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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Houston Bengals
0 Kayson Bruce 32 6 Katy Outlaws 3/26/2022
13 2 Katy Outlaws 3/27/2022
Total 45 8
Noah Herr 15 3 Prospects Baseball 3/26/2022
28 6 Kingwood Krew 3/27/2022
Total 43 9
17 2 Katy Outlaws 3/27/2022
Total 60 11
Braylen Ives 10 3 Prospects Baseball 3/26/2022
Alec Moreno 30 3 Katy Outlaws 3/26/2022
Wyatt Powell 52 12 Kingwood Krew 3/27/2022
Andrew Quintanilla 31 6 Katy Outlaws 3/26/2022
Hudson Whittle 65 12 Texas Stealth 3/27/2022
Katy Outlaws
27 Blake Cardona 20 0 Renegades 11u Red 3/26/2022
29 Isaac Clopton 32 4 Houston Bengals 3/27/2022
2 Daniel Davila 13 6 Houston Bengals 3/26/2022
24 Jorge Gonzalez-Hernandez 0 8 Houston Bengals 3/27/2022
17 Mateo Macias 52 7 Renegades 11u Red 3/26/2022
42 Kevin Velez 34 6 Houston Bengals 3/26/2022
999 Raider Williams 11 3 Houston Bengals 3/26/2022
Kingwood Krew
9 Tyson Aguilar 39 9 Legacy Baseball Club - Molder 3/26/2022
27 Mason Greene 70 18 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/27/2022
10 Owen Landaverde 45 9 Lynx 11u Garcia 3/26/2022
27 9 Lynx 11u Garcia 3/27/2022
Total 72 18
2 Jeremiah Robertson 42 6 Legacy Baseball Club - Molder 3/26/2022
Legacy Baseball Club - Molder
42 Austen Boone 24 3 Lynx 11u Garcia 3/26/2022
12 Tyler Brown 18 3 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
8 Aiden Gomez 25 3 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
20 6 Lynx 11u Garcia 3/26/2022
Total 45 9
21 Kyle Michaud 23 3 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
2 Beckett Molder 9 0 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
19 Suren Prodoehl 26 3 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
11 Ivan Trejo 15 3 Lynx 11u Garcia 3/26/2022
26 1 Spring Branch Sluggers 3/27/2022
Total 41 4
34 Jaxon Zarate 28 3 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
Lynx 11u Garcia
95 Jonathan Armenta 60 9 Legacy Baseball Club - Molder 3/26/2022
13 Joe Guerrero 32 2 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
12 Kellan Oberly 48 3 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
11 Braydon Parks 12 3 Legacy Baseball Club - Molder 3/26/2022
2 Ethan Ratcliff 6 0 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
42 Tyler Stapleton 24 1 Kingwood Krew 3/26/2022
5 James Vallejo 23 0 Legacy Baseball Club - Molder 3/26/2022
Magnolia Strikers 11u Blue
27 Brycen Atchley 32 4 Spring Branch Sluggers 3/26/2022
34 Nolan Collinsworth 0 6 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/27/2022
7 Miles Dobson 26 3 Mambas 11u 3/26/2022
65 Cam Gideon 88 8 Spring Branch Sluggers 3/26/2022
35 Mason Hitchcock 25 3 Mambas 11u 3/26/2022
18 Brett Hotaling 35 3 Mambas 11u 3/26/2022
Magnolia Strikers 11u Red
4 Kadin Akin 4 3 Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy) 3/26/2022
2 Ethan Alvarez 32 5 Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy) 3/26/2022
3 Blaine Green 45 12 Magnolia Strikers 11u Blue 3/27/2022
33 Cooper Grimes 14 3 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/26/2022
13 Mason King 50 6 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/26/2022
24 Ryland Manger 29 3 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/26/2022
34 Kason Mead 12 0 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/26/2022
58 Dean Robertson 28 1 Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy) 3/26/2022
Mambas 11u
4 Ethan Capelo 29 6 Magnolia Strikers 11u Blue 3/26/2022
32 3 Texas Rattlers 3/26/2022
Total 61 9
19 1 Texas Stealth 3/27/2022
Total 80 10
16 Andres Lopez 18 0 Texas Rattlers 3/26/2022
2 Genevieve Martin 38 3 Texas Stealth 3/27/2022
10 Levi Mitchell 32 3 Texas Rattlers 3/26/2022
7 Leo Rodriguez 34 6 Magnolia Strikers 11u Blue 3/26/2022
Prospects Baseball
Matthew Chavez 12 0 Houston Bengals 3/26/2022
15 Sergio Garcia 86 9 Texas Twelve (Royal) 3/26/2022
