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7U (AA) (CP) 8U (AA) (CP) 8U (Major) (KP) 9U (AA) 9U (AAA) 9U (Major) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 10U (Major) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 11U (Major) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 12U (Major) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 13U (Major) (54/80) 13U (Major) (60/90) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA) 14U (Major) 15U 16U 18U
Most divisions in this event are at max capacity or close to it, please email abostow@perfectgame.org to add your team to the event and put your team on the waitlist.
For non-local teams, this IS a stay to play event. There are ZERO exceptions for this policy. This ia agreed on by your coach when registering for the event. Please follow the "Book your hotels" link on the event page to book your stay. Your event checklist will let you know if you are local or not.

Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL Coaches are required to pay the entry fee, NO EXCEPTIONS!!

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL Coaches are required to pay the entry fee, NO EXCEPTIONS!!

All American Sports Complex: $15/car CASH or $17/CAR by CARD

The Ballpark at League City:
- $10 CASH OR CARD for all adults and youth 13 & Up
- 2 Coaches Free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX + Tax (CARD ONLY)

Rabb Rd: $10/car Cash ONLY

Pep Mueller: $10/person CASH OR CARD

Unleashed Athletics
-18yr and under FREE
-$0/Individual: Military and First Responders *WITH VALID ID*
-$0/Coach, 2 Coaches per team
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Action 12u White
8 Austin Anderson 7 2 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/5/2024
20 Trey Collazo 33 6 League City Impact 10/5/2024
19 Dylan Reynolds 38 6 League City Impact 10/5/2024
66 8 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/6/2024
Total 104 14
2 Parker Rocha 7 0 League City Impact 10/5/2024
3 Marco A Sanchez III 27 3 League City Impact 10/5/2024
30 4 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/6/2024
Total 57 7
5 Cole Stanley 73 13 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/5/2024
Banditos 12u Black
4 Ryan Etheredge 11 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/5/2024
59 9 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/6/2024
Total 70 12
10 Fielder Grebert 27 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/5/2024
40 3 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 67 6
28 Waylon Harris 20 3 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/5/2024
4 2 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/6/2024
Total 24 5
77 Noah Kelly 10 3 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/5/2024
49 4 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/6/2024
Total 59 7
1 Mikayel Khan 4 1 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/5/2024
45 9 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 49 10
8 Tobias Lowry 12 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/5/2024
26 9 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/6/2024
Total 38 12
7 Jacob Meche 20 3 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/5/2024
21 3 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 41 6
3 Reydan Salas 11 2 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/5/2024
38 6 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/6/2024
Total 49 8
6 Ethan Shelledy 21 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/5/2024
19 3 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 40 6
14 Sean Ryan Bartel 7 1 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
15 Jacob Cannon 23 4 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/5/2024
72 7 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
Total 95 11
10 Julian Herrera 2 1 Texas Saint’S 10/6/2024
21 Zach Mortensen 0 1 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
1 0 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
Total 1 1
25 Marco Palacios Jr. 7 0 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
8 Jordan Salinas 41 8 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/5/2024
61 10 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 102 18
34 Tripp Southwell 33 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/5/2024
56 9 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 89 12
17 Rawlings Sprencel 29 5 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/5/2024
78 17 Texas Saint’S 10/6/2024
Total 107 22
7 Brayden Worthen 17 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/5/2024
27 5 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
Total 44 8
Canes 12u Premier
10 Apollo Brooks 16 2 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/5/2024
4 Jose Castillo 13 1 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/5/2024
35 4 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 48 5
89 Miles Dickerson 35 3 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/5/2024
9 Levi Mechler 51 8 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/5/2024
