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 All Teams should expect to play on Friday, weather permitting championship games will be completed by 6pm on Sunday evening. 

Arizona Athletic Grounds facility reminders:
This is a turf complex and there are not metal spikes allowed at all at any time on the fields.
There is a $5 gate parking fee for Friday, Saturday and Sunday

 Non-local teams are required to have 50% of their team stay in one of our approved lodging partners. As part of being approved into the event the following link will provide you with our approved partner hotels that are part of the requirement to host events within our host community.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
All Tournament Team

MV-Player Julian De La Fuente    (Scottsdale Dirtbags 12u- 2030)

MV-Pitcher Carlo Rivero    (Scottsdale Dirtbags 12u- 2030)