Brayden Hinton 55 3 Houston Bengals 3/26/2022
27 Luis Rosales 31 1 Houston Bengals 3/26/2022
Rawlings Tigers Conroe
1 Cadence Bates 51 6 Texas Stealth 3/26/2022
54 8 Prospects Baseball 3/27/2022
Total 105 14
34 Ryan Curry 45 6 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/26/2022
8 John Hutchinson 40 6 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/26/2022
24 1 Prospects Baseball 3/27/2022
Total 64 7
12 Robert Perez Jr. 14 0 Texas Stealth 3/26/2022
23 Tristan Robinett 12 0 Texas Stealth 3/26/2022
4 Blake Shirley 21 1 Texas Stealth 3/26/2022
Renegades 11u Red
31 Greyson Garza 32 9 Katy Outlaws 3/26/2022
33 0 Spring Branch Sluggers 3/27/2022
Total 65 9
23 Luis Mendoza 17 3 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/27/2022
58 9 Spring Branch Sluggers 3/27/2022
Total 75 12
0 Konnor Oliver 9 1 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/27/2022
33 3 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/27/2022
Total 42 4
55 Ethan Rider 22 0 Texas Twelve (Royal) 3/26/2022
24 Luis Rivas 66 11 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/27/2022
13 3 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/27/2022
Total 79 14
Spring Branch Sluggers
34 Jackson Cobb 31 2 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/26/2022
1 Jack Griffin 48 9 Legacy Baseball Club - Molder 3/27/2022
27 Will Holz 42 3 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/26/2022
5 Locke Kazmann 12 3 Legacy Baseball Club - Molder 3/27/2022
23 Matt Macia 28 2 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/26/2022
4 Jack Norkus 60 12 Magnolia Strikers 11u Blue 3/26/2022
12 Brady Smith 16 2 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/26/2022
Texas Dawgs 11u (Green)
27 Andrew Deacon 50 9 Texas Rattlers 3/26/2022
6 Carson Kippie 21 3 Spring Branch Sluggers 3/26/2022
30 Cameron Latham 68 12 Spring Branch Sluggers 3/26/2022
44 Luis Loredo 28 3 Kingwood Krew 3/27/2022
1 1 Texas Twelve (Royal) 3/27/2022
Total 29 4
99 Sebastian Santos 25 6 Texas Rattlers 3/26/2022
57 8 Texas Twelve (Royal) 3/27/2022
Total 82 14
Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy)
2 Kace Abbott 44 6 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/26/2022
41 3 Texas Rattlers 3/27/2022
Total 85 9
6 Daniel Hodges 40 6 Texas Stealth 3/26/2022
22 Warren Kaspar 44 6 Texas Stealth 3/26/2022
50 15 Texas Rattlers 3/27/2022
Total 94 21
1 Andrew Patel 11 2 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/26/2022
4 Casey Sherowski 62 8 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/27/2022
35 David Villarreal 31 1 Magnolia Strikers 11u Red 3/26/2022
Texas Rattlers
10 Ruben Balleza 52 6 Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy) 3/27/2022
23 Felix Cervantes 13 3 Mambas 11u 3/26/2022
Sebastian Huerta 35 6 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/26/2022
Jayden Perez 30 6 Mambas 11u 3/26/2022
46 Rene Ponce 34 9 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/26/2022
Texas Stealth
15 Carter Alderete 21 3 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/26/2022
34 Evan Alderete 43 5 Houston Bengals 3/27/2022
2 Brett Holden 68 6 Rawlings Tigers Conroe 3/26/2022
4 Raul Moreda Jr 55 5 Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy) 3/26/2022
1 Ashton Pierce 33 4 Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy) 3/26/2022
22 2 Houston Bengals 3/27/2022
Total 55 6
37 Hunter Willoughby 35 6 Mambas 11u 3/27/2022
26 Zachary Zimmerman 15 3 Texas Dawgs 11u (Navy) 3/26/2022
Texas Twelve (Royal)
2 Luke Bastian 25 6 Prospects Baseball 3/26/2022
27 Kaysen Cooper 6 1 Renegades 11u Red 3/26/2022
3 Brody Gabrysch 39 2 Prospects Baseball 3/26/2022
10 Tyler Hataway 53 5 Renegades 11u Red 3/26/2022
12 Daxton Krueger 29 4 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/27/2022
23 Micah McEuen 3 1 Prospects Baseball 3/26/2022
8 Wyatt Ruiz 30 2 Texas Dawgs 11u (Green) 3/27/2022