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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black
10 Ace Baker 22 6 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
27 Brycen Bennett 22 9 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
53 8 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/20/2024
Total 75 17
5 AJ Chance 0 1 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
28 2 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/20/2024
Total 28 3
9 Jacob Collins 41 6 Cbc Westbrook 10/19/2024
7 Reece Dowling 27 2 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
4 Brayden Lynch 32 7 Cbc Westbrook 10/19/2024
44 Roy Rudolph 12 2 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/20/2024
Cbc Westbrook
28 William Harty 18 2 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/19/2024
5 Jackson Jermier 21 3 Valdosta Raptors 10/19/2024
16 Carson Laboranti 20 5 Jax Express 10/20/2024
64 12 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/20/2024
Total 84 17
8 Alex Orr 50 9 Valdosta Raptors 10/19/2024
1 Easton Pridgen 20 5 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/19/2024
7 Noah Soles 57 7 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/19/2024
44 Anthony Syla 67 13 Jax Express 10/20/2024
17 3 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/20/2024
Total 84 16
24 Ian Zepp 1 3 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/19/2024
76 14 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/20/2024
Total 77 17
CBU 12u Severidt
7 Connor Donohue 54 8 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/19/2024
7 Tucker Eckert 58 6 Combat Hawkins 10/20/2024
1 Jackson Johanson 2 0 Combat Hawkins 10/20/2024
10 Keegan Ryals 40 7 Combat Hawkins 10/20/2024
13 Jacob Seibers 34 7 Ponte Vedra Thunder - Robinson 10/19/2024
42 Leland Thorpe 50 7 Ponte Vedra Thunder - Robinson 10/19/2024
17 Christopher Williamson 20 2 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/19/2024
24 Nicholas Wright 36 1 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/19/2024
Combat Hawkins
7 Chase Dewitt 86 13 CBU 12u Severidt 10/20/2024
9 Austin Gaines 75 7 Tallahassee Heat 10/19/2024
4 Dagan Greene 48 5 Jax Express 10/20/2024
21 John Hawkins 66 9 Jax Express 10/20/2024
4 Cayden Maybin 14 3 Tallahassee Heat 10/19/2024
14 Gavin Rushing 83 15 Jax Express 10/19/2024
42 Carson Waters 39 5 Tallahassee Heat 10/19/2024
Diamond Kings Elite
27 Garrett Nelson 31 3 Valdosta Raptors 10/19/2024
5 Dominic Nichols 70 8 Valdosta Raptors 10/19/2024
55 Luke Parrish 47 9 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/20/2024
44 Henry Sellers 18 5 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/19/2024
99 Jackson Seymour 29 6 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/19/2024
19 Greyson Sopotnick 31 6 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/19/2024
54 6 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/20/2024
Total 85 12
Florida Dodgers - Manuz
17 JP Amster 16 1 Tallahassee Heat 10/19/2024
2 Poppy Caparros 78 13 Tallahassee Heat 10/19/2024
22 Peter Corigliano 26 6 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/19/2024
21 Aiden Elmore 72 15 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/20/2024
10 Christian Fowler 62 12 5 Star Mafia FL 12U Black 10/20/2024
20 6 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 82 18
6 Parker Gatch 20 2 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
8 Easton Lagow 22 1 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/19/2024
13 3 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/20/2024
Total 35 4
51 6 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 86 10
13 Rudy Lansang 38 3 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/19/2024
5 Wyatt Weldon 28 3 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/19/2024
Jax Beach Barracudas 12u
23 Gavin Barnes 83 18 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
24 Owen Koek 20 3 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/19/2024
33 Cooper Lowe 31 4 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/19/2024
1 Fischer McCown 31 5 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/19/2024
11 Griffin Myers 49 6 Jax Express 10/19/2024
4 Luke Oliver 25 3 Jax Express 10/19/2024