50 Walker Rouse 26 7 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/5/2024
20 5 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 46 12
1 Devan Wilkerson 12 3 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/5/2024
Cba Heat 12u Black
12 Camden Armijo 37 7 Canes 12u Premier 10/5/2024
17 Ayden Bautista 50 5 Canes 12u Premier 10/5/2024
26 Michael Crowley 15 4 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/6/2024
2 Bryan Daniel 33 3 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/5/2024
24 Richard De La Rosa 15 3 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/5/2024
60 17 Texas Swingman - Cruz 10/6/2024
Total 75 20
51 Eli Hull 50 8 Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u 10/5/2024
6 Drayton Moxley 25 0 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/6/2024
21 Andres Tovar 13 3 Canes 12u Premier 10/5/2024
64 8 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/6/2024
Total 77 11
DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black
8 Juan Cesin 16 2 Lbc Central Whinery 10/5/2024
21 Daveyn Dobard 35 8 Lbc Central Whinery 10/5/2024
99 Zachary Logan 60 12 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/5/2024
27 Kaeden Phansana 24 3 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/5/2024
44 Colton (Vegas) Suprenant 43 7 Lbc Central Whinery 10/5/2024
29 Javier Tamara 85 15 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
Dulins Dodgers - Davidson 12u
11 Landyn Alvarenga 43 4 Canes 12u Premier 10/5/2024
2 Blaine Andrews 26 5 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/5/2024
1 Jaime Garcia 63 13 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/5/2024
17 Chandler Lewis 33 6 Banditos 12u Black 10/6/2024
24 Michael McSwain 1 0 Banditos 12u Black 10/6/2024
12 Matthew Mesquita 41 3 Banditos 12u Black 10/6/2024
3 Kason Vonner 31 6 Canes 12u Premier 10/5/2024
Dulins Dodgers Prime - Rae
21 Cutler Arden 70 8 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/5/2024
97 Slade Armstrong 21 4 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/5/2024
50 Kaesen Kakalecik 27 3 Unleashed 12u Black 10/5/2024
9 Noah King 87 9 Premier Motley-12u 10/6/2024
14 Darran Perry 26 1 Premier Motley-12u 10/6/2024
1 Cesar Rivera Menchaca 19 3 Unleashed 12u Black 10/5/2024
5 0 Premier Motley-12u 10/6/2024
Total 24 3
29 Matthew Ward 1 0 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/5/2024
33 6 Unleashed 12u Black 10/5/2024
Total 34 6
Elevate National 12U Treshock
Daniel Castaneda 42 9 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/5/2024
1 0 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/6/2024
Total 43 9
99 Michael Chavira 27 3 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/6/2024
6 Kinsler Hinojosa 2 0 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/6/2024
5 Ethan Juarez Almanza 26 3 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/5/2024
10 Cooper Malouf 25 3 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/5/2024
21 Isaac Pacheco 35 5 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/6/2024
12 Hudson Ramsey 47 9 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/5/2024
19 1 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/6/2024
Total 66 10
Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner
7 Jaxson Castille 25 7 Just Dawgs 12U 10/5/2024
19 3 Texas Saint’S 10/6/2024
Total 44 10
12 Ryker Elliott 21 2 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/5/2024
77 11 Texas Saint’S 10/6/2024
Total 98 13
4 William Jahner 8 2 Just Dawgs 12U 10/5/2024
29 6 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/5/2024
Total 37 8
10 Malek Kamel 24 3 Just Dawgs 12U 10/5/2024
34 Steven Lewis Jr 33 3 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/5/2024
99 Isaac Perla 62 6 Just Dawgs 12U 10/5/2024
2 Bentley Powers 25 1 Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton 10/5/2024
Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro
99 Chase Adam 27 5 Lbc Central Kalmick 10/5/2024
67 9 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 94 14
34 Nathan Buenrostro 7 2 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
9 Mason Estrada 15 3 Lbc Central Kalmick 10/5/2024
36 8 Premier Motley-12u 10/6/2024
Total 51 11
Aharon Linarez 26 4 Lbc Central Kalmick 10/5/2024
36 4 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 62 8
32 4 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 94 12
Christopher Siciruca 0 0 Lt Outlaws - Garcia 10/5/2024
13 Liam Sprinkle 10 3 Lt Outlaws - Garcia 10/5/2024
53 14 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 63 17
6 Bowen Taylor 51 9 Lt Outlaws - Garcia 10/5/2024
41 7 Premier Motley-12u 10/6/2024
Total 92 16
Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u
53 Kyler Bielss 51 9 Texas Swingman - Cruz 10/5/2024
13 Cade Chapman 25 3 Texas Swingman - Cruz 10/5/2024
9 Joshua Churchill 1 0 Texas Swingman - Cruz 10/5/2024
69 15 Dulins Dodgers Prime - Rae 10/5/2024
Total 70 15
Ruben Elias 79 18 Banditos 12u Black 10/6/2024
Angel Gomez 70 15 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/6/2024
