
Sam Heath - Rays #54
Ayden Jester - Gold #76

Fastest Man Competition:

Matthew Mitchell Jr - Rays #12
Colin Washbon - Black #19
Issac Pearson - Black #38
Ethan Smith - Carolina #5
Khoi Scott - Carolina #37
Daniel Brown - Green #20
Liam Coloe - Gold #38
William Farrow - Gray 15
Andrew Delgandio - Maroon #32
Brennan Brooks - Maroon #40


Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings Rosters
The schedule for this event has not yet been released.