22 Noah Walls 26 0 Jax Express 10/19/2024
10 Logan Woltman 20 2 Jax Express 10/19/2024
Jax Express
10 Erik Andenko 18 4 Valdosta Raptors 10/20/2024
20 1 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
Total 38 5
27 2 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 65 7
20 Wyatt ANTONIO 19 3 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/19/2024
9 3 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
Total 28 6
5 Jamal Brathwaite 44 6 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/19/2024
13 3 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
Total 57 9
32 3 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 89 12
12 Johnny Degrado 75 9 Combat Hawkins 10/19/2024
7 Tylan Drake 57 11 Valdosta Raptors 10/20/2024
11 Hudson Snyder 21 5 Combat Hawkins 10/19/2024
26 5 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
Total 47 10
50 9 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 97 19
33 Collin Sobolewski 89 13 Combat Hawkins 10/20/2024
Ponte Vedra Thunder - Robinson
21 Jose Bird 41 6 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/19/2024
5 Ryder Blanchard 32 7 CBU 12u Severidt 10/19/2024
66 13 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
Total 98 20
9 Jake Blater 26 3 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/19/2024
36 5 CBU 12u Severidt 10/19/2024
Total 62 8
27 5 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
Total 89 13
23 Ronan McCarthy 17 3 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/19/2024
40 5 CBU 12u Severidt 10/19/2024
Total 57 8
8 Mason Neill 16 1 CBU 12u Severidt 10/19/2024
10 Grice Westberg 32 6 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/19/2024
4 1 Tallahassee Heat 10/20/2024
Total 36 7
Tallahassee Bombers 12u
18 Cooper Beach 31 5 CBU 12u Severidt 10/19/2024
44 11 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/20/2024
Total 75 16
10 Makhi Harris 21 3 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/19/2024
7 Zaine Johnson 21 2 CBU 12u Severidt 10/19/2024
4 Caleb Roach 20 3 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/19/2024
3 Ryder Sullivan 28 3 CBU 12u Severidt 10/19/2024
42 8 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/20/2024
Total 70 11
17 Donovan Walker 41 12 Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward 10/19/2024
Tallahassee Heat
Jakobi Coachman 52 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder - Robinson 10/20/2024
37 Luke Fulcher 57 10 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/19/2024
Grayson Goeke 49 8 Combat Hawkins 10/19/2024
Cooper Hogan 19 4 Florida Dodgers - Manuz 10/19/2024
12 3 Jax Express 10/20/2024
Total 31 7
3 Dj Read 17 0 Jax Express 10/20/2024
Harvey Reichert 72 11 Ponte Vedra Thunder - Robinson 10/20/2024
1 John William Savoy 39 6 Combat Hawkins 10/19/2024
28 7 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/20/2024
Total 67 13
Everett Shaw 67 10 Jax Beach Barracudas 12u 10/20/2024
Cj Usina 59 6 Jax Express 10/20/2024
Tampa Xtreme 12U Ward
23 Mathias Barreto 47 3 Diamond Kings Elite 10/20/2024
5 Carter Bristol 27 6 Diamond Kings Elite 10/20/2024
26 3 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 53 9
8 Johnston Martinez 35 8 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/19/2024
13 1 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 48 9
10 Maxwell Nesse-Wyssbrod 28 3 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/19/2024
54 8 Cbc Westbrook 10/20/2024
Total 82 11
21 Owen Schmidt 52 7 Ponte Vedra Thunder - Robinson 10/19/2024
50 7 Diamond Kings Elite 10/20/2024
Total 102 14
17 Rocco Troiano 39 3 Tallahassee Bombers 12u 10/19/2024
0 Bryson Ward 46 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder - Robinson 10/19/2024
Valdosta Raptors
24 Jax Bryant 26 0 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
31 Jaxon Dunn 46 4 Cbc Westbrook 10/19/2024
14 Carter Freeman 26 6 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
8 3 Jax Express 10/20/2024
Total 34 9
1 Wren Moore 16 3 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
3 Beau Ross 18 4 Cbc Westbrook 10/19/2024
13 Collin Stephens 16 3 Diamond Kings Elite 10/19/2024
75 9 Jax Express 10/20/2024
Total 91 12
10 Harrison Womack 35 3 Cbc Westbrook 10/19/2024