15 Chandler Hall 48 12 Canes 12u Premier 10/6/2024
Alejandro Patrick 65 9 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
24 Khaleb Royster 8 3 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams
99 Nick Aguilar 69 9 Premier Motley-12u 10/5/2024
44 Trevor Alexander 51 8 Midlothian Panthers 10/5/2024
24 Kayden Chapa 26 4 Midlothian Panthers 10/5/2024
10 Mason Kainer 78 15 Lbc Central Whinery 10/6/2024
50 Mason Rowell 29 6 Premier Motley-12u 10/5/2024
Just Dawgs 12U
0 Landon Burkhardt 22 6 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/5/2024
56 7 Midlothian Panthers 10/6/2024
Total 78 13
17 Fabrizio Castillo 55 6 Midlothian Panthers 10/6/2024
6 Adam Megale 18 3 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/5/2024
5 William Moore 17 2 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/5/2024
2 Champ Pennington 37 12 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/5/2024
28 Carter Theobald 20 2 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/5/2024
27 Wyatt Theobald 22 1 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/5/2024
14 2 Midlothian Panthers 10/6/2024
Total 36 3
7 Chase Thompson 34 4 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/5/2024
Lbc Central Dydalewicz
17 Cameron Benton 56 9 Just Dawgs 12U 10/5/2024
14 Ryan Fischer 43 6 Just Dawgs 12U 10/5/2024
1 Nolan Hall 48 4 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/5/2024
27 Evan Masters 45 6 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/5/2024
99 Blake Owen 13 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
21 Braxtton Reiling 55 12 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/6/2024
12 Lincoln Short 27 5 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
12 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/6/2024
Total 39 8
23 Austin Tijerina 57 7 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
Lbc Central Kalmick
44 Lucas Burris 43 2 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
4 Easton Darity 31 2 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/5/2024
11 Jaxson Griffith 21 3 Texas Saint’S 10/5/2024
2 Brayden Pounds 32 6 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/5/2024
22 4 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 54 10
14 Jonathan Tapia 27 1 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/5/2024
14 0 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 41 1
13 Kristian Valadez 42 9 Texas Saint’S 10/5/2024
34 6 Unleashed 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 76 15
46 Tru Zook 8 3 Texas Saint’S 10/5/2024
32 3 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/5/2024
Total 40 6
Lbc Central Whinery
21 Lincoln Bosson 60 8 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/5/2024
13 Alan Diaz 78 13 Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams 10/6/2024
8 Carson Mitchell 21 3 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/5/2024
64 8 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 85 11
27 Wesley Mitchell 21 5 Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams 10/6/2024
25 3 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 46 8
30 Ryland Smith 23 6 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/5/2024
10 Merrick Uriarte 52 9 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/5/2024
34 4 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 86 13
League City Impact
26 Jake Bradley 44 9 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
29 2 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 73 11
3 Jaxon Chism 37 9 Usa Prime Titans 12u 10/5/2024
53 10 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 90 19
24 Brock Dennis 1 0 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
9 Khyber Mann 55 9 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
2 Colton Oshel 59 9 Usa Prime Titans 12u 10/5/2024
17 2 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/6/2024
Total 76 11
Lt Outlaws - Garcia
23 Ethan Brandt 65 9 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/5/2024
35 Brennum Burleigh 45 12 Texas Saint’S 10/5/2024
44 Cade Carlson 14 3 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
1 Ayman Chmeis 52 5 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
9 Drew Duplechin 51 6 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
6 David Lopez 20 0 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/5/2024
Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau
25 Jake Bludau 21 3 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/6/2024
9 Owen Dietel 1 1 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/5/2024
1 Ashton Garibay 29 3 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/5/2024
42 Cooper Green 17 4 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
7 1 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/6/2024
Total 24 5
22 Mason Hemberger 39 6 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
21 Ford Nichols 8 3 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/5/2024
10 Garon Reynolds 37 4 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/5/2024
38 3 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/6/2024
Total 75 7
19 Wyatt Saxe 4 2 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
27 3 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/6/2024
Total 31 5
11 Levan Scheel 2 1 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/5/2024
5 Ethan Sensley 18 2 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
8 Drew Soto 31 3 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
0 Stetson Woerner 16 2 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/6/2024
Midlothian Panthers
88 Noah Allen 34 6 Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams 10/5/2024
20 Matthew Beaudine 34 3 Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams 10/5/2024
43 4 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/6/2024
Total 77 7
16 Clayton Berrington 38 5 Texas Edge Mitcham 10/6/2024
3 Hunter Blake 31 6 Premier Motley-12u 10/5/2024
96 Rhyder Hamilton 14 2 Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams 10/5/2024
13 Landry Jarvis 56 7 Just Dawgs 12U 10/6/2024
15 Cooper Reed 34 7 Just Dawgs 12U 10/6/2024
12 Beckham Shimek 57 8 Premier Motley-12u 10/5/2024
Ntx Aces Powered By Rawlings/Easton
2 Kinsler Braley 15 6 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/5/2024
0 Blayde Buck 11 3 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/5/2024
33 Kinsler Dedona 17 5 Banditos 12u Black 10/6/2024
89 Ayden Garza 5 0 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/6/2024
15 Mason Monreal 25 5 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/5/2024
13 Keaton Nibert 30 7 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/5/2024
46 9 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/6/2024
Total 76 16
6 3 Banditos 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 82 19
11 Easton Pipak 5 3 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/6/2024
7 Titus Solis 18 3 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/5/2024
37 Waylon Turner 21 3 Elevate National 12U Treshock 10/5/2024
60 10 Banditos 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 81 13
Premier Motley-12u
3 Delvin Deleon 22 3 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
4 3 Dulins Dodgers Prime - Rae 10/6/2024
Total 26 6
18 Spencer Goykhman 41 6 Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams 10/5/2024
23 6 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
Total 64 12
17 Landon Melcher II 29 9 Midlothian Panthers 10/5/2024
27 Silas Philip 22 6 Midlothian Panthers 10/5/2024
11 2 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
Total 33 8
13 Blake Rodgers 43 9 Dulins Dodgers Prime - Rae 10/6/2024
16 Tyler Rodriguez 41 9 Houston Wildcatters Orange - 12u - Adams 10/5/2024
12 1 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
Total 53 10
19 Caleb Soto 22 3 Midlothian Panthers 10/5/2024
16 2 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
Total 38 5
Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u
23 Edmanuel Borges 19 0 Lbc Central Whinery 10/6/2024
22 Marcelo De Rojas 0 0 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
35 5 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 35 5
46 11 Lbc Central Whinery 10/6/2024
Total 81 16
13 Robbie Haberkamp 46 7 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
15 3 Lbc Central Whinery 10/6/2024
Total 61 10
6 Austin Hernandez 33 5 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
1 1 Lbc Central Whinery 10/6/2024
Total 34 6
50 12 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
Total 84 18
24 Carter Ace Johnson 0 0 Usa Prime Titans 12u 10/5/2024
3 Chase Johnston 13 0 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
2 0 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 15 0
34 Wyatt Landry 75 13 Usa Prime Titans 12u 10/5/2024
99 Nathan Ortiz 1 0 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
68 10 League City Impact 10/6/2024
Total 69 10
12 Nolen Perez 0 0 Action 12u White 10/5/2024
10 2 Usa Prime Titans 12u 10/5/2024
Total 10 2
28 Adriano Villasana 27 5 League City Impact 10/6/2024
6 2 Houston Wildcatters - 12u - Buenrostro 10/6/2024
Total 33 7
49 6 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 82 13
Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver)
Connor Carter 41 6 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
Jaxon Casper 1 0 Midlothian Panthers 10/6/2024
Benjamin Manchaca 34 3 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
Casey Moore 40 5 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/5/2024
38 6 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/6/2024
Total 78 11
Jaxson Phillips 39 5 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/5/2024
42 9 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/6/2024
Total 81 14
Matty Smithwick 9 0 Southside Defenders - Romero 10/5/2024
Nathan Tovar 14 2 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/5/2024
Judah Trice 14 0 Texas Edge - Rigney 10/6/2024
Southside Defenders - Romero
44 Levi Ellis 34 6 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/5/2024
28 4 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 62 10
12 Gael Faudoa 12 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/5/2024
18 3 Action 12u White 10/6/2024
Total 30 6
45 Frank Fuda 40 7 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/5/2024
49 11 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 89 18
15 Noah Gamarra 71 11 Action 12u White 10/6/2024
7 Jordan Halas 23 5 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/5/2024
1 Brayden Ortiz 29 6 Marucci Elite Texas - Bludau 10/5/2024
32 1 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/6/2024
Total 61 7
Texas Edge - Rigney
2 Kaiden Bush 60 9 Banditos 12u Black 10/5/2024
1 Andrew Espinoza 9 0 Banditos-Bernal 10/5/2024
2 1 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/6/2024
Total 11 1
18 Evan Gonzalez 13 1 Banditos-Bernal 10/5/2024
15 2 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/6/2024
Total 28 3
48 Jesse Hernandez 11 0 Banditos 12u Black 10/5/2024
64 8 Scorpions Team EASTON (Silver) 10/6/2024
Total 75 8
13 Arturo Loera 6 0 Banditos-Bernal 10/5/2024
20 3 Banditos 12u Black 10/5/2024
Total 26 3
8 Frank Lucena 5 2 Banditos-Bernal 10/5/2024
29 1 Banditos 12u Black 10/5/2024
Total 34 3
3 Jacob Zuniga 42 6 Banditos-Bernal 10/5/2024
Texas Edge Mitcham
15 Colton Alford 12 0 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/5/2024
1 Jantzen Baker 14 3 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/5/2024
4 Evan Cockrell 22 1 Lbc Central Whinery 10/5/2024
56 11 Midlothian Panthers 10/6/2024
Total 78 12
31 Atticus Granato 6 0 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/5/2024
2 Jace Madrigal 0 0 Lbc Central Whinery 10/5/2024
24 Gunner Mahan 61 11 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/5/2024
63 11 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 124 22
7 Tanner Osborne 70 8 Lbc Central Whinery 10/5/2024
0 0 DG29 Baseball Academy 12u Black 10/5/2024
Total 70 8
99 Blaine Vardeman 7 0 Lbc Central Whinery 10/5/2024
8 3 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 15 3
25 Rylan Williams 2 1 Midlothian Panthers 10/6/2024
Texas Saint’S
Miguel Angel Elizondo Jr 31 5 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
25 Alexander Gamez 40 9 Lbc Central Kalmick 10/5/2024
0 Jay Garza 57 12 Lt Outlaws - Garcia 10/5/2024
1 0 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
Total 58 12
31 Benjamin Hernandez 50 8 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/6/2024
17 Azael Morales Jr 10 0 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/6/2024
14 Guillermo Perez 51 9 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
Angel Rodriguez 34 6 Lbc Central Kalmick 10/5/2024
22 4 Free Agents - Hyde/Jahner 10/6/2024
Total 56 10
Texas Swingman - Cruz
24 Ayden Arreola 29 1 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/5/2024
2 Rafael Flores 46 11 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/6/2024
32 Lucas Gomez 38 4 Unleashed 12u Black 10/5/2024
4 Connery Moreno 1 0 Unleashed 12u Black 10/5/2024
35 Isaiah Salas 26 3 Unleashed 12u Black 10/5/2024
28 3 Cba Heat 12u Black 10/6/2024
Total 54 6
11 Arian Salinas 46 6 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/5/2024
27 Andrew Tristan 44 4 Unleashed 12u Black 10/5/2024
23 Javier Yan 54 5 Houston Wildcatters - Elite - 12u 10/5/2024
Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas
11 Tucker Curtiss 40 3 Banditos 12u Black 10/5/2024
31 3 Usa Prime Titans 12u 10/6/2024
Total 71 6
23 Eli Gonzales 42 5 Banditos-Bernal 10/5/2024
23 3 Lt Outlaws - Garcia 10/6/2024
Total 65 8
22 3 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
Total 87 11
14 Jacob Johnson 32 3 Banditos 12u Black 10/5/2024
57 12 Lt Outlaws - Garcia 10/6/2024
Total 89 15
4 Cannon Klostermann 47 9 Banditos-Bernal 10/5/2024
17 4 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/6/2024
Total 64 13
2 Knox Kubena 3 1 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
17 Pryce Mackor 29 3 Banditos 12u Black 10/5/2024
74 11 Lbc Central Dydalewicz 10/6/2024
Total 103 14
9 Ivan Pena 57 7 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
Unleashed 12u Black
2 Bradley Cooper 34 6 Dulins Dodgers Prime - Rae 10/5/2024
3 Axel Dwyer 45 7 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
7 Bentley Harmon 68 12 Texas Swingman - Cruz 10/5/2024
99 Asher Hesson 36 4 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
0 Austin Pye 1 0 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
12 Pablo Rentas 49 9 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
40 3 Lbc Central Kalmick 10/6/2024
Total 89 12
17 Zachary Rose 34 9 Lbc Central Kalmick 10/6/2024
11 Brecken Semmler 42 3 Dulins Dodgers Prime - Rae 10/5/2024
98 Cash Wal 11 1 Dulins Dodgers Prime - Rae 10/5/2024
5 0 Banditos-Bernal 10/6/2024
Total 16 1
Usa Prime Titans 12u
Adrian Carraman 48 9 League City Impact 10/5/2024
Jace Cruz 9 0 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/5/2024
Joshua De Anda 53 9 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/5/2024
Carlos Garcia 53 9 League City Impact 10/5/2024
Antonio Ramirez 37 1 Texas Twelve 12u Maroon--South Texas 10/6/2024
Gabriel Rivas 14 3 Regulators Baseball Club - Red 12u 10/5/2024